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drank Rouge Sahara by Mariage Frères
362 tasting notes

How I misjudged this… I got it on the recommendation of the saleslady, and it was not the rooibos i was looking for. First couple times I tried it hot, I disliked it – I am coming to realize I dislike the flavour of mint brewed in boiling water. But after i discovered the cold brewing process, oh it was love. This just might be of my favorite iced teas ever – the rooibos, the mint, the rose.

Finished but a rebuy for sure.

Iced 8 min or more

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drank Rouge Sahara by Mariage Frères
362 tasting notes

Eureka, finally found a way to prepare it – cold brew. It is absolutely lovely (to my taste buds) that way. Minty, but without bitterness and some rooibos body. With a bit of brown sugar it was even better.

Normal amount of rooibos, cold water, put it in the fridge for a couple hours, added a tiny bit of brown sugar. Might be the most stomach friendly drink ever – rooibos AND mint.

Iced 8 min or more

Yum, sounds lovely!


Cteresa, I’m not a fan of Rooibos (red rooibos that is, I don’t mind green but there isn’t many green blends out there). I find the medecin taste in the backgroud always ends up ruining the experience for me! But rooibos and mint sound like a harmonious combination somehow :-)


TeaFairy, I like rooibos (normally. Some bases I find horrible, some I love and would take plain), so I am coming at this tea from the other direction, so to speak.

As a hot brew tea is really not working for me because I dislike the bitterness (not quite, but can not think of the right word) gets in boiling water. So yeah, this cold brew really works!

And cold brew, you get rooibos as a base, very fresh mint and a hint of the roses…


happy you finally managed to have the best of this rooibos


I also tried it steeped directly in cold water and loved it too – but I have never been inconvenienced by steeping it in almost boiling water either.
Glad anyway that you found a way to enjoy it.


I think it is definetely the boiling water and mint which is a big bit personal turn-off. In cold water it is not just palatable, it is the best (so-far) cold brewed rooibos I have tried! Speaking of which should go make some today!

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drank Rouge Sahara by Mariage Frères
362 tasting notes

Experimenting with this – I have figured out boiling water and mint is an absolute no for me, no matter what it tastes bitter in an oily way. And this has a lot of mint. Experimenting with this, I just tried 80 degrees water and a long long steep – it is indeed better, but the end result a bit colder than I like my rooibos. And still too minty (though not boiled-mint bitter) for my own taste.

I will give it another try, just to make sure, but I think this will be up for swap – preferrably for another rooibos. I will have 35-40 grams of it left I think.

180 °F / 82 °C 7 min, 45 sec

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drank Rouge Sahara by Mariage Frères
362 tasting notes

Well this was an unexpected dud, but one which made me realize something about the peculiarities of my personal likes and dislikes.

I love rooibos, but I am very picky about rooibos – the base has to have certain characteristics. Some rooibos bases I dislike, seem musty or woody or even silty to me. But when rooibos is good, I do love it and it´s an extremely comforting evening drink. It´s far more difficult to me to find good rooibos than good tea, I got 3 (plus one south african supermarket brand which is an occasional random find) brands whose rooibos blends seem great to me – apart from those ocasional finds which seem good, but many others I do not even come close to finishing.

Mariage Fréres is one of my reliable rooibos brands, and wanting to try something new, the saleslady recommend this as her personal favorite. It smelled different, so minty, I decided to give it a (small) try. It´s rooibos with a lot of dried mint and rose petals, not sure if it has extra flavourings.

And the problem is with the flavouring – this made me realize I dislike dried mint leaves steeped in boiling water. I love fresh mint, I like mint in green teas (which do not steep in water so hot), but plain mint tisanes, noooo. Mint and boiling water, it is like the mint leaves this oily hint of bitterness which I dislike. And that was the problem here – I used boiling water and the mint had that oily boiled-mint thing and that was indeed a problem for me. Now I do not know what to do with is, I like rooibos very hot and very long, but if I do that the mint is going to annoy me. Will try again with water a bit colder, to see if there is rescue to this.

TLDR: Mint and boiling water: no-no. Mint only for lower temperature teas.

