tap tap Is this thing on?
Yes, it’s true, Steepsterites, I have returned! After two months in remote Madagascar, I am back in the states and back in tea heaven. Malagasy tea just plain sucks (tastes like nothing no matter how long you steep it), so I have basically been tea-less for over 2 months now. My return was even delayed two days by some mega-craziness at the end of our field season.
Now I have about a million things to take care of plus I am currently homeless and not having a lot of success finding an apartment. Do you know how many problems you run up against in daily life if you don’t have a permanent address? A lot.
But yes, lovely delicious tea is now mine. It is very difficult to chose a first tea after all that time, but I didn’t spend that much time thinking about it really. And fortunately this tea is still flavorful and wonderful despite it’s advancing age. Love that floral marzipan combo, and the tasty black tea peaking out from underneath the flavors. Man it’s good to be back and having a nice cup of tea.
Hooray! You are back! We have been clicking on your page and whimpering now and then…we missed you! Now start drinking some good tea to make up for lost time! :)
Welcome back!!! Hope everything gets sorted out for you soon!
Welcome back!! I hope you find an apartment soon <3
Welcome back, glad you are safely in tea country. All will be well!
Good choice for your welcome-back-to-civilization tea!
You are home! Welcome back and I hope the apartment hunting is quick and fruitful!
Welcome back!!!
Nice to see from you again! Apartment hunting is no picnic… I feel for ya!
Yay you’re back! Good luck with the apartment. :)
Hooray! You are back! We have been clicking on your page and whimpering now and then…we missed you! Now start drinking some good tea to make up for lost time! :)
Welcome back! Find any dinosaurs?
welcome back!
Woot there you are!