Rishi Tea

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
311 tasting notes

This tea was way too strong by itself, but cut 1:1 with some straight silver needle or silver bud, it was quite a winner—very popular with colleagues who like their teas flavored.

160 °F / 71 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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drank Citron Oolong by Rishi Tea
100 tasting notes

It’s a good smooth oolong but the lemon is a little distracting from the smoothness.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Steep Information:
Amount: 10 tsp
Water: 4 measuring cups filtered water + ice
Tool: Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker
Served: Cold

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: lemon, berry, floral
Steeped Tea Smell:
Flavor: berry, hibiscus
Body: Full
Aftertaste: bitter, licorice, BITTER
Liquor: dark reddish-orange

I got this from Lena or Meghann M, oh my I’ve lost track, sorry!

Smells fabulous!

Taste at first sip is good, hibiscus berry, and then at the end of the sip TART LICORICE TART bleh bleh!

I like licorice, and have been known to gnaw on a licorice root, i like hibiscus, i like berries, and i like rooibos, but something about the combination is bad.

images: http://amazonv.blogspot.com/2010/04/rishi-tea-loose-leaf-rooibos-tea.html


LOL…it was me. I hate it too. I’ve been trying to find someone who likes this. Then, I can unload the whole HUGE bag on them. :)


if they blended it someone must have that taste bud combination, we just need to find who!

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drank Lemon Spice by Rishi Tea
1112 tasting notes

I think this is the 9th or 10th cup I’ve had of this in the past two days. When I’m drinking this, I don’t cough. They really are magic herbs for sickness. Medicinal in the best way possible. Tasty and helpful for two steeps.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemon Spice by Rishi Tea
1112 tasting notes

Oh Medicine Tea, I am so happy I have you in my tea cabinet today! This one is good for two infusions, so I made a big double pot, which I can then make fresh water for and have again. It is SO soothing on the throat, warming, and after only half a cup I’m breathing better. So much nicer than taking cold medicine which makes me feel jangly and dry.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

And unless you’re into Vapo-Rub, cold medicine doesn’t have nice fragrant steam to breathe.


Very true! That reminds me – I should take an extremely steamy bath tonight before getting the Nyquil Knockout! The one medicine I do allow myself is Nyquil to sleep – sweet oblivion!


Oh, how I wish Nyquil could knock me out!


Why does Rishi’s herbal tea tastes like medicine!

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drank Lemon Spice by Rishi Tea
1112 tasting notes

This is an unusual one – strange and medicinal but oddly enjoyable on the right night. A lot of pepper in this serving! The lemongrass and licorice have a great flavor. I still maintain this would be great for a cold, or if you were feeling run down. I haven’t even scratched the surface of learning about herbal tisanes as remedies, but it’s yet another aspect of tea I am interested in.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemon Spice by Rishi Tea
1112 tasting notes

No matter how much I try to frequent the small markets and specialty shops in my area, a once a month big supermarket trip is inevitable. Tonight was my night :/

One nice thing is that the store had tins of this tea on clearance! I decided to take a chance on it, and I’m glad that I did! It’s lemony, with a bit of licorice, and some peppery and gingery notes. Some honey sweetened it up a little. It was great for a late night cup, and I imagine it’s wonderful if you have a cold.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Hmm…I’ve never thought of checking my grocery store’s tea selection ::facepalm::


We have a big supermarket called Wegman’s which pretty much has everything, ever, and then some (they have sort of little stores within the store – one for tea, a big natural food area, cookware/dishes, cheese shop… I shouldn’t complain ;) They do a great job with organics and local produce and the prices are fair. It’s just so huge!! It takes two hours just to make it from one end to the other! But let me shut up – they had Rishi tea for 3.99 :)


I lived around here for ages with the normal boring grocery, then went to college where they had wegman’s and then came back home, i missed wegman’s but now it’s BACK!

i suggest trying out all local supermarkets – they really have started to carry more and more varieties of tea (even acme and giant are trying to capture some of the fancier teabags) but your ‘hipper’ store like whole foods and wegman’s and farmers markets may end up with stuff you see more often here

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SIPDOWN…see other notes…Steepster still super slow for me that’s why I haven’t been around much

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Since I am not usually into Jasmine…the more I have been trying to tinker with it…the more I have realized that I prefer WHITE Jasmine over GREEN Jasmine. I think it’s this tea that put me over the edge about my Jasmine thoughts. This is another gift from LiberTEAs and It’s highly scented and has an intense Jasmine Taste without leaving a funky aftertaste. It’s refreshing and relaxing all at the same time. Very nice!


This is definitely one of my favorite jasmine teas. I do love my pearls, but, these are very dear to my heart as well.

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drank Orange Blossom by Rishi Tea
6768 tasting notes

Meghann M!!!! Thanks for sending this my way!

This smells like Orange Blossom Soap that I have smelled before. Not that it smells soapy…but it was the ‘scent of the soap’ that actually reminded me of this tea.

I really had no idea if I would like this or not when I saw the actual loose leaf. It looked like a whole lot of lemon grass…not that I don’t enjoy lemon grass from time to time – just the last several lemon grassy teas I have tried I haven’t really enjoyed much.

