Oh Medicine Tea, I am so happy I have you in my tea cabinet today! This one is good for two infusions, so I made a big double pot, which I can then make fresh water for and have again. It is SO soothing on the throat, warming, and after only half a cup I’m breathing better. So much nicer than taking cold medicine which makes me feel jangly and dry.
Very true! That reminds me – I should take an extremely steamy bath tonight before getting the Nyquil Knockout! The one medicine I do allow myself is Nyquil to sleep – sweet oblivion!
And unless you’re into Vapo-Rub, cold medicine doesn’t have nice fragrant steam to breathe.
Very true! That reminds me – I should take an extremely steamy bath tonight before getting the Nyquil Knockout! The one medicine I do allow myself is Nyquil to sleep – sweet oblivion!
Oh, how I wish Nyquil could knock me out!
Why does Rishi’s herbal tea tastes like medicine!