Matcha Outlet

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drank Berry Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15534 tasting notes

Another hit for me from Red Leaf! Now I have to say that this is NOT as yummy and delicious for me as the caramel or the cheesecake matcha but it’s still what I’d hoped for when I ordered it.

My matcha order was the following:

Size : Small
Matcha Quality: Starter (Basic Grade)
Flavor: Robust

As usual I have Red Leaf’s small tins as well, to keep all of my matcha looking the same. I also love that you can peel the label off their bags to put on the tin! Saves me having to try and make my own label.
I ordered the Berry matcha specifically so that I could use it in my smoothies in the morning. We’re heading into winter here (although some would tell you we’re already in winter! But I refuse…I’m still wearing dresses to work with bare legs!). I want to be able to have that Berry taste all winter long instead of having to fumble with frozen fruit or paying up the wazooo for fresh fruit. I also ordered this one since it hasn’t been reviewed yet, and I was hoping to return the favour for Red Leaf by getting at least one review up.

I was a bit worried with the Robust flavouring because the Pear matcha I ordered was too strong in that flavouring, but this is alright!
As usual, cutting open the bag is always exciting for me. It’s that first whiff of the delicious things to come that keeps me wanting more lol I don’t know how to place this smell…it’s like a mishmash of fruit/sweet flavouring.

Soooo even though this was purchased to have in my smoothies, I opted to make a hot latte with this one. I wish I could say that its because that’s what I really wanted, but mostly it was because we didn’t have much in the house. Coming back from vacation on thanksgiving = no stores are open except the small convenience stores!

Now this MAY turn a few people off but I didn’t mind it. This matcha reminds me of the old school Flintstone vitamins that used to be around when I was growing up (are they still?). Kids used to eat them as candy, which of course was seriously expensive candy haha. I need to have this a few more times to figure out the balance of matcha to liquid that will make this perfect. However, I’m not disappointed! Really can’t wait till I can get groceries and make a proper smoothie with this one. Perhaps a Berry Caramel smoothie…. hmmmmm

Buy it here:


I was SO going to order this, but I was torn on whether or not to because I wasn’t sure how it would smell. Even though I love berry, I already have the boysenberry and cherry, and I found the strawberry more candy sweet than anything else. Would you say this is on the candy side?


Let me get back to you on that rachel (along with the coffee review) heh. I have the black cherry at home that Im hoping to try tonight and it’ll give me a better sense of the sweet factor in comparision. I want to say no..but then it reminded me of flintstone vitamins which, i suppose in retrospect are kind of artificial and candy like.


All right. Let me know. By the way, I am waaaay too anxious for your coffee review. LOL.

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Steepster has been giving me quite the fit lately! That’s why I haven’t been around as much! Sorry! It seems I can only log a few teas and then BAM I can’t even few my dashboard! Oh well!

Backlogging this one, too! See other notes!

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This is very hard to screw up and I LOVE that!
Had a few cups today!
See other notes!

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I can’t believe I am still the only one to try this so far. It’s tasty! It really is! I had 3 more cups today!


how do you find it compares to black cherry? assuming you’ve tried that one?

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Another backlog from Friday…see other notes

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I couldn’t help it! I HAD to try my 2nd matcha NOW.

This flavored matcha is heavily scented and I really think it’s FAB! It would be comparable to Smarties or Cherry Flavored Candies or even Cherry Ice Cream, maybe. I suppose there could be the Cherry Flavored Syrup in Medicines, too, but I choose to think more positive while sniffing this aroma!

Much like the Peanut Butter one I just posted about this froths up awesomely! The flavor is more intense than the Peanut Butter one, tho. The Cherry is lovely! It’s juicy, sweet, plump, and candy-like. There is also a milky sort of a taste to this one enough tho I didn’t add milk (or anything else for that matter). I really like it!

YUMMO! Yup! I like this one…it’s great! I would say a bit more than the last.


Have you had any of the other cherry matchas? If so…how do they stack up? :)


I think this is the only cherry one I’ve tried from Red Leaf thus far

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I went a little crazy and put a heaping tablespoon in like 4 ounces or water. I really don’t think there is a(n easy) way to screw this up!
BTW…check out my blog…new recipe and pic!

Autistic Goblin

A very yummy matcha :D

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backlogging and currently logging another…a nice go-to flavored matcha, I am finding!

