Rishi Tea

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drank Cinnamon Plum by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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drank Cinnamon Plum by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Cinnamon Plum by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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drank Cinnamon Plum by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Cinnamon Plum by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Cinnamon Plum by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Cinnamon Plum by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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drank Cinnamon Plum by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

Quite floral. The cinnamon and licorice are hardly present, but the plum comes through nicely.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Smooth tea, I enjoy it with a little organic peppermint. Makes my day. :)

175 °F / 79 °C 7 min, 15 sec

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I thought I’d dislike this tea based on the name (my prejudice showing!) but I was pleasantly surprised. Cocoa-like, creamy, balanced. Really exquisite, if you ask me! If you like cocoa, you will likely love this one. The pu-erh is noticeable, but this tea might be appreciated even by people who are not a fan of pu-erh’s unique aroma.

This tea can easily make two infusions…try twice the time for the second cup!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Not too shabby. I was a bit hesitant to try this one from Rishi because it smelled so fruity and had golden leaves like so many Yunnan teas do, and I’m definitely an assam lover at heart. But I had to at least TRY it since they claim it to be their ‘best’ black. I added milk and sugar to it and my first smell and taste of the brew was like orange-cream…yummy! Wonderful fruit flavor that definitely is as close to a dreamsicle in a tea that I’ve ever tried! Niiiice. Definitely not a ‘wake me up’ black but a nice smooth mellow orange cream tea for any time of day for me. Thumbs up just not waaaaay up.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Wuyi Oolong by Rishi Tea
48 tasting notes

Fantastic roasted barley notes. One of the more refreshing Oolong teas I’ve had. This one reminds me of genmaicha but is not as forceful. It smells good. And doesn’t really have that “sweet” after taste that other Oolong teas have.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Wuyi Oolong by Rishi Tea
48 tasting notes

This tea has a light earthy taste. There are notes of roasted brown rice or roasted barley, slightly reminiscent of genmaicha. This is a fantastic tea. It’s like a rollercoaster on the palate. At first it’s light, then comes the more bolder earthy taste, and lastly on the end is the slight sweet taste. Overall it’s a light oolong that’s good for multiple steepings. I steeped two teaspoons seven times. I probably won’t go over five or six times again.

3 min, 0 sec

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I forgot I had this tea, and it nicely surprised me today. Mellow and delicious, it reminded me of Rishi’s silver needle that I love.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 15 sec

The Tea Farm is giving away 2oz of dragon well free w/ any purchase if you’re interested in trying a different brand. I looove dragon well and can’t wait to try TTF’s version!

Tea 4 Health

This is my go-to-tea! I have always been a green tea fan, but since finding this dragonwell by Rishi, it is hands down my favorite. It a fantastic flavor profile that is smooth and un-intrusive. I enjoy at least a cup a day, normally upwards of 3 :)

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drank Honeydew Melon by Rishi Tea
6768 tasting notes

Just got back from lunch. Forced myself to leave the office today. That means I had to go out into the COLD, Cruel World…sigh…it’s sooooo cold. So I went over to a lil cafe (where they charge over $2.50 for Republic of Tea Bagged Larges – yes, 1 tea bag and hot water $2.50-ish…) so instead of getting tea I tried their Cleanse Lemonade and it was something fierce! Now I will have that lingering watery-intense cayenne pepper-slight lemon flavor traveling with me all day! Blah! Anyhow…I’m back and back to drinking the nectar of the gods…TEA, hello!? LOL

My goal for this afternoon and this evening is to try and finish as many teas in my stash as possible.

This is my first one…

and it’s yummy and lovely. I hope to get some more someday…


This made me laugh…
listing the cravings…and there was tea, well, it didn’t work! LOL

Gingko (manager of Life in Teacup)

Ambitious for one afternoon and evening! You must have had a lot of fun today :D

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drank Honeydew Melon by Rishi Tea
6768 tasting notes

Doesn’t smell like much until you start to infuse. Lovely! This is yummy and light and melon and floral! Delicate but darling!


