Tea Guys
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Sipdown #7!
This was originally purchased for a friend but it never made its way to her. By the time I pulled it from the back of my tea cabinet, it was old and I couldn’t bring myself to send it off.
I needn’t have worried as this one tasted just fine – tart and incredibly floral if you let it oversteep.My friend – whose favorite tea is, incidentally, China Rose – probably would have loved this. Me, not so much. It’s not bad, good to drink mindlessly, but not my favorite. I feel like I’m drinking a lot of “not my favorite” lately. Hmm.
Merry Christmas Eve, steepster buddies!
It is a sad day in my tea and art area, my little blue peacock of a fish passed yesterday after fighting with dropsy. I live in fear of the pinecone infliction (called that because the bacterial infection causes swelling which makes their scales pop out like a pinecone) because it is almost always fatal. Pretty sure it was brought in by one of the mystery snails I bought, since one died and then a day later Fish Beleren took ill. I was ridiculously attached to that fish and I feel immense sadness, I will get another Betta after Christmas because I like having them around, but I doubt I will find one as epic as him…those fish are a rarity. At least Espeon can tell I am sad and has been staying close to keep me company, comfort from cats is always welcomed.
Today’s tea is all sorts of holiday cheer! I totally forgot to get real holiday teas this year, so I am winging it. From Teaguys, this is their Maple, Bourbon & Nutmeg (Eggnog) blend, which is concocted from rooibos, honeybush, buckwheat, maple sugar, almond flour, cinnamon, flavors, nutmeg, sliced almonds, coconut, soy pieces, marshmallow pieces, stevia, turmeric, which is quite the list of ingredients! Browsing around their catalog, they have a bunch of unique looking blends that I need to get my hands on at some point. The aroma of this eggnog themed tea is not so much eggnog, but certainly get the bourbon and nutmeg. Underneath strong bourbon and nutmeg is woody sweetness and coconut with just a hint of maple at the finish. It is very sweet smelling, and the woodiness blends well with the maple and bourbon.
Steeping time, the liquid is rather cloudy, probably from the marshmallow or the coconut, or one of the other random ingredients. The aroma is quite woody and sweet, with strong notes of maple and bourbon, with lesser notes of nutmeg, coconut, and a gentle nuttiness. The liquid sans tea and bits is woody and spicy, very creamy with notes of coconut and bourbon, it is quite sweet smelling and I am starting to pick up on the eggnog idea.
The website gives the instructions to make this into a latte, and in hindsight I kinda wish I would have tried that, but I was only gifted enough for a cup so oops. The first thing I notice is the oily and thick mouthfeel with a slightly dry finish, typical of a rooibos and honeybush blend with coconut, a clever way of combating the strong dryness of this woody plant. The taste is rather sweet, strong notes of bourbon and coconut with a slight metallic note (honeybush always tastes vaguely metallic to me, not really sure why) and a maple and marshmallow midtaste. The finish has an odd coconut candy that lingers. This is an alright blend, not my favorite, but points for unique!
For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2015/12/teaguys-maple-bourbon-nutmeg-eggnog-tea.html
Apparently it’s international tea day so I figured in honor of the supposed holiday, I’d try a new tea from my collection.
As far as root beer-y flavored teas, this pales in comparison to Root Beer Float from DAVIDStea but I think this one is actually a better flavored tea. While David’s tastes like sarsaparilla and rooty, nature-y flavors, this one has milder sarsaparilla notes and picks up spices. I think I taste a bit of cloves and possibly some allspice. It’s definitely more of a chai than a root beer to me.
Flavors: Clove, Sarsaparilla
Tea Guys’ blending skills amaze me every cup. This tastes pretty darn close to a gingersnap and got rid of any baked goods craving I may have had. The ginger is pretty laid back, but the cookie flavor is there. There’s enough different flavors to the tea to make it really come across well.
I looked at the ingredients list afterwards, and I could maybe taste some coconut, but papaya? pineapple? How did they hide those in there? I couldn’t taste those flavors at all.
Flavors: Caramel, Coconut, Cookie, Ginger
I think I might be able to finally call my mission for the perfect caramel tea a success!
This has a nice mellow caramel flavor to it which is much stronger in the smell than in the taste. It also has an interesting… baked good taste and texture in my mouth (possibly from the buckwheat?) and tastes almost like a caramel muffin/cupcake. I wish there was a liiiittle bit more salt but other than that it’s pretty spot on, a wonderful afternoon cuppa.
Flavors: Bread, Caramel, Toffee
I remembered loving this one and felt like mixing it up a little this morning..
Unfortunately, it seems like the flavor really changes as it ages :/ It was pretty appley today and a bit tannic, the fig flavor to me was fading a bit but overall it was still okay. Definitely not as good as it was previously.
Flavors: Apple, Tannic
I stopped by Tea Guys again yesterday and filled up on new teas (almost have 100 in my cupboard now :D) and I snagged this guy.