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Pardon me…while I back log…see previous notes…

Autistic Goblin

I voted for this on the website :D

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YAY! My RLT Matcha Order came today!!! Woooooot!
I usually try to space them out so I don’t taste more than one tea from the same company but I am REALLY tempted to get thru most of them today! LOL

This is the first of my 6 I ordered :)

I’m not sure why but this one frothed up perfectly! Even better than the other RLT Matcha’s I have already tried! I’m not sure if that is ‘normal’ of this one or just the whisking for today but I’m super impressed, regardless!

Dry – it smells like peanuts. Once I added the water it was a bit more subtle aroma-wise but still impressive! If you like peanuts and/or peanut butter you’ll enjoy the smell!

As for the taste it’s incredible smooth…not as intense peanut-butter-wise taste as I thought it would be but it does have a good deal of it in there. It’s about even-steven with the matcha base flavor. There is a malt-shop drink flavor and texture to this that I really LOVE. There are also hints of PEANUT BUTTER PIE type flavors I am picking up too!

This one is neat! I’m glad I bought it! I will be sharing with my Sororitea Sisters Liberteas AND Azzrian

Yup! This one is Nifty!


Peanut Butter Matcha what a combo. LOL! I bet if you introduced this to all the body builders they would buy this. They love peanut butter and Peanut butter & chocolate together. Wonder if there is a chocolate peanut butter matcha? LOL! Great review by the way.


@Tea is Wisdom … there could be a chocolate peanut butter matcha – as you can order custom blends from red leaf tea. :)


@LiberTeas I didn’t know that I will have to see if they do. Granted I don’t think I would be brave enough to try it. Well maybe! LOL! Thanks for the information I appreciate it.

Autistic Goblin

sounds super yummy! :D

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Guys! Guys. This is a really good combination. You know how rooibos is kind of sweet, and kind of mild, and earthy, and almost spicy at times. And how pumpkin is also sweet, and mild and earthy, and then pumpkin pie has spices? You see where I’m going with this. There is some serious synergy in how the rooibos and the pumpkin pie flavor go together here, and the color is GORGEOUS and the whole thing is CAFFEINE-FREE so I get a pumpkin pie roobois latte for my bedtime snack.

The backstory is that I’d been over caffeinating a bit with Red Leaf’s matcha promotion so I decided to try the red matcha, which is powdered rooibos and thus caffeine free. It is very light and powdery,almost chalky in texture, and the color is a pastel version of normal rusty rooibos color. I’d say it has an even finer texture than the green matcha, and it mixes in really easily in comparison – a bit less tendency to clump.
This is ok plain, but it really shines latte-style with a bit of milk and sweetener (I like brown sugar or maples syrup); rooibos is slightly sweet on its own, definitely not bitter, but a little sweetener enhances the pumpkin pie flavor – less like just spices, and more like PIE! This is definitely one of my favorites so far!

You can buy this at


This sounds awesome! great tasting note


Thanks! I was kind of dubious about the “red matcha” so it was a pleasant surprise to like it so much :)


For some reason the beginning of your post reminded me of this:

I bet the pumpkin pie would be the perfect combo with this one! I might order it with the black base too, I think it’s my favorite flavor from them.


Hee, it may very well be a meme of some sort – those things get into your brain. And I’ve been wanting to try the black base! I think I got some with my next order.


The black base is really good with chocolatey flavors like tiramisu, cookies & cream, mocha, etc. They really compliment each other well, though I don’t know how good it would be with fruity flavors.

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drank Banana Matcha by Matcha Outlet
4843 tasting notes

I’m having a Banana Matcha Milkshake at the moment, and it’s yummy! And it’s disappearing fast!

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drank Banana Matcha by Matcha Outlet
4843 tasting notes

I know that I should be drinking other teas right now… I have so many different teas to be tasting and reviewing, but I wanted more Matcha!

When I opened the package, it smelled very much like banana candies. I’m not a big fan of banana runts but I do like banana taffy. I don’t know why I don’t like the banana runts. I just don’t. So, as I was whisking this, I hoped that it wouldn’t end up tasting like banana runts.

It doesn’t. I don’t know, maybe it actually does but as I have it made up in my mind that I “don’t” like banana runts that because I do like this Matcha, I’ve decided that it doesn’t taste like banana runts. Does that make sense? Probably not. Does it have to make sense? I guess not.

