West China Tea Company
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The dry leaf aroma of this oolong tea is so pungent and fruity smelling with thick saucy red fruit aromas that remind me of various types of chutney! I love Rougui so much, and this one is completely lovely from the first infusion with a nice deep roast that hits you in the back of the chest and complex notes of grilled cherries, baked apple, burnt pie crust, roasted chicory root, and of course cinnamon! It’s really the sweet tang of the cherry against the heavy roast and charcoal/mineral flavours that’s pulling me in though! Mmmm! Buuuttt it makes me wonder, if West China Tea put out a “Hydra Meat” tea what would that taste like!?
Tea Photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcvTpcWucSc/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXzPgsoKKJA&ab_channel=EXUM
It’s been what feels like forever since I last had a really, really good Ruby 18 session, and this one was borderline perfect. Full-bodied and velvety smooth with a really round feeling to the liquor. That signature wintergreen tasting note was so prominent and consistently carried throughout each infusion, and maybe it’s because I was enjoying this session outdoors immediately following a heavy rainfall where the air was cool, crisp, heavy with petrichor and seemingly amplifying all the surrounding scents but I found it to be especially fresh and aromatic as the tea was steeping and coming off the wet leaves. Aside from that most important tasting note, I thought the session also had an overarching sweetness with thick notes of bourbon caramel, vanilla, sweet potato, dark chocolate, and just a hint of red plum in the undertones.
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/DBMBCCFJEan/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzvx9iSON2g
I recently had a strong craving for some new Sun Moon Lake tea and I actually picked some up from a couple vendors, but this is the first I’ve steeped of those more recent tea orders and it REALLY hit the spot yesterday!! From the moment the water hit the tea leaves it was just so sweet and aromatic!! It was a lovely session filled with syrupy flavours of malty baked bread, fermented red fruits, chocolate ganache, thick golden honey and the trademark wintergreen finishing note that I think is realllllyyyy what I was seeking out way deep down when I placed this order!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CZZwP7Su1z9/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXoGc4C6iyc&ab_channel=JuniorMesa
Interesting! I wonder how it compares to my #1 favorite tea, “Brandy Oolong”, also a red from Sun Moon Lake area gardens, and sold by TeaLyra (dot com).
Was the wintergreen as strong as is found in Ceylon Uva Highlands? I bought some of that from Harney and found the flavour to be off-putting. I never got that mintiness from the Brandy Oolong I mentioned above, so your SML red may be totally different. Glad it was to your liking tho’! The description of your SML red sounds as if it may be one of the native Taiwanese varieties, with which I’ve got little if any experience.
Stacking infusions for first tea session of the day! This golden flower tea is different from others I’ve tasted in its flavour notes, but it’s quite relaxing and smooth! While it’s a but of a lighter bodied tea overall I’m getting notes of dark buckwheat honey, toasty puffed wheat, golden apple skins, hot summer hay and just a bit of sticky rice in the finish! It reminds me a little bit of walking through a prairie farmer’s market on a sweltering summer day, or playing around hay bails as a child. Like a soft, warm feeling of hometown nostalgia. I think I’m gonna sit with this one for a while longer; it’s unique.
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYCmKbRuaqd/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKFCyjCiR5Q&ab_channel=RuenBrothers
Dipped into my sample of this oolong for a session every bit as delicious as it is thematically on point for the day before Halloween!! From the first step, this Wuyi rock oolong is so smooth and the liquor is surprisingly quite creamy without much astringency at all. It has the typical minerality, deep roasted flavour, and woodiness that I expect from a yancha, but it’s also super plum-heavy with a really well-balanced jammier sweetness. It’s more of a gently grilled plum note where the fruit has just slightly caramelized and is picking up a faint note of char, but where the brightness of the ripe fruit itself hasn’t been entirely lost. The undertones are floral and somewhat sultry, like catching the smell of violet or orchid scented perfume in the wind from a passerby. All around great tea – I just wish I had a little more of it. This was a perfect excuse to steep up though; it was a real treat!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzCWRwBO9jl/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLj520AaVZw
Treated myself to a session of this aged beauty yesterday afternoon – it felt just Halloween inspired enough, while still being just overall solid tea. This is so smooth and clean w/ notes of golden syrup, fragrant floral plum skins, roasted walnuts, sandalwood, and the general roasted charcoal notes typical of most yancha – with maybe a smidgen of dill in the early session with more heavily stretched steep times. The liquor is actually almost creamy, and the overall cup of a great balance of deeper umami and toasty notes with a floral sweetness and freshness. It does genuinely blow my mind sometimes that, not only do I have access to amazing teas like this that are actually older than I am – but that they’re also so incredibly flavourful and nuanced! Feeling very fortunate this afternoon as I sip this beautiful oolong…
Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CUyCG5_toXZ/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SiPdhawhIc&ab_channel=AndyShauf-Topic
In a pretty solid shou pu’erh mood lately. I’m always somewhat surprised by how bright and red-tinted the liquor of this ripe pu’erh is, especially given how absolutely intense, full-bodied, and deeply earthy the profile is. Heavy, heaaavyyyy notes of rain-soaked potting soil, garden beets caked in dirt and mud, molasses, clove, and allspice – all with an aromatic, round and mouth-coating finish of vanilla extract. So smooth, but dense and dark. With the stacked steeps this is a pretty casual and laid-back session, but still an absolutely solid one.