The apple flavor is there but not super strong and it’s mellow underneath the black tea. It’s a similar apple flavor to that in Apple Cider which I really enjoy. I do taste the fig but it’s not totally obvious to me (partially because fig as a flavor is not one I’m super familiar with.) The flavors all blend together well and it has a smooth feeling to it. It smells like quintessential New England and it reminds me of Autumn. This is definitely one I’ll hold on to and probably pick up another ounce after I finish up the ounce I have already.
Flavors: Apple, Fig
This is actually a fantastic Earl Grey, the rooibos is definitely not the star of the show here and it tastes exactly like it’s caffeinated sibling, the traditional EG.
The bergamont is sharp and the cream is much more of an aftertaste but it’s not as harsh as some black Earl Greys I’ve tried.
Flavors: Bergamot, Cream
I’ve had this for awhile now and finally got the courage to try it. It’s similar to the Lemon Mango Punch that I got from Physical Graffitea last summer but has a little bit more of a berry flavor to it.
Out of the bag, the fruit was… sticky and hard to measure out. I let it steep for about 5 minutes and the citrus flavors were very prominent and tried it again at 10 minutes and the flavors had blended together a bit better by then. It doesn’t taste like grapefruit entirely but is definitely citrus!
Flavors: Berry, Citrus
I had this again today and it’s just okay. Definitely not something I’ll be picking up more of. The most prominent flavor is the walnut and the caramel and maple flavors are really mellow. It’s not particularly sweet but could make a nice dessert tea probably.
Flavors: Green, Nutty, Walnut
I thought I had this one before, but supposedly not. It was not my favorite, but fairly good for being a green tea. I’ll have to try it again before rating as I had it with corn bread for “dessert” and the flavors melded together really really well to the point that I’m not sure which was which :P There was definitely some sweet, vanilla notes, probably the caramel flavor, peeking out.
Flavors: Caramel, Vanilla
This tea is bizarre to me. It tastes exactly like how it smells, but I can’t pick out all the flavors. I can definitely taste the pistachio notes, but also a bit of almond(?) and I taste some floral as well but it doesn’t taste like biscotti at all. Normally, I hate floral teas but this one is alright.
Interestingly enough, this tea reminds me exactly of the Tea Guys Factory store in Whately.
Flavors: Almond, Floral, Nutty
This is definitely growing on me, looking back at my previous notes for this tea I’m in complete awe. I definitely used to not like this tea at all… I’m not sure what happened!
I still couldn’t taste the chocolate so much but I’ve come to terms with that and the other flavors do really speak for themselves. It’s very minty and after taking a sip I get the same cooling feeling as you do after brushing your teeth (but in a good way!) and there’s some vanilla notes that I overlooked in the past. I’m really enjoying this one.
Flavors: Cream, Mint, Vanilla
This tasted better today, maybe it’s getting closer to Hot Chocolate season so it just felt more natural. This felt very, bedtime-y to me. The chocolate and the mint are both on equal grounds, the chocolate has a strong first flavor and the mint follows with a nice smooth end to the sip.
At first I thought I wouldn’t pick up more of this but it’s turning out to be one of the few chocolate teas I enjoy. Just need to add a little bit of cream to get it just right.
Flavors: Chocolate, Mint, Rooibos
This one is alright. I don’t normally care for mint teas, or chocolate really. But I figured I’d give this one a shot since I do like rooibos.
It’s definitely minty and I can’t taste any rooibos undertones at all. When I added some cream it turned into a “healthy, minty hot chocolate” so I think I’ll have to throw this one to the back of the cupboard and wait for winter to come to fully appreciate it.
Flavors: Chocolate, Mint
Very pleasant tea- not at all cloying, citrus-balanced with a fruit-heavy nose and mouthfeel, velvety chocolate undertones. None of the creaminess of red velvet in its entirety, but plenty of the piquant beet notes in the cake and some of the cakey, fresh flavors, especially in the tang. Really excellent. Bags are flawed and often fall apart, highly recommend looseleaf.
Flavors: Earth, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Lemongrass, Raspberry
I guess I’m in a coconut mood today, I made myself a cup of this to forget about my cup of Haute Chocolate earlier. I love how this one has a nice chocolately flavor that doesn’t particularly need any sugar and the coconut really solidifies the blend.
Flavors: Chocolate, Coconut
This is the best chocolate tea I’ve had so far! I was actually making chocolate whipped cream while my tea was steeping and figured I’d drop a dollop in and it was so so good! I also liked it without the cream but it definitely helped flavor it. I’m thinking I’ll have to add a little bit of cream to all my chocolate teas when I make them now… D:
I had an eggnog tea show down yesterday morning (this vs. Bigelow’s Eggnogg’n) and this guy was unfortunately not the winner. The flavors when compared to Bigelow are less Eggnogg-y, still creamy and spiced but not as spot on Eggnog as it was when I first had it. The upside to this tea is that all of the flavors come from natural sources compared to Bigelow’s which uses Eggnog flavoring. So for the production of the flavor, this one gets a lot more credit in my book.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Clove, Cream, Eggnog, Nutmeg