So I was going to take a stab at reviewing this tonight, in a measured and thoughtful way, but that sort of went out the window when for whatever reason, Steepster kind of shit the bed (at least for me) and I got all these wacky 404/dashboard? what dashboard?/these-are-not-the-droids-you’re -looking-for error messages. I know, I could have gotten a pen and paper and written down my thoughts, but that would have involved getting up and I was more interested in alternately staring at/smelling/drinking the tea. Which was, as others have said, completely weird. I could taste the roast, and sense the flowers yelling “help us help us” from the fire, and also there was buttered toast. What a long strange trip it’s been. Recommended? I don’t know. I don’t feel qualified to answer that question, even for myself. I should probably go to bed.
Anytime you are typing anything of length in a browser, you should copy it to clipboard/some other application before submitting. I learned this after multiple forum posts lost when my internet drops. :(
This review amused me greatly. :3