I’ve been wanting to try this one for a while now; I love chocolate tea, and I love Earl Grey tea, so the two of them together was very appealing to me! And now, thanks to twiggles and the HoppiTea swap, I have a sample!
I might have expected this tea to smell like a chocolate orange or something, but the aroma comes together in a way that you can distinctly smell the roasty chocolate and the somewhat floral EG, and they also meld together. This tea doesn’t hit you over the head with either flavor, and considering how chocolates and EGs can both have a tendancy to do so, it’s impressive. I don’t get as much of a citrusy EG as a floral one (I think the jasmine flowers contribute to that), though as it cools I think I get a hint of lemongrass on the end of the sip. I brewed it for only 3 minutes, but since I get no hints of bitterness whatsoever I think I’ll go up to 4 next time as suggested. This one was different than I was expecting, but very good! I look forward to sipping through my sample!
ETA: The resteep on this is fantastic… the chocolate takes a backseat and becomes a supporting flavor (though still evident), but the bergamot comes out with a more citrusy flavor. The jasmine is evident here as well, adding a smooth floral note. Delicious!