This isn’t too bad. Altho it’s not very memorable, I find it refreshing and light. Probably a good one to sip on if you are stressed out! I started the cup while it was really hot but since it has cooled down and is quite chilled…I like it better cold. All-in-all not a bad one!

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Revisiting a favorite of mine.

Lovely Jasmine flavor. Sweet white tea. What a absolutely delightful combination.

165 °F / 73 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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This is my favorite “non green” jasmine… and quite possibly my favorite white tea (I think I had responded on an earlier tasting note that there was another white tea I liked better than this – Frutto Bianco Pearls from Teavana… but I like this one better than Frutto Bianco).

The jasmine flavor is remarkable in this blend, delicate yet so delightful. Sweet and exhilarating. Beautiful…absolutely beautiful.

You can read more about my thoughts of this tea here:



175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Ancient Pu-erh Palace by Rishi Tea
33 tasting notes

This is a decent basic pu-erh. I drink it in the morning when I am in the mood for something more pleasant than coffee.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Lychee Red Tea by Rishi Tea
4 tasting notes

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drank Wild Rose by Rishi Tea
371 tasting notes

Well, I think that I’ve fully realized that I really like the thought of rose teas, but in reality they’re not what I enjoy. There doesn’t seem to be any subtlety with the ones that I’ve had. In an odd way I think that some oolongs are what I’ve been dreaming of with roses.

This one has the aggressive “I am rose, hear me rawr” dry leaf scent that I’ve begun to associate with rose teas. The steeped scent is nice and rosy. But then there’s the war between the rose and tea. They just don’t seem to get along together. I don’t like feeling like my mouth is a battleground. And there’s a bitter aftertaste that I’m not digging.

Oh well, I’ll use this tin up over time and then be sure not to purchase again. M

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I agree w/u. Sometimes, I like them and sometimes. not so much…

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I love this tea, it is my favourite type of green tea and as the tasting note says it hasn´t got any bitterness.
185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 30 sec

I prefer my Fukamushi senchas for 30-45 sec in 160 degree water so it’s nice to know that a hotter, longer steep doesn’t get bitter:)

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160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Pretty tasty tea. Decided to buy it just to try something new, pretty happy that I did. Very fresh flavour; still looking for the nutty flavour, but overall very palatable.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Wuyi Oolong by Rishi Tea
371 tasting notes

This is my first Wuyi Oolong, and it’s really shown me how there are so many different characteristics to oolongs. The dry leaves had a slightly smoky scent along with the smell I associate with oolongs.

I actually read through all the notes to see if I was crazy, and thank goodness someone else had a similar experience (cuz I did feel crazy), but throughout the first steep I kept getting a “wift of marijuana smoke” smell. The taste was bolder than I’m used to with oolongs – more earthy and like a steamed vegetable plate (less asparagus-ey).

I’m on steeping #2 and it’s more like I’m licking a mossy rock that someone had sprinkled with sugar. Not a bad thing (or something that I’d do in real life), but I’m just not sure if this will be a staple oolong for me. NE

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec
I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

Drinking this one right now.


Wow, I really thought I was the only one who got the marijuana smell. I would really like to know what causes such a distinctive scent in this oolong.

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drank Ancient Emerald Lily by Rishi Tea
429 tasting notes

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drank Ancient Emerald Lily by Rishi Tea
429 tasting notes

This tea has beautiful long leaves and smells a little of hay. The taste is reminds me of toasted corn and the smell is slightly floral. A very nice cup of green tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Ancient Emerald Lily by Rishi Tea
429 tasting notes

A very nice green yunnan tea. It has a nutty aroma with a hint of flowers.

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Ancient Emerald Lily by Rishi Tea
429 tasting notes

The leaves of this tea are so big its hard to use a teaspoon to get them. So, I used my fingers and used about twice as much tea as I did the first time I drank this. Then I steeped for 6 minutes. The tea was unbelievable and I’m not usually this ecstatic about green teas. The tea had a nutty and orchid fragrance and had a nutty toasty taste with a slightly floral aftertaste. I’m going to start not following directions and experimenting until I get the tea the way I like it. This cup was great.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

“The leaves of this tea are so big its hard to use a teaspoon to get them”… exactly the reason I have a digital scale:)


And exactly why I’ve decided I need one!:) Some of my very favorite teas have ginormous leaves, and measuring them is quite a guessing game.


I have one ordered but its not here yet.


When the leaves are too big for me to use a tea spoon, I pour them out into the palm of my hand to measure them. LOL


Oh… and I now wish I would have ordered this when it was the Steepster Select. Not that I need more tea…


I often use the “pour into my palm” method. I still haven’t decided on which scale to buy. I tend to think of all the teas that I could buy with the money and not the scale. :)

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drank Ancient Emerald Lily by Rishi Tea
429 tasting notes

I figured that if I like Yunnan’s so much, why not find a green Yunnan. The Japanese greens I tried were a bust except for one. Green is new to me, but I actually like this one. Out of the tin this one smells like hay to me. Steeped it takes on a different persona. I get a slightly nutty taste with floral notes. The tea has a sweetness to it and I get the smell or orchids as it cools. I have some Indian greens coming next week so I hope I can find more that I like.

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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