I could have sworn that I’ve drank this tea before, long ago, but I don’t want to blame Steepster for eating my note because it is entirely possible that I haven’t and just thought I had.
Anyway, my work tea buddy Equusfell got a sample of this in a recent Upton order, found it to be very bergamotty and thought of me, the bergamot lover. :) She described the scent of the dry leaf as bergamot and cookies, and I can agree with that. The vanilla in this really brings out the cookie-ish notes that I can sometimes find in Earl Greys.
This is both heavy on the vanilla and heavy on the bergamot. Whatever base they put on this can’t really stand up to it. It has a slight tendancy to go almost bitter on the aftertaste, like the pith of a lemon, and the sweet vanilla cream can’t quite cover it up. But overall a pretty tasty tea.