This was one of the first teas from Adagio that I got, and honestly, my geekiness begged me to get this one. River is one of my favorite characters although they did not develop her as fully as some of the others. There were facets of her personality that I could connect with oddly enough, and I admit that I enjoyed the crap out of how she fought the Reavers in Serenity.
Anyway, I got it last year as a sample for while I was up at school. I have had green and black blends before, and they are a hit or miss for me. Blending black and green normally result in a really mellowed out tasting black tea with the crisp green in the back ground, sometimes being too weak, or nicely balanced out. This one I had to be careful with because the black base is a cream Earl Grey, so I made sure to have the exact same amount of green tea, black tea, and rose petals in every cup. It turned out to be one of the nicer green and black blends after all. I am also really glad that distributed the rose petals in the detail that I did, because I would have not otherwise tasted them as a complimentary accent.
With that said, it’s a good tea, but not great. I am glad that I sampled this instead of getting a full tin. The tin for this specific one is also a delight to have, which is also one of the reasons why Adagio is so expensive: it’s for the dang tins. Worth a try, but not something I highly recommend. I honestly couldn’t imagine what the other adagios taste like: thank heavens I was picky and chose the blended ones.
Flavors: Bergamot, Flowers, Malt, Rose