Trader Joe's
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It’s hard not to associate the taste of watermelon-flavoring with candy, and the smell of it with like, scented bath products. To be fair, I’m not the biggest fan of flavorings a lot of the time. I also haven’t tried it iced—I could see that working better. Maybe if the black tea was stronger, I’d enjoy it more, but the watermelon just smells and tastes overpowering.
We’ve never lived near a Trader Joe’s, so whenever we visited a town that had one, we’d always stock up on everything, including this tea. We’d absolutely demolish pitcher after pitcher of it iced. Unfortunately, they stopped carrying it a few years ago, and I saved my last bag to have on a special day. It’s just as good as I remembered. I’ll miss it so much! I’ve had a lot of honeybush and rooibos, but for some reason this one makes the best iced tea. It’s so smooth and sweet and truly different from other blends. I’ve been meaning to email them and see where this tea is sourced from, but I keep forgetting.
I love the jitters-free caffeine boost from mate, but I have to really be in the mood for mate in order to make myself a cup. And I’m only in the mood for it like, once a year.
I like this one better than the Guayaki kind. It has a milder flavor.
But yeah, it still tastes like grass.
Flavors: Grass
Bought a tin of this finally after reading LuckyMe’s review and made a half gallon cold-brewed for the house. 8 sachets overnight in the fridge made a damn fine refreshing tea that is well-balanced with black tea base, mints (mostly spearmint) and natural watermelon taste. Couldn’t discern the orange peel nor the licorice, meaning the tea doesn’t leave a sickly sweet flavor in the mouth. I suppose the licorice is there to add some thickness to the body. The only thing that gets me is the sweet watermelon candy aroma. It doesn’t quite match the watermelon flavor. But I know some people will love that!
Tried a sample of this at TJ’s the other day and was really impressed by it. The mint and watermelon taste natural and well balanced with the black tea base. I had it iced and unsweetened and could totally see myself sipping this during the summer months. Reminded me of one of my favorite summer salads: watermelon, mint, and feta…yum!
Another from my exchange with AliceG! I was pretty dubious about this one since I find the current turmeric trend to be silly. Happily, the main flavor is a tasty, spicy ginger, and the turmeric is only a sweet background flavor. I think I still prefer plain ginger tea, but I enjoyed this. Actually, now that I think about it, I think I may have had this one before, or at least we had a box of it in my house years ago. Trader Joe’s has a pretty nice line of teas. I usually find something to grab when I’m there.
Tea bag by derk, third tea today.
I just used about 70 °C water; clear glass. Keeping it simple.
Tastes quite good, with slight yellow colour. Bit opaque though.
Anyway, slight jasmine aroma and taste is green tea. Bit of floral/jasmine is there too.
I think it is nice, cheap – as I looked for prices, tea. Nothing fancy, but not bad at all.
Flavors: Jasmine
I bought Trader Joe’s English Breakfast Tea because my regular Black Tea was unavailable. At first I was skeptical because the box of 48 seemed to cheap. I paid just under $2 for the box. I am over the moon about this tea. It was yummy. Beyond heavenly. I drank 4 cups of it the day I bought it and then invited my friends to try it. It ended up with me now needing to go out and buy another box. I have fallen in love with this tea. It’s the best I have had in a long time.
Grabbed this from the Discovery teabox some months ago. The wrap didn’t mention the ingredients so I did a fun guess before reading the ingredients on Steepster. First, the bag was certainly filled with more than a teaspoon, so at least they aren’t being cheap with the amount they’re putting in the teabag. I was guessing this had chamomile, spearmint, and some sort of lemony ingredient. I was right. There was also some extra ingredients that I wasn’t tasting here at all. This was a pleasant nighttime cup. The Steepster rating is at a surprising 82. That’s quite high for any teabag (not to be a snob about it.)
Also finished Adagio’s ancient ripe for romance: (2019 Sipdowns:6)
Discovered this one while rummaging through my kitchen pantry today. I remember buying it a long time ago and not liking it, but couldn’t remember specifically why. So I decided to do a quick taste test to jog my memory.
