If I were to win, I would want to try out the new Teavana Body + Soul White Tea first thing!
With the cold and snowy winter season of NY in effect and Christmas right around the corner, I would bundle up warm with a large mug of one of World Flavor’s seasonal teas. As a baking and pastry student at the Culinary Institute of America currently in Chocolates class, I’ve been craving chocolate teas!
I would love to try Dark Chocolate Winter in Roth’s Sorapot. Thank you Joey and STEEPSTAAA!!
I like the way the tea pot profile is reminiscent of a uranium rod. Very cool.
Amazing contest! Merry Christmas
I t wait to see what exciting changes happen next year! PS wicked contest.
AMAZING contest, and at the perfect time.
I know it’s simple, but if I won I’d brew the Rooibos Berry. Delicious, warm, comforting.
There is nothing wrong w/ simple as long as you’re drinking something you love.
Winning this contest would boost me up from amateur tea brewer to Tea Maven Extraordinaire! Good luck to you all!
Everything looks amazing!
I think I would try the Wuyi Great Red Robe from Pearl Fine Teas first!
If I won the contest, the first tea I would make in it would be Upton’s Richmond Park Blend. That’s what I’m craving most this winter!
Holy smokes, this would be amazing to win!! If I did win, then I’d have to review all of those teas too… :)
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