Pretty disgusting. No matter how long or how little I steep it, the aftertaste makes me gag, and after I’ve drunk any my mouth feels almost like it’s coated in some kind of film. This may honestly be the worst tea I’ve ever had. It put me off trying any other Good Earth teas for a long time.

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I love tea, period! I’m always open to trying new things and I have favorites among all different varieties, from blacks to herbals and everything in between.

Due to cost and ease-of-use considerations, I mostly drink bagged teas as opposed to loose leaf, and this will be reflected in the types of reviews posted here. If you’re interested in thoughts about which grocery store teas don’t suck then you’re in the right place.

My very favorite teas are black and oolong — black with sugar and no milk, oolong straight — and I also love green. After living in Japan for a while, though, the cheap stuff here just doesn’t compare to the cheap stuff there ;) I’m far enough south to have grown up with sweet tea in the house, too, so basically I have a wide appreciation for things that aren’t necessarily considered “good-quality” tea. I just go by what my tastebuds tell me!



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