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drank Cinnamon Somersault by T2
1024 tasting notes

So today’s teaventures went BETTER THAN EXPECTED. Series of events:

1. noted cooler weather and allowed self to pull out the argo tea winter samplers
2. picked ‘winter spice’ because it reminded me of my dwindling supply of cinnamon somersault
3. got disappointed that the argo blend wasn’t anywhere near as awesome as cinnamon somersault
4. looked up cinnamon somersault on the t2 website to compare the ingredients
5. flipped out at seeing cinnamon somersault back in stock because last i’d heard that was never happening

This seems to keep happening to me! Southern Sunrise was a blend I fell madly in love with a couple of summers ago, it was supposed to just be a limited edition Christmas blend. It’s now in the official range. Now Cinnamon Somersault is back in stock after months of hearing it was a limited edition that wouldn’t ever come back. All I need is the trifecta now—come on, Shimmer Punch restock.

Ahhhh, I’m so happy. I don’t have to continue to sparsely eke out the dwindling remains in my cupboard because Cinnamon Somersault is BACK, BABY.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Orange Zest

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drank Cinnamon Somersault by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Cinnamon Somersault by T2
1024 tasting notes

Threw in a scoop of this with my second steeping of DAVIDsTEA Chocolate Orange and it made the latter so much more awesome. My Cinnamon Somersault stock is getting tooooooo low :(

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drank Cinnamon Somersault by T2
1024 tasting notes

Threw in a scoop of this with a scoop of my first love, Ginger Spice. BLAMMO, WINNING COMBO!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Cinnamon Somersault by T2
1024 tasting notes

I love this tea and I am so sad it was limited edition, even sadder that I didn’t even get to buy a box. The lovely T2 girl opened the very last box to give me a sample but then there was no box to buy! I begged my way into a fair share of the remaining sample stock a few days ago because it’s so delicious.

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drank Cinnamon Somersault by T2
1024 tasting notes

This guy came outta nowhere and knocked my socks off! I was mostly drawn to the name, and the “cinnamon” in the title is a bit misleading because it’s not overpoweringly cinnamontastic at all. But it’s delicious. The second brew is weaker, so this is a one-trick pony, and let it steep at LEAST five minutes then give it a sip and go for more if need be. But, yum. YUM.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Choc Chip Chai by T2
2 tasting notes

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drank Red Fancy Fruit by T2
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drank Creme Brulee by T2
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I absolutey loathe Chai tea but I quite liked this. Has a nice chocolate undertone with a bit of kick. Probably not something I would buy again but it was not bad.

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drank French Earl Grey by T2
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Tried with milk and sugar tonight and still getting that soapy taste. Do I just have a bad batch!?

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank French Earl Grey by T2
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Drank some yesterday morning with no sweetener or cow and omgosh it tasted like detergent. Could it have been my teamaker? Possibly. Had I tried this on its own before yesterday? I don’t think so…

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drank High Flying Pai Mu Tan by T2
8 tasting notes

Very subtle and pleasant white tea with mild fruity characteristics, has a hint of sweetness. Very easy to drink and enjoy, but might be a bit on the mild side for those who prefer a more robust flavour.

180 °F / 82 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Toasty Nougat by T2
8 tasting notes

I found this quite bland no matter how long it steeped. All I seemed to get was warm sugary water.

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drank Toasty Nougat by T2
8 tasting notes

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drank Silver Needles by T2
2 tasting notes

With a soft, sweet flavour and smooth texture this is my favourite tea to enjoy on quiet evenings. More expensive than any other tea I’ve bought, but worth every cent; definitely a permanent part of my collection.

170 °F / 76 °C 6 min, 30 sec

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drank White White Cocoa by T2
2 tasting notes

Incredibly like hot chocolate, which I found interesting for a tea without milk. The coconut blends perfectly with the cocoa, and the white tea provides the perfect light but sweet backing.

175 °F / 79 °C 6 min, 30 sec

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drank Spi Chai by T2
2 tasting notes

I find it to be a really lovely substitute for the normal chai as I prefer it caffeine free. It could do without the liquorice root, but that’s really just personal preference.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Vanilla Mint by T2
2 tasting notes

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drank Milky Oolong by T2
58 tasting notes

I’ve been interested in trying a milk oolong for a while. My understanding is that the famed milk oolong is made only from a particular cultivar of tea and the milky/creamy flavour comes from the leaves. On closer inspection milk oolong this is not. Well maybe it is made from the milk oolong cultivar, I have no way of knowing but I do know it is a flavoured Oolong, the ingredients on the package make that clear enough. Flavoured with what though? I assume (happy to be proven wrong) that it is artificial flavouring as T2 will generally list the names of natural flavourings on their packages rather than use a vague term like “flavour”…

The taste? I can taste oolong in the background and some kind of sweet caramel flavour which is quite strong. It is nice enough but I can’t help but think that a darker oolong would bring more richness to whatever the added flavour is. A nice departure from caramel/vanilla flavoured black teas that are everywhere but the caramel/vanilla taste left in the mouth is exactly the same as these inexpensive flavoured black teas. I think most people would enjoy this tea even if they don’t like oolong but at the same time much better quality oolongs can be had for the same price or less. I guess I’m a little bitter because I think the naming of this tea is a bit deceptive, perhaps Creamy Oolong would have been better…

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec

My thoughts entirely Alice! A ‘real’ Milky Oolong is hard to find (and T2 certainly doesn’t deliver the goods). At least, however, they are honest enough to list ‘flavoring’ on the ingredients, unlike many Chinese producers/distributors. You could try the Jin Xuan (pinyin for Milk Oolong) from Tea & Sympathy: http://teaandsympathy.com.au/collections/oolong-teas/products/jin-xuan-milk-oolong I wouldn’t say it is THE most delicious Milk Oolong I have ever tried (but then again I can’t even be sure that the ones that have topped it most in China were free from additives themselves), but it is pretty ‘true to type’ with a few interesting characteristics of it’s own. Not cheap mind you… I’ll post a review soon.


Thanks for the links TheSurfinSipper. I just bought a bunch of new teas but will add jin xuan from tea and sympathy to my wish list :)


No problemo, I’ll let you know if I come across any other good ones in the meantime. A good jin xuan is a tea worth getting to know!


I noticed teavivre have two, one flavoured and one unflavoured at good prices but I’ve never purchased from them before. They seem to have good review on here though.

I’m in a pickle at the moment. I moved to perth and didn’t bring much tea, not realising how long postage to Perth takes so now I have a large amount to tea in the post but absolutely none on my shelf. It is so tempting to order more but once it arrives I’ll have too much haha.


Too much tea? No such thing! Welcome to Perth btw!

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drank Hobart Breakfast by T2
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Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Hobart Breakfast by T2
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