It tastes good and sweet, but it isn’t an overly sweet banana taste. It tastes more like the fruit to me, rather than something overly sweet. The sweetness is more like the sweetness from the banana and the Matcha … which is what I mean about the tasting like the fruit rather than something too sweet. It tastes like banana mixed in with Matcha without the texture of the banana.

As I was opening this pouch and all the while as I prepared the Matcha, I couldn’t help thinking about the minions – – and their love of bananas. I love the minions.

I chose the distinctive level of flavoring together with the classic grade of Matcha, and I think that this combination worked well. The banana flavor is strong but doesn’t overwhelm the sweet taste of the Matcha. Interestingly, though, I don’t taste a lot of vegetative taste from the Matcha with this… it’s almost like the vegetal tones have melded with the fruit tones in some way. It tastes less vegetal and more banana-y, but I still taste the Matcha. The Matcha tastes more buttery to me this time around than vegetative. But it is still smooth and creamy and rich, and I’m loving it! You can get some of your own Banana Matcha here:

It tastes absolutely lovely. I love it on it’s own, but I think it will also taste great mixed with just about any of the various Matcha flavors that I have in my cupboard. Cinnamon Banana … yum. Banana Cheesecake … yum! Strawberry banana … might be good. I think I’m one of the only ones out there that isn’t particularly crazy about the combination of strawberry and banana, even though I do usually add strawberries and bananas to my smoothies … I usually have other fruits in there too so that it’s not all about the strawberries and bananas. I am thinking I’d rather have boysenberry and banana.

Anyway… I don’t usually close my reviews with a song choice, but, I think it’s fitting to offer this song choice with this Matcha:


I read this and thought of Banana chips; does it taste like that? Interesting?


I love the Minions, too, and I’m also not a fan of the strawberry-and-banana combination. I am happy to find someone else who also thinks it’s kind of “meh.” =)




I love the little minions. I’ve watched that several times and I didn’t even register on me before that the main lyric was “banana” and “potato”.

I like strawberry and banana, but what I do really like is banana and caramel. It is like a sundae.


Oh, Meg, thank you! You said banana+caramel and that led me to think that I like banana+honey, and that reminded me that I’m completely out of honey. And Nutella. Glad I read that before leaving for the supermarket. :D


@Nik Glad to help jog your memory! :D


I’m intrigued by this. I’m no fan of banana, but my BF is. I feel bad with all the flavored matchas I’ve been getting.

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My matcha for the day. A couple of days there I went without Matcha and I really felt my energy level droop as a result. I love the energy boost I get from Matcha.

I made a latte with this Matcha and I really do think that this is one of those that_needs_ to be a latte … that pumpkin pie flavor really pops with the addition of milk. It becomes very much like a smooth, rich, creamy piece of pumpkin pie, liquified in a bowl of Matcha. YUM!


I ordered some of this and I want it! Wah!

Autistic Goblin

Dang it now I want my pumpkin pie matcha but it’s at home and I still have a few hours of work to go… grr…


I’m ordering this tonight. Sounds delish!


This sounds really good! And very appropriate for this time of the year. :)


They just have so many amazing flavors – I can never decide which to try next! But I think this one might be it!

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I like pumpkin pie. It’s not my favorite dessert, but I like it, and no Thanksgiving is really complete without it. (I also make it for our Christmas feast as well, because my family loves pumpkin pie, and I really only make it these two times a year)

This flavored Matcha from Red Leaf Tea – – has managed to capture the essence of pumpkin pie so well. It tastes as though someone has liquified the pumpkin pie and added it to a bowl of Matcha! So rich and creamy and deliciously pumpkin!

I can taste the rich and savory taste of the pumpkin, the sweetness of it, and the accent flavors of cinnamon as well as the hint of buttery pastry. If I could change anything about this, I would like a bit more pumpkin flavor here, but I wouldn’t want to sacrifice any of the other flavors to add the pumpkin flavor, so as it is, I like it just fine. So yummy! I made this into a latte (using a 1:1 ratio of hot water to warmed milk) because I wanted to accent the creaminess a bit more, and I think that this Matcha really benefits from being served this way. It tastes good prepared traditionally using only hot water, but it tastes REALLY GOOD when prepared as a latte.

The Matcha flavor is not overwhelmed with my specifications of classic Matcha with distinctive pumpkin pie flavoring, however, if you want more Matcha flavor, go with the delicate flavoring level. I don’t think I need more of the pumpkin pie flavor, I think that as it is with the distinctive level, there is a really good amount of flavor, with the flavor of the pumpkin pie just a little stronger than the Matcha, but the sweet, smooth, vegetative taste of the Matcha coming through in a nice way.

