14 Tasting Notes
Pretty disgusting. No matter how long or how little I steep it, the aftertaste makes me gag, and after I’ve drunk any my mouth feels almost like it’s coated in some kind of film. This may honestly be the worst tea I’ve ever had. It put me off trying any other Good Earth teas for a long time.
Personally, when I think “I want some tea”, Twinings Irish Breakfast is usually the tea I’m thinking of. It more or less defines the very word for me. Robust, delicious, and not too fussy about water temperature or steeping time. I like mine hot with a generous spoonful of sugar and no milk.
Ginger ginger ginger. It was way too much and nearly overpowered everything else. To top that off, what little peach flavor I could taste turned out to be totally disgusting combined with the ginger. I could barely taste any of the tea itself underneath at all. I was given this box for free by someone trying to get rid of it, and I see why — I’d drink just about anything rather than have a cup of this forced on me.
I normally avoid Lipton teas as much as possible, but sometimes you’re out of anything in the house and it’s too much trouble to drive anywhere that you can pick up better… so I’ve been stuck with a box of this for a while. It’s fairly bland and watery and the chai spices are rather hard to taste — well, everything is hard to taste. I discovered a way to make it palatable, though: throwing a bag of Lipton Spiced Chai and a bag of Lipton French Vanilla into the same mug in an attempt to use them up produced a concoction that was actually pretty worth drinking.
Whatever you do, though, don’t oversteep this; it will go straight from “watery” to “disgustingly bitter” with very little room in between.