PS – also not a good rooibos for my late at night rooibos since I leave the spent leaves on the gravity infuser overnight. I never had a problem with smells (apart from the time I tried something with another variety of mint), but there is a definite minty overtone in the strainer now. This really is not a rooibos for me.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

too bad but you have now a new material to swap


I have not quite given up yet, am going to try to brew it colder just to see – the review was more to make me remember my new insight into boiled mint being very much a dislike for me. And share in case other people also have a problem with it.

I, roiboosista that I am, have a problem with not having enough (rooibos) teas! I have 10 times more of other kinds of teas than of rooibos, but I am so picky about what I like with rooibos and somehow, because I always have rooibos in the evening and I like rooibos strong, examining the composting tea (it does not smell, really) half the tea I is rooibos. I am sniff running out of proper rooibos (do not pity me, I am a total snob about what is proper rooibos, and well it is a motivation for a tea order one of these days).

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360ml of water at 195F
1 heaping tablespoon of tea
Steep for 4 minutes
1/4 teaspoon of highly refined sugar

It’s described as a Namring Poomong Upper, but with the DJ2 designation, and an SFTGFOP1 ranking, it is classified as a different Spring Flush Namring tea at Mariage Freres. Yet the similarities are there coming from the same estate, same flush, same year. However, this tea is not as good as the Spring Flush Namring was last year.

The taste is very light and I tried bringing out more of the flavor by adding more tea leaves. The taste became sronger but did not necessarily heighten the flavor of the tea. The Namring last year had a refreshing floral note while retaining all of the flavor of an exceptional Darjeeling. It had great body as well. The 2013 Namring has less flavor, does not have the floral notes, has more of an earthly quality to it, and is flat in taste.

I really wanted to like this tea and it is still a good Darjeeling, but it misses the mark of the stellar Darjeelings Mariage has released in previous years.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Thanks for posting about this company in the forum. I’ll have to try some of their offerings!

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Thanks Ysaurella for sending me this lovely green tea!

The dry leaves are so wonderfully fragrant… sweet-smelling like potpourri. Some people may be put off by the strong perfume, but that’s exactly what I like about MF’s flavoured teas. :) When brewed the beautiful fragrance is fully translated into fruity and flowery flavours in the liquor. I can’t tell the kind of fruits or flowers they use though… MF wants to keep the formula “mysterious”, apparently. The green tea base is great too. It is very delicate, not too grassy, and it has a sweet finish. It can get a bit bitter when it cools so I would really recommend drinking it hot.

I’ve just realized that this is my first green MF tea… and I am loving it :)

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I am really happy you liked this one.I’s one of the brand green teas best sellers and it was not for me but I know a lot of green tea lovers are really addicted to Montagne de Jade.


I am totally see why it is a bestseller! Thanks so much, I haven’t had such an impressive green tea for a while. :)


I mean I can totally see :P

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drank Ivory Himalaya by Mariage Frères
15575 tasting notes

Had a farewell cup of this the other day. I’m going to give the rest of it to my parents since they are in love with this tea AND are taking us on vacation later this year and paying for a large bit of it.

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drank Ivory Himalaya by Mariage Frères
15575 tasting notes

Pulled this tea out for a change because i am having an incredibly frustrating work day. I strongly dislike people giving attitude back when someone is just asking questions to help understand the ask and make sure they’re providing the right recommendation. Especially from a team member that i go out of my way to help often. So i needed to take a step back, find my happy place and calm down a little….so i picked this tea. Still delicious but i think i need to stick to my usual white steeping parameters versus MF’s weird parameters lol Glad i have more to play with though, i might let my parents have more of this since it’s expensive and they adore it.

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drank Ivory Himalaya by Mariage Frères
15575 tasting notes

this is another backlog from yesterday. A tea my dad purchased in Paris that i forced him to open and consume because otherwise it would still be sitting there the next time i came to visit, unopened. So i brewed a cup of this for him to try and let mom have a sip…who exclaimed she wanted a cup, so i gave her the cup i was making for myself (resteep) and warned her it would be a little different tasting. Went back to resteep it again for myself, at which point my dad came back in the the garden to announce that i should make him another cup for dinner…so i gave him my other resteep…

Yeah…we steeped this 4 times and i took the last steep so my parents could enjoy the “better” steeps. I also used this tea to show my parents that you CAN resteep some of the teas that dad has purchased without losing too much flavour.

