I don’t know if a flat rate is really all that necessary honestly. I recently sent a box about the same size as a medium flat rate to Canada it was FULL of tea. It came to about 13.00 shipping.
Since Canadians and others outside of the US can’t use them anyway it may not really be that much of a savings for us here in the USA to use them even IN the USA.
Since tea weighs so very little I am pretty sure we can reasonable send a good sized box both here in the US and to Canada for less than a medium flat rate.
As for other countries (canada included) we could not use them anyway.
Yeah the only way a flat rate would be necessary is if even at say, two pounds, the box was going NY to CA repeatedly. That’s why I asked people for their zip codes, so I can plan it going across in a way where two pounds would be half the shipping cost…and that’s if it was over the max weight for first class.
I know there’s likely no way I can even fill a box with tea and have it weigh that much anyway. I’ll finally be home later today and I can see if I have any good looking boxes to use and just sort of give it a test run on the weight. I had problems even filling a flat rate padded envelope with enough tea by weight for it to even be worth the $5.30 for shipping priority!
I’d be interested :) Just keep me posted!!!!
I have not read all of the replies yet, and it might be pointless to say this, but what about making a rule about each tea sample be only a cup or 2-3’s worth of tea? and the tea can go into like mini baggies or something similar?
Well, if there is more than 2 or 3 cups worth and someone wants to try it, they can take some of it out, put it in their own baggie and then keep the rest of it moving. I’d imagine more than one person would like to try many of the teas…
I think Muppets Right you never know if you will like a tea and I would rather Have a taste then have a whole bag of something I don’t know if I like. :) Not saying everyone needs to do this but its a good Option
well i only meant that in the sense of having a set amount for there to be, and used the above as an example.. i was half asleep when I wrote it, so didn’t explain it better.
I know this one is filled but I would love to jump on the next one. I have done many box passes for other items and really enjoy them. It is a good way to try different things.
Amanda – will you be posting the list of participants and the order at the top of this thread? I’m planning on looking at the shopping lists for the next few people in line after me, to see if I can’t include tea in the box they might be searching for…
I’ll email everyone with it, at least. I’d rather it only become public as everyone gets it, if you understand. But definitely you will know who is in your group by private message or email.
I pulled this up yesterday and then didn’t even post anything.
To those of you who have signed up!
An email or PM here on Steepster went out to you. Please read it and let me know your email/address in reply. If you already sent me both of these, you can ignore that part if you want, but at least let me know you got the email/message.
I also forgot to mention that the order is not set in stone so both of them are going to change slightly right now but it only affects the top of the order so I’ve just been letting those people know.
That’s all, I have both boxes now and I’m just waiting for that tea for it!
If you didn’t receive a message from me, let me know and I’ll send it to you again.
Thanks guys!
Meeka, Scion, Jillian, Pekoe, and Wiicked, I have sent you messages twice now for both email and mailing addresses. For a couple of you I had one, but I’m looking for both to make sure communication is going to be done throughout the box.
I sent a message a week ago with all sorts of info and I have not heard back from you. I sent another message so hopefully now I will.
Otherwise there are going to be a lot of empty spots in Group A. I understand being busy but now I am giving you two weeks total to respond to a message and if you cannot do that I don’t want to see the box stop entirely. Don’t be afraid to let me know if something’s come up and you can’t participate, I will not eat you and hopefully the rest of the group won’t either!
Thanks guys.
I’m hoping for the boxes to head out on the 10th.
If you don’t get a response and bodies are needed for group A, I’m happy to participate in both boxes if a) canadian shipping doens’t make things a mess and b) there’s a need for additional bodies.
I’d hate for one of the boxes to be less exciting because of missing ppl
I might move people around since there’s a definite drop out now. If you’re willing to just switch groups, that would be perfect because I could put you into that spot. It’s between two other Canadians so it’d be perfect and it’d make it somewhat even for the time being.
If you need another body, please consider me! I promise I’m reliable, I answer messages quickly, and I don’t mind shipping to Canada. (I’m in Wisconsin.)
Will do! I’ll let you know if I will need anyone extra!
Same as Sil if you need me to switch groups, or to fill the additional spot in Group a I would love to.
Can’t wait for this to start.
I am looking forward to it as well. Its cool how much work and detail you’re putting in this project. :)
Amanda – I can switch groups or be in both. I’m easy – i don’t mind sharing tea and paying for shipping multiple boxes. I just want to see this be a success!
let me know if you get any openings, I just found out about this
Hi! I just found out about this too, but I would be interested if its possible to join in still :)
it’s full up for now, sorry! But there should be a second round when they’ve made their way back to me.
No problem! :) I’ll be waiting! This sounds like fun!
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