Backlog: A sample provided with an order of a tea I should have bought more of.
I assumed this one would be vegetal, but it wasn’t. It actually was sweeter and more well rounded than the regular Lapsang. It was very sweet gong fur and western, and the oak and jasmine were prominent, followed by really refreshing minty aftertaste that was sweet-no bitterness or leafy ness. This tea was just as jasmine heavy as one of my scented blacks-which is impressive. I also got caramel in its body, and the texture was as smooth as any expensive tea I get. Tree gum kept on coming to mind for this one, nevermind the tea was very smooth and easy to drink.
There was more to this tea outside of the three notes, but I was really surprised by how distinct each of the flavors were, and how well they worked together. This was like a great malt liquor or scotch, and every flavor worked well with it. I almost bought more of this one, and I should have…but I have a lot of Wuyi black right now anyway. And I bought more of other teas that I should not have spent money on. Anyway.
I am going to write more Trident teas and blacks, but out of all the black Trident Teas, this one was my favorite because it combines some of my favorite flavors into something unexpected. It’s a natural tea, but man is it so good. I had to give Leafhopper a taste of this one because it really stands out for me.
Flavors: Caramel, Honey, Jasmine, Malt, Mint, Oak, Scotch, Wood
This tea smells good in the bag, and I’ve been meaning to try it when I have some time to focus.