Did i mention that this tea is EIGHTY FIVE EUROS for 100 grams… yeah. I think this is officially the most expensive tea that i’ve had to date. Now, those who know me, know that white teas are generally not my thing. However this tea was pretty darn delicious. I’m sort of hoping that dad decides he doesn’t like it and sends the rest to me later, though that’s not likely to be the case given how fast he drank his two cups.

This tea is light and refreshing and totally not floral. It really does have notes of honey and vanilla in it. The liquor is a beautiful pale golden yellow colour that faded to a dull yellow. I wish i could tell you more, but i didn’t get a chance to jot down too many notes, since my parents kept wanting me to make more heh. If i get the chance to go back and have more, I will write a better note. Promise.


That’s an expensive tea, holy cow!


yeah…i worked out that before this, the most expensive tea i’d had was roughly 53euro for 100g in comparison factoring exchange rate/ounce to grams etc…


That’s more expensive than Starbucks! lol


ohhh seeing the tea , I was thinking Sil’s Dad is really awesome :)


Ysaurella – i agree. I think if i really get him into ths i might get to try many more teas that are on the “too expensive for me to buy” end of things.

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drank Prince Igor by Mariage Frères
73 tasting notes

Another of the samples Ysaurella sent me – thank you again! Cara and I had this the other afternoon, but I had no chance to make a note then, so finished off the last of it in a small cup just for me. I think if this one had tasted as good as it smelled, I’d have been in trouble. I sniffed and pondered and sniffed some more, and finally came up with strawberries and cream with vanilla sugar. And some undefined but gentle floral note. Now, I haven’t eaten strawberries and cream for ages (although soya cream is a really good substitute these days), and have no idea if cream actually smells, but this is still what my sniffing was telling me. The cup itself didn’t have quite the same richness and depth of flavour, and again, my imperfect tasting gave me very slightly underripe strawberries, vanilla and again, that elusive light floral taste. (Is it the sunflowers? They sure look pretty, but even tasting one gave no clue as to whether or no they taste sweet. Yes, I do regularly taste the leaves after infusion!) Very nice, and the black & green tea base is very good – though I wouldn’t have got green myself, I don’t think. Perhaps if I hadn’t had Ysaurella’s careful preparation notes to hand I might have got the green in the bad way?

I’ve tried the Pleine Lune as well, but going to brew it up again for tasting note for that, but so far, I’m extremely happy that the Pouchkine has been the hit of the teas Ysaurella sent for me. This way, I know which Mariage Frères teas I want to get when I get to the London shop, but am not so smitten I have to pay MF shipping rates to Ireland Right. Now.


Glad you liked this one too, the unrecognized MF blend ! it suffers from Marco Polo’s reputation :)
But Prince Igor is really a complex tea with citrus, vanilla and strawberries, I prefer it to Marco Polo.


I don’t think I’ve ever actually had Marco Polo, though of course, as you say, it is so famous. Fun to be part of the appreciative minority on Prince Igor. :)

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drank Bouddha Bleu by Mariage Frères
1445 tasting notes

Mariage Frères Advent 2021 – Day 10

Oh, hey! I’ve had this one before, and lots of it! (was gifted a tin back in 2011).
I hoped to see this one again but was a little apprehensive about distorted memories, but nope – it still tastes exactly as I remember it. Except now I’m older (if not wiser), and this is bagged (and more generously leafed compared to other MF advent days lol). I’ll keep my old rating.

This is an easy-going, almost buttery, green tea – with notes of flowers and ripe Asiatic persimmons (nectar-like sweet finish). Don’t know how to describe persimmon in the flavour/scents box – sort of like a cross between a mango, peach, and honeydew? Possibly bubblegum.. I love persimmons, and got a Diospyros kaki sapling for the yard last year (it’s an experiment). There’s almost a spice to the finish. It leaves a drying astringent mouth feel, like a lot of MF and bagged teas in general.

