I decided to try to start going through some of my lingering samples by cold steeping them for lunch, which has the added benefit of using up more tea than a regularly brewed cup. Yesterday I was adding the rest of my sample of Tea District’s Marvelous Mango to my cup, but there wasn’t really enough, so I decided to throw the remainder of my Upton Vanilla Black in as well. Vanilla Mango sounded decently tasty. Fortunately Jen set up this combination tea so that I can easily log it! It ended up being about 2 tsp Mango to 4 tsp Vanilla, cold steeped in 16oz of water. I was surprised that the vanilla wasn’t stronger, especially since it made up the majority of the tea, but the cup was acutally more mango-y with some hints of vanilla. Pretty tasty, and it made me want to experiment with vanilla-fruit combos in some of my other cold steeps.