I really like this one, and I look forward to also trying this with the Cheesecake Matcha for a Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Matcha! Mmm!

This Pumpkin Pie Matcha is available here: and you really should get some before Thanksgiving … I’m looking forward to enjoying this on Turkey day!


I have to get around to ordering this.


I had to laugh when I read your last paragraph. For us Canadians, Thanksgiving is tomorrow! Aside from that, I should really look into getting some of this matcha; it sounds great :)


I keep thinking sea weeds and pumpkin pie; not a mix really. would you sit at the beach smelling the freshly/fishy seaweed smell and have pumpkin pie while sitting there? I am sorry, please don’t punch me in the face or anything. It is something to consider. Algae vs. pumpkin pie? why vs. why not combine it says those mixing the brews…I suppose.


I do agree that the other flavors came more over the pumpkin pie, but it’s still enjoyable.

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This has become my morning tea. The key here is to add 1/2 tsp of matcha, 1/4 tsp of raw sugar, enough water to dissolve, whisk gently ( this is where I was messing up) top with milk and ENJOY!
Drinking this each day has made some health problems go away. Doing a happy dance and loving my pumpkin pie matcha:)

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I have had this everyday! So smooth, spices are perfect..overall a perfect cup of tea.


oooh, I’m excited I just ordered this.


Amy: my daughter has already finished her large tin and I have offered to give her what remains of my small end when she comes to visit this week! I think you will like it a lot. As a hot chocolate replacement, it is divine. One cup milk warmed in microwave with one teaspoon sugar, lightly blended, equals magnifico!


Grrrr, autocorrect! Small one, not small end!


thanks, I will try it that way!

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I have had this twice today. The spice level is spot on. I think I like this one better than the chai matcha, but it is close between the two:)

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I was really waiting for this one in the mail. I could hardly wait to tear open the package and take a waft! My anticipation was met with perfection in a cup. The delicate spice level of a well made pumpkin pie matched with Matcha and I am in heaven.
When I first made this, the cloves seemed to be at the forefront. But, today vanilla creaminess followed by cinnamon woke up my senses. I always make my matcha with half water and half milk. I am going to go through this one fast, as it so good you just slurp it all down in no time I got the delicate level of flavoring with the basic matcha base and I am so happy that I caved in last weekend and picked this one up at a discounted rate. But, it is worth every penny on sale or not. YES, it is that good. Pie in a cup plus the health benefits of a matcha, that is a win-win in my book. Good job Red leaf Tea! Now that you have read to the end of this review, head on over to Red Tea Leaf website and pick up your own pouch of Pumpkin Pie Matcha:
Enjoy fall with this fantastic pumpkin flavored matcha.

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drank Cheesecake Matcha by Matcha Outlet
6117 tasting notes

Sipdown 2020! 25/365

Abysmal progress on those sipdowns. However, I decided that I wanted some matcha today, so I finished off this packet. I should have picked a bigger mug though – it was definitely too strong, and I didn’t mix it well. Lessons for next time. Still smelled like cheesecake, but I dosed it with almond milk and maple syrup, so I couldn’t really tell.


It looks like I have some of this… I will be drinking this tomorrow. :D

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drank Cheesecake Matcha by Matcha Outlet
6117 tasting notes

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drank Cheesecake Matcha by Matcha Outlet
6117 tasting notes

So I received my redirected matchas yesterday, woo! As I’m heading into the lab, a shot of energy seems appropriate, so time to try the much-loved cheesecake matcha. I ordered the robust strength with the regular base, as that seems to be the preferred combination here.

When I first tore into the packet, I have to say that I was surprised/shocked to smell not cheesecake, but strawberry. A similar thing happened to me with the Madagascar Vanilla, where I smelled not vanilla, but strawberry. A bit disappointing, as I was expecting a strong tangy cheesecakey aroma. Upon further sniffs, I detected a bit of a milkyish, possibly cheesecakey flavour, but given that this is “robust”, I really expected more.

