This is a note for the reblend of this tea, which I almost feel should get a different listing (especially since I’m not sure what the base tea is in the reblend? Zhu Rong?), but people have been logging the reblend here so I’ll put my note here too. I was so excited to hear that this tea got reblended. It was one of the first blends Verdant offered, back when they called their blends line “Alchemy” (I was one of the first people to try it!) and I loved it. Then it got retired, and I was sad. I was doubly sad when I cancelled my blends club just before they reblended two of my faves. But because Verdant is the best, Lily offered to sell me some of what was left of the blends. Score! I almost went crazy and bought a lot, but I remembered how long it takes me to drink up my teas and just bought 2oz of each.
This smells amazing in the dry leaf. Lots of bright bergamot and citrus, with a rich, bakery-esque base. That smell also carries over to the brewed tea as well. It is SO citrusy, almost like a lemon drop. And the base smells a bit chocolatey and a bit like toasted grains. The original blend wasn’t really chocolately at all, so that is a new addition to this blend, but one I definitely like. The Yunnan Golden Buds in the original blend gave it honey-caramel notes (according to my original tasting notes!), which are not as present here. Nevertheless, this is a blend that lives up to my fond memories of the first one. The flavor is very citrusy, with a rich dark-chocolatey base, a bit of toasted grains, and a smooth creaminess. Very nice. The inital sip is very lemony and generally citrusy, and then the bergamot kind of peeks out from the back and says “hi.” I think I could probably drop to 2tsp/12oz of water and be happy with this one (Zhu Rong is a bit more robust, and there isn’t as much “stuff” in this blend as some others).
MMmm this is SUCH a great Earl Grey. Please add it to your permanent blends, Verdant! I know it’s a bit simpler than some of your blends, but every tea company should have a straight Earl Grey, no? :D At least I have 2oz of this one, which should last me for a while.
I’ve been absent for a while but that’s because I was moving! Almost settled in now, though I need some tea storage for my new place. I’m back at work this week (for just this week, though! Then I’m off traveling again), and thus back to the majority of my tea stash. I now have central AC at home, though, so I can drink hot tea in the summer! Woah!
Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus, Cream, Dark Chocolate, Grain, Lemon
Moving is so stressful and so awesome at the same time. I hope you are loving your new place!