Thank you so much Alistair! I was pretty pleased with this Jin Xuan. The milk taste that this tea is known for was more pronounced and the body was very well balanced. It was a little bit grassy, but it was more creamy overall. The florals were definitely there being something like orchid, hyacinth, and barely honeysuckle going a little towards gardenia, but they were not super pronounced and more generalized in a creamy category. I brewed it starting off with a minute, another minutes and 15 sec, 1 min 45 sec, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min. It was sweeter in the first steep having more creamer qualities there, more florals and creamy grass in the middle, and an end with a light rise in green sweetness. The creamy texture and florals definitely compared to an Ali Shan and was better than quite a few I’ve had that were flat. I still prefer the Li Shan from What-Cha as my favorite.
I also got this tea to compare to Spirit Tea’s Mei Shan. They were practically the same. Spirit’s version was thicker, but this one was lighter and a hint less grassy. The differences were fractions of a decimal though. I recommend this one over that one because it’s half as much for the exact same quality.