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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
61 tasting notes

So, I’ve stopped just logging my teas if I don’t have anything new to add to because then my log would get a bit out of hand. So don’t think I’m not drinking my tea, I’m just being lazy about posting it.

Anyways, this is getting special notice as I’m on vacation up in N, and forgot to bring this one with me. No worries I’ve got my Jakee Muntz, Valentines, chocolate chai, and some Candy Cane Lane to accompany me. But I missed my PG tips (for the whole day we were separated) so when my dad went to the tiny little market in backwater NH, I asked him to poke around to see if this happened to be there.

And it was! much to my surprise and delight. Some days I can’t even find it in the big chain market and I usually have to look in the international aisle. So, this little mountain town general store had a couple boxes, and now I know what I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving.
I had a nice mug with a bit of milk and settled in front of the fire with my family (and orgo book).


Oh man, orgo. I do not envy you. But I suppose for you premeds [right?] it’s one of those unavoidable nuisances.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Go team pre-med! Its actually not that bad, because I like the material, but getting it right is so hard.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
61 tasting notes

Once again, the start to my day. More bitter than usual and I’m noticing maybe a bit more malty-ness. This was what I was sipping as my paper was being edited. A 6 pager on tea! I thought it was crap, but apparently my classmates like it. Also, my new teas from Adagio are coming in today! So pumped! Expect a lot from me today.

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
61 tasting notes

Yummy with milk in a travel mug while taking a Greek exam. Tasted a bit like I had put honey in it, very pleasant. My morning tea, as I am to lazy to deal with loose leaf that early.

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
61 tasting notes

Morning! I am up and ready to go, and then realized my 8am was canceled. Oh well, I can drink my tea and ponder.
Also, re-graded now that I have a better background.

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
61 tasting notes

Thank you for getting me through my classes today, tea. I really appreciate it! Also, very tasty this morning, I am more pleased than usual. I think I’ve finally figured you out, and look forward to our future mornings and potential luncheons.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
61 tasting notes

Breakfast before my 8am class has never been cheerier! Very good basic black with just enough of a kick to get me going.

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drank English Breakfast by PG Tips
37 tasting notes

Great tea anytime. Hearty flavor holds up well to milk and sugar. Not a strong caffeine kick (which I am happy out, don’t want it). I was pleasantly surprised with the complexity of the tea, even with the milk in it. I have seen it sold at Fresh Market and Amazon.

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drank English Breakfast by PG Tips
7 tasting notes

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
7 tasting notes

my favourite basic every day tea. i take this on camping trips.

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
8 tasting notes

yes, a classic morning tea

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
4 tasting notes

Are you paying attention, Lipton? Excellent with lots of milk and raw sugar.

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
21 tasting notes

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
21 tasting notes

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
21 tasting notes

i think this is brilliant tea

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
1 tasting notes

This is my all time favorite – (so far).

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
7 tasting notes

This is divine. Strong flavor that holds its own with milk. It is extremely comforting and satisfying.

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
30 tasting notes

A good, go-to basic British style tea. Reliable taste – you know what you’re getting: how much to add to the pot, how much and how hot the water needs to be, how long to brew it, and how to doctor it up – every time.
Takes biscuits (the cookie style digestives, not the southern style for gravy delivery) beautifully.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank English Breakfast by PG Tips
2 tasting notes

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drank English Breakfast by PG Tips
3010 tasting notes

A little hard to find in the U.S. Midwest; worth the search for a proper morning cuppa.

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strong and extremely flavorful!!

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
44 tasting notes

At parents house before moving out to NY = Daily home blend of tea!

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
44 tasting notes

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
44 tasting notes

Had an excellent cup of a home-made masala chai tea this morning.. Once again, at my parents house!

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
44 tasting notes

At parents’ house again! Some green tea leaves, PG Tips black tea and some spices all brewed together on the stove-top = Magnificent!

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