Steep Count: 3

Flavors: Astringent, Bubblegum, Butter, Floral, Fruity, Grass, Honeydew, Mango, Nectar, Pepper, Smooth, Sweet

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Bouddha Bleu by Mariage Frères
1445 tasting notes

I’ve come to learn that I don’t care much for flavoured greens, but this is probably my favourite one. It’s also my favourite of the four mariage frères tins that I was gifted almost a year ago, and the only one I’d repurchase.

It drives me absolutely bonkers that I still don’t know what it’s scented with. That’s actually part of the reason I’ve taken so long to write a tasting note for it. I just end up frustrating myself with “mystery flavours” instead of enjoying the tea, which all of me agrees on being fruity sweet and mildly floral (isn’t that enough to know?).

The tea tastes light, smooth, and sweet, before an moderately astringent and tart finish- which makes me think citrus rind or seed. That smoothness reminds me of the best moments of a juicy orange, but I have a feeling that there is more than one fruit behind this cup. The lingering aftertaste is a gentle fruity sweetness.. like that of a ripe frozen persimmon!!! I tried frozen persimmons for the first time a week ago and I am almost positive that that is what I’m tasting. Sorry. Mid-tasting note epiphany. I’m so freaking excited; if I identified that right this tea puzzle would make a little more sense. Hopefully, that now familiar flavour sticks around in further sessions with this tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec

I know what you mean about not knowing the exact flavours driving you bonkers – me too, though not about this particular one. And their descriptions sometimes “silky marvelous tea” (which is what they describe Thé au Tibet, which admittedly it is), so not helpful sometimes.

There is a weird alchimy sometimes in their blends – I taste loquats in Montagne D´Or though their (french) site for once discloses the fruits and says it is mango, lychee and Bengal apple (whatever that is). Surabaya is supposedly guava and blackberries but to me it tastes of lychee. Weird alchemy when we do not know!


Those are some very unique fruit combinations there. I can’t begin to imagine what those pairings would taste like. Knowing that they do create blends with a wide range of fruit make me feel a little less stressed that I can’t figure this one out. Thanks for the information!

Mariage Frères lack of ingredient disclosure challenges me by making me question how much my preconceptions go into perceiving what a tea tastes like. I appreciate that reminder but I wish I knew more about this tea other than that it’s “fruity and velvety” and is under their website’s “floral” section.


I think there might be clove in this tea as well as the fruits?

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I selected this sample from Shmiracles as my after dinner tea with an episode of Merlin. I am surprised that there are so many just-average ratings for this tea. My only issue with it is that raspberry is my least favorite berry. Other than that, I think that this is an excellently blended tea. The flavors don’t taste too sweet or artificial and there is absolutely no questionable aftertaste (as I have found all too common with many flavored teas). This is like the tea version of a berry blend juice. If I liked raspberry more, I’d give it 100.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Veranda by Mariage Frères
52 tasting notes

While I usually don’t like flavored teas, this is very enjoyable. It has a good black tea base and wonderfully aromatic flavors.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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sipdown! thus beating my “goal” for this weekend of getting to 290. 289! and there’s still a few more hours left in the day….though maybe not too many since i am beat! release weekend = no sleep and we needed up having to roll back at the last minute so pretty much it was an all nighter for no reason. Now to see if we have to do it again in may or we bundle it into the june release. ugh.

final verdict no this tea? I’m not a fan. there’s a bitterness that i can’t seem to get rid of no matter how i steep it. It’s not a BAD tea but when i think about mousse au chocolat…there is no comparison for me! Still though, thanks so much shmiracles for this sample since i do love trying mariage teas! and even though it’s not the most amazing it was still a treat! :)


I’m begining to think this collection is a kind of gadget…even on French blogs these teas are very very far from unanimity.