The name makes it sound amazing!

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A great tea! I think Mate tea is one of my favorites mainly because of the many health benefits. Very fresh taste I usually drink this tea if I have an upset stomach, seems to work!

190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 30 sec

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drank Pu-erh Ginger Tea Blend by Rishi Tea
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drank Pu-erh Ginger Tea Blend by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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drank Pu-erh Ginger Tea Blend by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

Nice and creamy, but the ginger dominates. Mellows with a second steeping.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Blueberry Rooibos by Rishi Tea
162 tasting notes

Once upon a time my little brother was nice to me and gave me some herbal tisane that had the most amazing blueberry flavor. I adored it and I drank the whole 3 cups worth he gave me. Sadly the store he got it from closed before I had the chance to restock a lifetime supply and he had thrown away the packaging leaving me without hope of ever finding it again. Many years passed but my desire for a delicious blueberry drink was still deep inside of me. One day, I came across this Blueberry Rooibos and figured I would try it and see if it would live up to my beloved memory.

This story has a happy ending because this is all I wanted it to be! I shall forever cherish this rooibos and hold it close! I will NOT be sharing this with my brother.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

Haha sounds great! I have to pick some up next time I make a Rishi order.


Mmm, blueberries…I love fresh blueberries. Strangely enough, I don’t like blueberry jam and muffins. :)

If you’re looking for another blueberry tisane, there’s one made by Portsmouth Tea that I’ve heard is good (http://www.portsmouthtea.com/Main.php?do=productDetail&pid=152).


Shanti, I don’t like blueberry muffins either and thanks for the suggesting the Portsmouth tea!

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I like mint. I like a lot of mint. I think I like mint that may blow other people’s taste buds out.

I like this tea, but I was hoping for more mint, less rooibos. It’s got an earthy backnote to it, and the light, clean note of the peppermint. However, I am enjoying this cuppa, and will be quite happy to polish off this sample from Lena.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

MORE peppermint? Yikes girl…this one is totally peppermint! lol


I like Celestial Seasoning peppermint. You know, the one that everyone says blows their heads off….

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drank Darjeeling 1st Flush by Rishi Tea
48 tasting notes

I’m happy to have this one in my cupboard. The first steep was a bit astringent so I added some rock sugar. That’s a no-no. I didn’t care for it after that. Second steep was much more enjoyable. Doesn’t have the astringency the first steep has. Has a lovely yet complex taste in the second steep.

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drank Darjeeling 1st Flush by Rishi Tea
48 tasting notes

This tea was not made by me last time I logged it. This time it was.
This 1st flush is really amazing. The steeped leafs have a fresh cut grass smell. But the tea doesn’t smell that way. The smell and first taste were astringent. So I thought I wasn’t going to like it. However, it was only on the first part of the cup. The rest of the cup was slightly sweet almost described as fruity but I can’t think of a fruit to describe it. It had the sweetness of a fruit. I took a sip and couldn’t go more than 20 seconds without sipping some again. It was one of the best teas I’ve had in a while. I’m going to raise my rating from 79 to 83

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

…interesting review.
When I make myself a cup of black tea I always let it cool down a bit before I start drinking.If the tea is to hot it has this astringent taste,as you mentioned it on your comment.But 4-5min really have an impact as the tea comes across far milder or even fruity,as you wrote it…
Did you use tea bags or loose leafs? In case you were using loose leafs be a little bit more generous with your portioning and try to get a second brew out of it…the second one will be lighter and sweeter compared with the first brew.
Combine both brews (1st & 2nd) in a big mug…let it sit for a couple of minutes and you will taste things that you never would have realised before…
Tea bags won’t stand that test, by the way…


That is such a good idea. I’ll try it. It’s loose leaf. I’ve never thought of combining the 1st and 2nd steep. I’m always nervous about using larger portions because I don’t like my tea strong. I also don’t normally steep it for as long as the tea company says. But I’ll definitely give this a try. Thanks for the pointers.

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