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/DCMviPzJO3h/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF1TzYkCWKA&ab_channel=StolenNova
Cat sitting continues with more gongfu while reading articles from the back issues of Eighty Degrees magazine – very cool magazine focused all on tea. This shou is really delicious with it’s heavy handed notes of camphorous forest undergrowth and potting soil. This is complimented by notes of spices like clove and, unsurprisingly, vanilla. The steeping aroma is intoxicating; and the whole tea session works perfectly with a handful of cherries enjoyed between steeps!
I was also a bit surprised by how light the steeped tea liquor was – very red/brown but leaning more red. Not the most opaque either, after a steep or two.
Photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQqvO9LgMEW/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCkve8xRGaU&ab_channel=JessieReyezVEVO
First of all, don’t break off an enormous piece of the bing like i did. just use a normal-sized chunk, say about the size of a quarter, less volume than a large marshmallow, for use in your gaiwan. HOWEVER if you do accidentally start with too much, you can always dilute with a touch more hot water; the flavor is not hurt by doing this.
SECOND OF ALL this was a wonderful investment! My friend Emma and I ventured across town to have a Tea Sit at the delightful West China Tea House, where the owner served us several fine teas and regaled us with stories of his own tea journey. Quite a lovely afternoon interrupted at last by the arrival of hazardous weather conditions that drove us all indoors.
For our second tea of the Sit, we were served round after round of this incredibly deep and textured pu’er directly from a tea farmer venturing into pressing their home-grown pu’er (most pu’er comes from government owned factories!), and every teacup was a journey unto its own. The flavors waxed and waned like cycles of the moon, and taking the time to savor each slurp was simply lovely, especially with friends. Emma and I split a bing to bring home, and this morning while lounging i am enjoying my over-leaf’d tea session immensely. Once i get the ratio of tea:water perfected, this will be a daily drinker for quite a while, and i. am. pleased.
Flavors: Earth, Green, Vegetal, Wet Rocks
I did two sessions with this particular tea.
The following info is from brewing it in a 110ml porcelain gaiwan. I also brewed this in a chaozhou clay teapot (see link below for that information)
Steeping Information:
*Teaware: Gaiwan 110ml
*Water Amount: ~ 100ml
*Tea Amount: 5.19
*Brewing Temperatures: 198, 200-206
*Time (seconds): 10, 20, 30, 48
*High notes of the aroma: Sweet, fruity, sugary
*Low notes of the aroma: Cooked stone fruit, smoke, roasted
*Broth: Sweet, viscous, with notes of honey & fruit
Overall, this is a really good tea with nice fruity, honey flavors. It starts off well with short steeps at higher temps. I tend to like my teas a little on the stronger side, but WCT’s recommendations are pretty spot on with the tea, although I did drop the water temperature slightly starting at #3, because I was noticing a bitterness not present in the first two.
It started diminishing around 4-5 steeps, which isn’t too bad.
This tea is similar to other honey orchids with a slight difference in viscosity and flavors. Most people might not notice. It’s not as sweet as other honey orchids I’ve tasted, but plenty sweet enough
More details & photos at my teablog: https://jadeoolong.blogspot.com/2021/05/tea-tasting-gold-thread-honey-orchid.html
I was looking for “C Teas” for the alphabet challenge a few days ago, and I noticed that I hadn’t written a tasting note for this one. It stood out because I had a very memorable session with this tea over my holiday break. So… capturing a tasting note now!