As usual, I decided to make this into an almond milk latte. I used 2 heaping teaspoons of matcha whisked into hot milk, then mixed with cold almond milk. To my surprise, the latte tasted like nothing but a generic matcha latte. Not even a hint of cheesecake. So I added another generous tsp or two to a new small bowl of hot milk, whisked, and added it. Same deal. And keep in mind… I think I’ve used about half of my 30g packet by now. This is one EXPENSIVE latte… I added some maple syrup as sweetener (no other options), and now I have quite a tasty drink… but definitely not what I was expecting. I can almost smell cheesecake if I sniff quite hard, and a sip of the latte leaves a bit of a cheesecake aftertaste, but this is unfortunately not what I had hoped it would be. Perhaps the cheesecake blends in too well with the almond milk? I wouldn’t have expected that, given how well my delicately flavoured Caramel matcha worked with it (and also, I tried a taste of the plain milk + matcha and couldn’t taste cheesecake either). I would love to blame this on my tastebuds or something, but I have a series of other teas with me that I can definitely smell and taste quite fine, so that’s not the problem.

Oh well. I do love the caramel matcha, so perhaps will simply stock up on that one instead!

ETA: It just occurred to me that I may have made a fatal error by drinking almost my entire latte on an empty stomach… uh oh…

Iced 8 min or more
Autistic Goblin

That’s odd mine definitely smelled like cheesecake (it overwhelmed my kitchen) so I’m not sure why yours smelled like strawberry, did you have strawberries on the brain?


Nope, wasn’t thinking about strawberries at all. And it’s funny, as I’ve been sitting here, I keep randomly smelling strawberry again. There are these asian strawberry/cream candies in little red wrappers that I love, and that’s exactly how it smells. It doesn’t particularly taste like strawberry, though.

Matcha Outlet

I’m very sorry that you did not like it. Please contact me regarding this product.


I just had a similar experience today!!!! with the cheesecake matcha. I wanted to try it a few different ways before writing my review.
I got milky candy, but not cheesecake. not strawberry either though. Definitely not what I expected, and nothing like the other ones I tried. Well, my base was lower grade this time than my previous purchase


Yeah, based on the previous reviews and given that I ordered “robust”, it just wasn’t anything like what I expected. Yes, milky candy would more accurately describe the flavour I got (plus yummy matcha base!), but even that was pretty weak.

@Red Leaf – I do want to clarify that there’s nothing inherently wrong with the matcha, nothing tasted “off”, and I certainly enjoyed the latte I made! Cheesecake, though, it was not :(


Also, I’ve only ever ordered the basic grade, and delicate flavouring (in the whopping three previous matchas I purchased); this was my first foray into a stronger flavouring. Based on the strength of both the caramel and green apple, I was expecting to be knocked out by the cheesecake! (The vanilla was definitely not so potent.)


I didnt get much Cheesecake flavour from a hot latte either. Cold, though, it really shines. It is now my favourite and most used matcha ever since I tried it in a smoothie. It tastes incredibly tangy and true somehow. But hot, I find it’s just meh.


thanks for the tip, I will try it via shaken bottle method next :)


Kittena and indigo….you two are weirdos :p


agreed!! haha
I suspect it would have been alot better with royal grade. and my fave cheesecake is the ricotta/“light” kind so that might have something to do with it? shrugs


softrevolution – this was a cold latte, so I don’t know what went wrong. I think I’ll be getting more to try and see if it was an off batch; my palate isn’t usually super far off from everyone else’s! I was really looking forward to the tang, and with the upcoming end to the free matcha program, was thinking to place orders for a large amount of both the caramel and cheesecake matcha, so was disappointed when it wasn’t as good as I expected. (I still have to pick up a bunch of the caramel though…. deeeeelish!)

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So I won this from Red Leaf Tea for choosing a matcha name Yay! And they said I could choose any flavor and I could pick from flavors that had not been released yet. So I choose this one :) Now they are released on the site now, but when I got to choose its was all like Oh! I want to be the first one to get this :)

Now what I got was Size: Large Quality: Classic Flavor: Robust (first robust flavor other then the mocha one I got from Azzrian :) I forewarn I have been rambling on about everything today, so I probably will in this review too.

I have never had a creme brulee but from what I’ve watched (being obsessed with the food network) its like a custard with burnt sugar on top. So this is definitely a sweet creamy drink, cant say I get the burnt sugar taste. I do get more flavor from this one then matcha, but obviously I usually get my matchas in delicate so this being robust flavoring its going to have more :) I’m not sure why but when I drink this it tastes like the cheesecake matcha to me, I think I like this one a bit more then cheesecake its more smooth and delicious to me.But my cheesecake was also in delicate flavor. It is very good, sweet and creamy like a custard should be. Here is the link so everyone can get some :)

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