Prepared it according to directions by adding hot water to the matcha latte mix which had sugar and coconut creamer in it. It brewed up moldy green and smelled like boiled broccoli…not exactly inviting. It has a chalky taste typical of low grade matcha. There’s more sugar in it than green tea. The green tea flavor is there but isn’t very assertive. It’s kind of a generic green tea flavor without any umami or freshness to it. Pretty thin and watery compared to the matcha lattes I make at home.
While this isn’t the worst matcha drink I’ve had, it’s not great either. I can see how it might be appealing from a convenience standpoint however it’s not worth it when you can get much better results by throwing together matcha powder, sugar, and milk in a coffee mug.
This is THE best tasting tea I’ve had. That might be an exaggeration but this tea is seriously amazing. I’m not a big fan of tea in general unless there is a LOT of sugar or honey and lemon in it. My housemates aren’t big tea people either. But this tea. THIS TEA. We go through boxes of it so fast. It’s everyone’s favorite. It’s perfectly balanced with sweet, fragrant, savory and a very tiiiny bit spicy. You can let it steep for as long as you want (maybe even make a second cup with the same bag). It’s not as strong but still tastes pretty good. At under $3 for 20 bags, it’s very affordable and I’ll legit cry the day TJ’s stops selling it.
Steeped 2 min and drank hot. Tastes watery and flowery, but mostly from the smell – very little flavor from taste.
Tried it iced – steeped 1.5 minutes, poured over ice. Tastes like flower water. Tried several times to like it but I couldn’t finish it. Tasted 8.2018
Flavors: Flowers, Perfume
Sipping an office castoff of indeterminate age, but it’s pumpkin season. What could I do?
Regardless of its age, it’s still mellow with a little bite (of cinnamon). I am, too ;)
I need to go to a Trader Joe’s! I was in one very briefly years ago, but had to run in and literally run right back out. We don’t have one in my town, but there is one where my daughter lives.
Not common here, either—I think you have to traipse to St. Louis. I have read that there is a connection between Trader Joe’s and Aldi, which we do have. I don’t know either product line well enough to know if there is any comparison. (Dagnabbit…I was at Aldi this weekend and forgot to check their tea selection!)
Very enjoyable. I got it when I wasn’t feeling well and it helped with my throat. It was pretty sweet without having to add anything to it, which was nice. The turmeric dissolved better through the tea bag then when I try and add it in myself. I’ll be getting it again next time I get sick.
Flavors: Ginger, Licorice, Sweet
This was the very first box of tea I bought back around 2002 once I started venturing away from the unsweetened Lipton iced tea brewed by my friends. I used to keep a box at my grandma’s to drink while she’d teach me how to cook Greek dishes and pastries. I’ve gone through many boxes since then.
Honestly, it’s not bad. The jasmine is not overwhelming and the liquor is kind of tart like elderflower and a little biscuity. Kind of a golden brown cup. Good in a pinch as long as you have low temperature water, otherwise it’s Bitter City. Good cold-brewed 2 bags to a liter overnight. The best part about the tea is the quote on the back of the pouch: “…She had that brand of pragmatism that would find her the first brewing tea after Armageddon.” —Clive Barker, Weaver-World
It is easy to drink and not overwhelming amount of caffeine. I added some cream to mine to make it a little sweeter. The flavor was full, pleasant and what you would expect from a good Earl Gray.
Flavors: Lavender
I enjoyed the tea, it was easy to take to go and make in the morning. I wish there wasn’t so much sugar in it. However, this is my first matcha experience so I will most like branch out soon.
Well, I am not one to judge a tea because this is the first time I have ever had tea. I bet it was fine and dandy for some, but it tasted like forest river moss water to me. Again, maybe that is what all tea tastes like and I just am new to this world, but I will keep trying more.
Flavors: Forest Floor, Grass