(Better late than never – and thankfully I wrote out good notes on IG for it.)
This Phoenix Oolong has a lot of interesting layers of flavour to peel back; starting with a toasty sesame and sushi rice flavour. Those notes are followed by a slightly floral note of just over ripe pineapple, grilled nori, and just a hint of minerality. It’s just a bit astringent and very calming overall despite the complexity of the intermingled flavours. I was skeptical when I read WCT’s tasting notes, but having now sipped through a session I definitely understand where they’re coming from!
Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CJbxfNHgccC/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAQB2Lbnaww&ab_channel=NuhaRubyRa
Now that I’m posting tea on Insta regularly, I forget to write the corresponding Steepster notes constantly… (facepalm)
@Cameron – Usually cross posting on IG helps me remember to write the tasting note and/or add it to the physical list I keep at home with what I’ve drank in a day. Sometimes teas sit on the list for a while before I get to the notes, but I very rarely forget a tea – I’m just glad this one was such a distinct session that I was able to catch the miss.
@Togo – Right!? I admit I haven’t listened to much by the artist, but I really like this one – it’s so distinct.
This black tea is so sweet and syrupy with notes of malty fresh baked raisin bread, dark honey, a little bit of molasses, subtle woody undertones and a bit of chocolate liqueur in the finish. Really satisfying, and I love the lingering bit of plum-y stonefruit sweetness that clings to the palate after each sip!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPDKNmuX-I/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AVwsth4urg
Had a really nice early morning session with this tea on Wednesday. It’s such a warm and cozy tea! Definitely raisin-y as the name would imply, but the thick syrupy liquor also has such a comforting profile of malt and fresh golden bread – straight out of the oven!! This combination of tasting notes, alongside a subtle red fruit undertone and hints of spice, really make me think of freshly baked hot cross buns or maybe even cinnamon raisin bread, though less sweet. It’s a beauty of a tea…
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcAydVXunJo/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-K0-EdDpPc&ab_channel=MakaylaSalena
I got a new gaiwan as a birthday present to myself!! The colours and textures in this gaiwan are frankly insane – it’s truly a piece of art! I definitely used this past birthday as an excuse to order a lot of tea and teaware I’d been eyeing up – but I could afford it and I was feeling sad about not being able to do anything for my birthday because of the pandemic, so the retail therapy helped…
This is the tea that I broke the gaiwan in with and it was lovely. It’s so syrupy in mouthfeel and it tastes heavily of brandied fruits, plummy stonefruit, red currant and raisins with these taunting hints of chocolate, leather, and peanut brittle in the undertones!! Just an exciting and sweet explosion of flavours – a really great way to spend the afternoon. I think I got around six infusions out of it, which I thought was pretty good for a black tea. I see the name inspiration as well – definitely makes sense with those boozier fruity notes.
Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMXzWOBASB2/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJr40dkVMs&abchannel=mariolinan
This tea uses a puerh varietal, which you can smell when opening the bag. Although the dried leaves (and subsequent high notes of the brewed tea) smell of puerh, it only has a very very mild hint of a puerh flavor. (it’s like a proto-puerh)
It’s got some decent sweet / dried fruit flavors to it. There’s a nice hui gan with a a dry astringent finish but very juicy. I can feel the cha qi in my throat after drinking it. The initial ru kou 入口 of the tea is very good with a mild sweet/dried fruit flavor.
My only gripe with this tea is that the soup is thinner / less viscous than I would like. I’ve noticed this about some of the teas that are oxidized by the sun (like Sun-Dried Reds) versus being heat dried. The middle steeps are probably some of the better ones for most sun-dried teas, and this tea isn’t an exception.
Steeping Info:
-Teaware: 110 ml Gaiwan
-Water Amount: ~ 100 ml
-Tea Amount: 5.4 grams.
-Brewing Temperatures: 200 – 208 F
-Time in seconds: 10s, 25, 40, 60, 120
More details and photos on my blog:
Backlog from three days ago.
Purchased 30 grams only of this one since it was $14.99. Almost got 50. Glad I got 30, though I would buy it again.
