I wanted to try this Earl Grey again and finish up my sample; it’s inclusion of lavender excluded it from the straight Earl tasting a few days ago. But I did have that Earl Grey Choice by Zhi Tea that also has lavender then, so I thought it would be nice to compare. Once again I was left with not quite enough leaf in my sample pouch, but last time I had this I thought it was a little weak so I didn’t want to take a chance on that again, so I brewed it in an 8oz mug instead of my 12oz Kati cup.
It’s still a remarkably light tea at 4 minutes, but I’m also really enjoying it. The tea base is oh so smooth, and the bergamot and lavender are perfectly balanced with each other and it. The bergamot is bright and citrusy without being astringent, the lavender is floral and soothing without being too herby or soapy. This is definitely going on the to-order list.