I love the mousse au chocolat one heh


yes but sounds bizarre MF blends are often appreciated by a majority and on blogs this collection has lower ratings than the others.


tres interesante! :)


it made me laugh when I read she didn’t want to contact the client service about the fact she disliked the tea ! that’s it sometimes you like sometimes not…I’m considering sending a complaint to Nestlé world because I’m not sure I like their strawberry yoghurts…:D


My French is TERRIBLE so I did not get any nuances or alternative meanings, but I did like that review. :)


ya, i’ve kinda given up on these two Héritage Gourmand i bought. or at least lowered my expectations. but i’m still interested in trying as many other of their teas as i can. i know it’s just your opinion, but thanks Sil, for making it two of us that is not bffs with this tea. glad again i could share :)


Shmiracles – if you give up on teh mousse au chocolat, you just send it my way lol.


That was a great review! And lol totally vindicates me for being too cheap to buy MF special edition tins.

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I haven’t yet decided how I feel about this one. Thank you Shmiracles for this one! I’m going to refrain from rating this one, because I got busy and was unable to really take notes. I know that mousse au chocolat is still my favourite of the two but that’s as far as I can recall. This one impressed me less but it wasn’t bad at all!

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Another decadently exotic sample from Shmiracles.

I was pretty excited about this one. the leaves look and smell good enough to eat! The brewed cup isn’t quite so decadent (for me, anyway). It’s got a sort of tart or liquor-like flavor about it. The chocolate is there, but I’m not too fond of liquor flavor with occasional exceptions. I was hoping for more of a creamy backdrop for the chocolate.

But this really is all for the best. I still fear the day when I am tempted to spend more on shipping than on the tea in order to get it from afar!

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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Thank you Shmiracles for this sample!

The dried leaves smell incredibly yummy. I checked on Steepster before I brewed it and took the advice to keep it short. I did 2min30sec.

I am picking up on the coconut flavor that one of you other reviewers mentioned too. I do absolutely love a good macaroon (and, incidentally, so does my siamese cat) or German chocolate cake, but I’ve never liked coconut in teas. It usually makes me feel sick. But this isn’t coconut though, now is it? It’s coconut-esqu minus the horrid after-taste that real coconut teas give me.

I do like it quite alright, but I’m not in love by any means. I’ve been pretty picky about dessert teas, so no surprise there. However, I like it a whole lot better than most of what I get from Della Terra. The sweetness of this one is not rediculously-over-the-top. Unfortunately, the coconut-like flavor, while not at all nauseating, is too reminiscent of the teas I don’t like and it is putting me off just a bit.

I’m afraid to try too many samples from exotic over-seas companies because i am afraid that I will love them and won’t be able to acquire them easily! I let my husband take a sip from my cup and he loved it. I told him, well, that’s too bad. (^o^)

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec

haha i’m WORRIED TOO!! i used to lazily make virtual shopping carts of tea while i’m at work all the time, usually closing the tab and not buying anything in the end. and that fad has been dormant for a while, …but now it’s back with a vengeance! and the MF & DF carts i make are NOT fooling around OH NOES!

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drank Violette by Mariage Frères
408 tasting notes

I have the habit to drink the Dammann Frères Violette.
This one is just so different, incredible.
The DF Violette is more a candy Violette, the MF Violette is a flowery Violette.
That’s it ! I like both.
The tea base is really nice, smooth. The flavour is for sure floral and it just tastes like a violet. I get something additional, something like a hint of acidity, like a cloud of pure lemon juice- but I don’t think there is lemon, this is weird.

I like both blends but prefer the Dammann Frères one.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

The Dammann, is to my nose, also very certainly superior. Thank you very much for the chance to try both!

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Sipdown, 167.

When I started this note I was angry at having not gotten my car back from the mechanic even though he promised it to me today, but I just got a call and it’s done. This is especially important because I am driving it to DC tomorrow!

Anyway, this tea was made to soothe me… This time I made it strong with milk and sugar and it is deeeelish. So so chocolatey, and more mousse-like now. An indulgence, but a slightly less indulgent than actual chocolate mousse.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Let’s see how this one goes! Thanks again to Shmiracles for samples of these teas.

I was quite shocked by how many cocoa hulls are in this tea. I swear it is like half hulls and half black tea. As such, it smells soooo chocolatey dry, and also steeped. I steeped this one a bit cooler than I have previously with MF teas, hoping to combat any potential bitterness, although yes, I know, not all of their black bases are the same.

