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drank Kuki Matcha by Teavana
24 tasting notes

Green machine, Its fantastic and it has a high octane energy boost.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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drank Kuki Matcha by Teavana
24 tasting notes

Tastes like Matcha but not as thick. DO NOT steep longer than 1 min. I also recommend 170 degree water.

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drank Earl Grey White by Teavana
24 tasting notes

An absolute advancement in Earl Grey. So fantastic, So light, with the uplifting taste of bergamot. Something so perfect and unthought of.

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drank Frutto Bianco Pearls by Teavana
86 tasting notes

I re-brewed the leaves from earlier.

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drank Frutto Bianco Pearls by Teavana
86 tasting notes

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drank Frutto Bianco Pearls by Teavana
86 tasting notes

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drank Six Summits by Teavana
68 tasting notes

This tea is a recent purchase for me. The scent is berry-licious without being cloying (like how some tea blends smell like Robitussin). It’s my new work tea. I like that it’s good for multiple infusions.

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drank Rooibos Chai by Teavana
7 tasting notes

This was my first taste of Roibos, bought it mixed with Matevana. I was surprised at how strong the flavors are. This will be a nice change from my black teas.

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drank Honeybush Vanilla by Teavana
24 tasting notes

Steeped for the entire 6 min. Strong, sweet and warm. Really great for vanilla lovers.

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drank Assam Gold Rain by Teavana
3010 tasting notes

Now that I’m at the bottom of the sample, I’ve finally figured out what I was doing wrong. You just have to steep this stuff double strength to get any flavor at all. Is that the case with all Teavana teas?

Meghann M

Haven’t tried too many of their unflavored “plain” teas, but seems to be the case with the flavors, or at least that’s how they brew them when they make them for you in the store.


I’m just conservative (spelled C-H-E-A-P) enough I don’t like having to double up.


Because this is a fluffy and light weight tea, use1 1/2 tea spoon per 8 oz cup instead of 1 tsp. If you prefer a stronger cup, you can then add more teas to your taste. If you need to add milk, then need to count the milk as part of the water. This tea, you can brew a second time, but with less water. I hope it helps. —Nancy

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drank Assam Gold Rain by Teavana
3010 tasting notes

I think I finally got the proportions right so I can actually taste this again. About 1 1/2 t. where you’d normally use a single teaspoon. Still smooth, still mild, but I can taste something besides water now.

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drank Assam Gold Rain by Teavana
3010 tasting notes

Still working on my little 2 oz packet; I don’t not like it, but in retrospect, for what I paid for it, I had hoped it would make me go, “Oh, WOW!” instead of, “Oh….nice.”


Sigh. That’s such a bummer when it happens.

Blacks can be more finicky for me than I thought they would be. On some days? Mind quakingly good. On another day, the same tea might be disappointingly bleh. It leads me to believe that I either need to pay much closer attention to what I’m doing or that my palate is not ill-equipped on some occasions to calibrate itself into the “magic” place.

Here’s hoping you hit a sweet note on the tea before your sample runs out.

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drank Assam Gold Rain by Teavana
3010 tasting notes

Very gentle - normally, I pick Assams because they’re strong and wakey-uppy. This one isn’t, but it’s still nice. Has a little sweet thing happening in the background.

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I mixed this with Teavana’s Peach Tranquility. It was very sweet, but not too sweet.

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drank Caribbean Breeze by Teavana
24 tasting notes

A change of pace for me since I typically don’t drink many tea mixes. Mixes excellently with other teas. I mix with Apple Lemon Pomegranate rooibos from Teavana. but you can mix with Oolong or Rooibos teas for a little fruit flavor.

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drank Japanese Wild Cherry by Teavana
14 tasting notes

A great twist on the classic green tea!

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drank Bangkok Lemongrass by Teavana
10 tasting notes

I love this tea in the late afternoon or evening. Very soothing and pleasant.

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drank Lavender Dreams by Teavana
14 tasting notes

Delicious but expensive. Great for winding down at night.

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drank Dragonwell by Teavana
86 tasting notes

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175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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drank Dragonwell by Teavana
86 tasting notes

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drank Dragonwell by Teavana
86 tasting notes

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drank Dragonwell by Teavana
86 tasting notes

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drank Dragonwell by Teavana
86 tasting notes

I re-brewed the leaves from earlier.

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