Which new features do you want the most?

1699 Replies
Relmaster said

I know it’s been said before,..but I would LOVE to have a Steepster iPhone or android app?! It would be so nice to review and “check-in” to the teas your are drinking on the go!!!

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KatNa said

You need a much easier way to report spam. Like a button that you click on. Boom it’s done. There is a spam post in a Win a Year of Tea From 52 teas thread, and I’m not going to jump through a bunch of question and answer deals and have to write a title topic and paragraph about the problem.
The Report anything inappropriate blurby thing is difficult to manage.

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Skysamurai said

I would love a steepster app.

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Jen M said

I know this one has been mentioned before because it’s right above my reply: an app.

I have no idea if this one has been suggested before (sorry, not going through 45 pages of replies), so here it is: the ability to upload photos to our ratings. Like a cup of it steeping, a pic of someone dumping it down the drain, what it looks like cold-steeped, etc.

coral23 said

I actually came to here to suggest just this. I think it would be a great way to add content options to tealogs. Tea is pretty, teaware is pretty, why not show it off?

Anna said


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At the very least, could you guys make the website more smartphone friendly? Navigating the site on a portable device is a bit cumbersome.

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Debbie select said

Would love to be able to search my cupboard. I have multiple pages of tea and it’s time consuming to comb through it sometimes, or frustrating to search the entire steepster database.

I definitely second this!
Coding wise, this shouldn’t be that hard to add! At least, I hope not!!

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Jonoerik said

Secure logins would be nice.
Well done on the top notch web design though.

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Just a minor thing but I think it would be convenient/handy to have a button next to each tea on the shopping list to add directly to our cupboard. The way it is now, if I buy a tea listed on my shopping list, I have to remove it. Then, I have to go to the tea page and add it to my cupboard. It’s not a big deal, but it might be nice if it’s not too hard to do.

Anna said



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Ability to have polls in the discussion thread.

probably suggested already, maybe a way to custom tag/categorize or add short notes, visible when viewing the cupboard?

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More Discussion categories. For example: White Tea, Black Tea, etc. The Search works pretty good, but sometimes I like to just browse and there is a lot under “General.”

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