Roswell’s note sold me on it. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but I was pleased with this one. It’s an Anxi varietal for sure. Gong fu or western, this one has the trademarked condensed milk and savory coconut milk viscous texture note of a gong fu, but some fruity notes later on bordering on peach, mango, or something else tropical. Sometimes, it reminded me of pear-not usual. Personally, orchid and extremely dense lilac notes are prominent in aroma and taste, with some vanilla. It’s also fairly woodsy and stemy. It can be vegetal if I brew it for longer, but when I go lighter Western or Gong Fu, it’s really not that vegetal for an oolong. It continues to rebrew 5 times from shorter western steeps, and 7 times from gong fu. It’s a little bit smoother western, a little bit woodsier gong fu. I might have to change some parameters.
I’ve had similar Jin Xuans before, specifically What-Cha’s Anxi and a few others. The particualr flavor profile of this is one resembles the Jin Xuan from The O Dor, but this one has more fruit in its accents whereas that one is more cakey.
I definitely like this one, but I am not entirely convinced this was not at least scented, or flavored. The lilac and the condensed milk aspects are too strong even in the dry leaf when you open the bag. It’s almost oily when I whiff off it from the opening seal. The fruity notes are kinda expected from the Anxi varietal, but the others are almost perfumey. Natural, but strong.
With that said, it’s a bit steep in price. It seems you cut most of the costs from West China Tea through it’s loyalty program. The 6-7 business day shipping policy also kinda bugs me. I usually don’t have an issue if it takes long and letting people actually be human beings that have lives, but I was kinda perturbed considering the cost with shipping. Despite this minor complaint, I was satisfied with the tea, and I also hope the company is doing alright with the winter storm power outages from the last few weeks.
Overall, I would recommend this tea for others and get it again. It’s got all the flavors I look for in my oolong, and it is pretty darn close in rank to the Mandala one personally. I also like some of the unique profiles I get from the lilacs and the interesting fruit notes that pop up. There are a few other teas I’d be willing to try from West China’s selection, like their Black TGY, but I’m going to plan it out if I do another purchase. While this is one of my more mixed and critical reviews, and I am very satisfied with the customer service, the price and the possibility of flavoring still bugs me. I’m curious to see what others think.
Flavors: Butter, Caramel, Coconut, Cream, Creamy, Floral, Mango, Milk, Orchid, Peach, Popcorn, Savory, Stems, Stonefruit, Sweet, Vanilla, Wood
Gongfu Sipdown (2625)!
The liquor is so velvety and smooth with a thickness to it that mirrors the rich, buttery taste and isn’t always present in this style of oolong the way I’m getting now. On top of a prominent note of double churned, fresh better I also get a lot of cooked milk flavour in the way that, say, a White Rabbit candy would taste. I really like that comparison because it’s actually quite sweet tasting also. Like dipping freshly picked violets into sweetened condensed milk. Which is a good thing. Love that syrupy floral element that cuts through all the, well, dairy comparisons. This was such a killer milk oolong, and I’m sad to see it go!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7rdk9Xug5H/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6zlhEN_DyE
Flavors: Butter, Mango, Milk, Milky, Peach, Sweet, Violet
Sipped on this alongside some appropriately cow shaped milk tea macarons for a tea session that sort of straight up tastes like an explosion of butter! Of course, both the oolong tea and the macarons have other flavours going on too; the tea has lovely floral undertones and a thick, fatty liquor to complement the strong fresh churned butter and condensed milk notes and the macarons have a distinct roasted note – like a hojicha or lighter roast oolong – to them on top of the highly creamy filling. So, there’s definitely nuance and multiple interest points to this pairing! Buuutttt, at the end of the day I wanted butter and butter is DEFINITELY what I got!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CgHooLguDSt/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtNaeVXTNBg
Gongfu… and, well, fuck me. This was good!
Had this one during the afternoon a few days ago when it was a pretty grey and chilly day filled with some pretty substantial snowfall. I leaned in hard to the cozy and comforting teas and this was my favourite of the day – it’s just so thick and creamy with notes fatty whipped fresh cream, double churned butter, and coconut milk w/ a delicate soothing floral orchid and lilac undertone. So coating on the palate, and a very lush mouthfeel! Can’t think of a tea that would have satisfied this afternoon more than this one!
Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzpxE8AoUo/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1olciyA128E&ab_channel=TheWyze-Topic
I’ve been waiting for you to post these lol. I’m debating if I want to be dumb and get some samples from West China tea. I might have to get more of this one lol.
