Earlier today I spent two hours in a dentist chair enduring the replacement of four fillings and a new crown. The numbness encompassing the right side of my head has worn off, and the 600mg of Motrin might as well have been a handful of Skittles. Two hours in that chair I sat, listening to the drill, feeling my head rattle, smelling the smoke, and straining to keep my jaw open for way more time than the human jaw is meant to stay open. Not unlike Patrick “The Hooligan” Holohan after an epic beatdown, my mind was set on one thing and one thing only:
Now that I can finally drink without dribbling the contents of my cup down my chin, I have chosen to enjoy an inaugural steep of White2Tea’s 2005 Naka. I know that because of the issues going on with my mouth that I’ll have to drink this tea again to get a true sense of it, but because I’m still feeling that post dental appointment crappiness, I suspect this tea will hit the spot once I get going.
Tobacco is the predominant aroma I’m getting from the wet leaf. It’s incredibly smooth and not what I consider to be bitter, but I am getting a fair amount of mouth puckering astringency. Lots of pipe tobacco in the flavor too. I bet a pipe smoker would love this tea.
By the third steep I am starting to feel funny. Like my head is floating above my body like a balloon. I’m over ten steeps now I think (once again I suck at keeping track of that). I feel pretty warm and mellow at this point. Like I’m wrapped in a fleece blanket. All I need are those little hotdogs, like maybe 25 or 30 of them. No no no no no. Not hotdogs. I’m going to have stop this review right now and head out to the Dank Burrito for some pork belly tacos. Later!
you are funny. i dont drink anything special when i go to the dentist. the taste of medicine in my mouth makes me even nauseous.
I’ve sessioned this a bunch.
Interesting to hear about it being so smoky. I get a slight amount but perhaps I’m more immune to it. I’ve also heard others saying similar things about it.. There’s a little bit of roughness (at least compared to those YQH cakes) that it still has left to sort out but I do enjoy this tea a lot in most of my sitdowns with it.
@jschergen: To my palate, tobacco flavor is different from smoke. To me the aroma and flavor is like unlit pipe tobacco or an unlit cigar. It isn’t smokey at all really. I know, I’m weird.
Nothing like the ’05 Naka to take the edge off the dentist enough to ruin the dental work with munchies!
you are funny. i dont drink anything special when i go to the dentist. the taste of medicine in my mouth makes me even nauseous.
I’ve sessioned this a bunch.
Interesting to hear about it being so smoky. I get a slight amount but perhaps I’m more immune to it. I’ve also heard others saying similar things about it.. There’s a little bit of roughness (at least compared to those YQH cakes) that it still has left to sort out but I do enjoy this tea a lot in most of my sitdowns with it.
@jschergen: To my palate, tobacco flavor is different from smoke. To me the aroma and flavor is like unlit pipe tobacco or an unlit cigar. It isn’t smokey at all really. I know, I’m weird.
Oh my goodness, your pour mouth/jaw!
Nothing like the ’05 Naka to take the edge off the dentist enough to ruin the dental work with munchies!
Regarding tobacco/smoke: I used to consider this tea somkey, but now I realize that it’s closer to an ash taste. But I still taste some smoke in there.