Steepster Bug Status Thread

701 Replies
Leafhopper said

Is the dashboard down again? My last note was from Roswell 17 hours ago and I haven’t been getting email alerts for discussion topics.

Looks like it :(

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Leafhopper said

Darn! I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing any notes and why no one was contributing to the sales posts. What a time to go down!

I imagine most people at Adagio will be off for a few days now with Thanksgiving as well… :(

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Seems we are stuck again, as I don’t get any “notices” for liked posts :(

I just posted a tea review, can confirm. Dash is down yet again. (Is it ever even up anymore…?)

Sending an e-mail to adagio…

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Leafhopper said

Looks like the dashboard’s down again!

Seems like

Reported again. sigh.

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Come on! Reported.

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Leafhopper said

LOL, I was expecting an adva-lanche of notes today. Guess it makes sense that the dashboard is down again.

Well, not that many yet :/
But it makes me quite sad, as it is every second day.

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Leafhopper said

Agreed, it’s been happening quite frequently.

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Reported stall.

Thank you!

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Reported stall (again)


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Courtney said

I am having an issue posting to two specific teas (one happened a few months ago and one yesterday — neither have worked, though I’ve tried them both multiple times, from multiple browsers, multiple devices, and after clearing cookies and cache).

I’m able to post to other teas without an issue, but these ones freeze when I hit ‘post’ and never move from that page. If anyone has any ideas, that would be awesome!

P.S. I emailed Adagio, but thus far they have not been helpful. They noted that I can’t post to these teas as they are ‘unavailable for purchase’ and that ‘the owner of the post would have to add a link to purchase them’. I am now waiting on another reply, which will hopefully have a solution.

Courtney said

The newest reply from Adagio is now: ‘likely the permissions are for moderators/admins to add links’.

Kaylee said

oof. fwiw, I just tested and was able to post test notes for both of those teas. I don’t actually have a suggested solve for you though!

Courtney said

Thanks for checking! It does seem to be user-specific, because I tried again after seeing your note and sadly no luck. I’m also now not able to post to “Random Steepings” either.

Adagio has since replied saying ‘This is not something we monitor on Steepster. Sorry for any inconvenience.’

And just now I tried to post to and it happened there as well.

Courtney said

I seemed to have figured out a workaround for one of the teas! I have always copied and pasted my notes in, but wrote this one instead and it worked. Quite thrilled!

I’m sure nobody is surprised that Adagio was entirely unhelpful.

Kaylee said

I’m glad you found a workaround! “This is not something we monitor” is so unhelpful as to be almost funny.

I found out that some certain emojis can make “kettle” error when adding a new tea and that emoji being in description. Maybe it is very same issue?

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