Yesterday, I reorganized all of my straight black tea samples and during that process I ended up pulling out a bunch that had been forgotten about at the back of the drawer – like this one. It made for such a wonderful early afternoon session though, with such a charged yet relaxed energy to it. The liquor was medium bodied with a syrupy, coating quality. Very woody, oak-like undertones that anchored otherwise sweet, bright red fruit notes which made up much of the flavour profile. In the peak of the session, there was also a bit of a brown, umami note that weaved it’s way into the picture – like freshly baked brown bread or even just a touch of musky curry leaf. Super interesting – I’m so happy to have “rediscovered” it.
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_I2JqLujy6/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-izhCeIm4k
Sipping on stacked infusions this afternoon while looking through the monster manual for some D&D character inspiration!! The aroma of this hong is so pleasant; it reminds me of slightly under ripe bananas and sweet fermented red fruits. The taste of the stacked infusions feels more grounded and warm; there’s notes of rain soaked oak in the top of the sip that transitions into dense notes of freshly baked rye bread and toasty brown rice. The undertone has a delicate note of white flowers and the finish leans a bit like stonefruit – closer to the red fruit aroma coming off the leaves. Overall it’s just so smooth and easy to sip!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYwvDfVOqwu/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VI1oNhK1oQ&ab_channel=Twain-Topic
My first tea from West China Tea! I have several friends on IG who speak very highly about this company so I finally decided to play a big order from a bunch of samples to see what the hype was all about.
The tea leaf looks gorgeous – it’s spindly leaves scattered w/ gold tips. Mild aroma until hit with water, and then it’s a building bouquet of plum & oak wafting from the gaiwan. Deep red liquor, and a warming feeling very early on into the tea session compliments smooth notes of just slightly unripened plum & pine/oak woods. Late session is a touch more syrupy, with some red fruit & a fleeting flowery top note. More umami/earthy overall & not overly sweet or intense, this was a delightfully easy sipping tea that held up well when pushed!!
Is it the profile that I normally gravitate towards in a black tea? To be honest, not particularly – but for that flavour profile I do think it’s really beautiful and almost, in a way, understated. I don’t know that I feel like the name matches the flavour though; it’s pretty calm and gentle and “Gamma Ray” to me seems like it would convey some sort of punch or heavy impacting flavour.
I’m excited for the other black tea that I ordered – my snap impression here is that this was very good (even if possibly not my typical style) and I understand the love of it!
Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CJUNwG5AA42/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6wIoui2NC4&ab_channel=NiceGuys
Goddamn! By far the best oolong I’ve ever had. Instantly in my top five.
I need to process and meditate on this cup before I can make a review because there is just WAY too much going on in this. Whoa. Will give a full review in a bit, once my tea drunk wears off.
Flavors: Blood Orange, Jasmine, Mineral, Summer, Sweet Potatoes
Although it’s called Brothers Oolong, it has a very feminine energy to it, definitely a “princess” of teas. Steeped liquid is very light in color, which is deceiving for how incredibly deep and flavorful it is. Very floral yet very well balanced. Sipping it brings images of white orchid gardens, egyptian cotton bedding and silk garments. Leaves change color dramatically through several steepings, from a deep velvet black to a wonderful jade green. Can be enjoyed by any level of tea drinker, but it takes a skilled hand to bring out the best in it. Truly a world class tea by any standards. Actual steeping time I used for this tasting was closer to 7 seconds at 212f. A delicate tea to brew, steeping any longer risks pulling too much bitterness from the tea and masking the deep and complex floral aspects of it.
Flavors: Berries, Flowers, Fruit Tree Flowers, Gardenias, Grapes, Orchids, Vanilla
The name is very off-putting for me!
Haha, I can get that! This is from West China Tea’s description of the tea:
Horse Meat Wuyi Oolong (馬頭岩肉桂, Mǎ Tóu Yán Ròu Guì, “Horse Head Cliff Cassia”) – In the grand tradition of naming teas, especially oolongs, after bizarre or unappetizing things (see: Duck Shit), the name Horse Meat comes from an abbreviation of this tea’s full name, Mǎ Tóu Yán Ròu Guì, which means “Rou Gui from Horse Head Cliff.” Mǎ Tóu Yán Ròu Guì is a mouthful, so in Chinese it gets abbreviated to Mǎ Ròu 馬肉 (“Horse Meat”), which takes the first character of the location and the first character of the tea breed. This is because Ròu Guì 肉桂 literally translated means “Meat Osmanthus” and refers to a cinnamon-like plant called Cassia.