I seem to have a had some success! There is no doubting that this is chocolate! Quite a nice dark chocolate, and the base is smooth. There may be some tiny bitterness here, but it is like the bitterness of fine chocolate, like eating a really dark chocolate bar. Hmmm, I just got a sort of semisweet sip that was quite nice! This really is one of the most authentic chocolate-tasting teas I’ve tried, so major bonus points for that. Unfortunately for me, I’m not the biggest dark chocolate person. I know! I do enjoy it, but I also much prefer milk chocolate… I just don’t like bitter things, even bitter sweet. On the other hand, dark chocolate is better than no chocolate, so I am still enjoying this cup. Thanks again Shmiracles!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

you liked it for a dark chocolate tea, that’s the main point, you managed to brew your Mariage Frères tea in a way you like it.
I definitively need to send you some MF blends in June.I’m sure you’ll find some you would like


i do think lower temp water is the way to go with these Héritage Gourmand ones. i agree with everything you’ve said so far.


Yes, definitely successful as a chocolate tea, and I definitely enjoyed it. Sometimes it’s all about playing around enough with something to figure it out!

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I am just coming back from the Mariage Frères shop Place de la Madeleine in Paris.
I needed to refill my box of Prince Igor …so bought 100gr BUT of course I cannot enter a MF shop without buying other teas…
I wanted to taste this one for ages so here it is !
I am terrible with vanilla : I had too much vanilla teas or ice creams made with a stupid artificial vanilla now I am suspicious.
I generally refuse any vanilla ice cream except those of 2 or 3 brands and I do the same with teas.

Knowing Mariage Frères I was sure the vanilla was a good vanilla and I am not disappointed at all.
This is a sumptuous Bourbon vanilla…meaning the Vanilla comes from the following islands ONLY : La Réunion, Mauritius,Madagascar or Comoros. This is the same Vanilla as the one used in Wedding Impérial but of course here no caramel and the tea base is not an assam but probably a Chinese tea and it is so mellow, awwwww love it !

This blend is perfectly balanced between the flavour and the tea base.
I think it can become one staple.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec

aaaaah! i need to try this one lol


i will buy this. i will i will.


This is the only one I got to bring back from Paris, it is my favorite vanilla. I wish I could taste right now, I really want some now :(


Sounds amazing! :)


yes it is especially if you like real vanilla :)


I love Vanilla though like you, I am picky!

Have you checked out Black Orchid as well? I was comparing both recently and ended up deciding for Black Orchid, but keep wondering about Vanille des Îles – they must have something different!


nope I didn’t try Black Orchid as I thought it was more a floral tea (until I read your review recently !)
I’ll add a sample of Vanille des Îles in your envelope :)


Oh, but you do not have to! Or swap for some of the others then – I added no extras, could not think of anything (well, must buy more teas). But I now wish i had included Black Orchid or the humble clipper teabags.


No prob Teresa, I’ll add this one for sure I am always very happy to see your reviews about the teas I sent – you can detect all the flavours and describe them so well, it’s a pleasure to read your posts.


That is a great compliment, thank you!


I agree with you, Ysaurella! But yours are very good reading too!

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I got some of this from Dustin in a swap and also Scmiracles sent me some because she is totally awesome!!

I tried this once a few months ago at my local fancy tea shop, but then she never had anymore in stock. Speaking of fancy, I feel fancy when I drink it.

It does get pretty strong pretty fast and I remember the lady at the tea shop telling me this, so I steeped it at 95 degrees and only for about a minute and a half, I do not regret that decision as I can actually taste a hint of bitterness even at that time!

It’s delicious though, chocolatey and caramelly and the scent of the tea is intoxicating. I know it’s all in my head because it’s my curse to always want things I cannot have, but I swear it even SMELLS like quality. It’s so nice to be able to try this!

My ultimate life goal of visiting Paris one day (and England for that matter) is just emphasized now because when I get there someday, I will absolutely be raiding Mariages Freres!

Thanks so much for the samples, you guys :)
I am truly enjoying my cup of this while I rewatch Season 5 of True Blood, two of my favorite things at the same time, too much awesomeness!!

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400ml of water at 195F
1 level tablespoon of tea
Steep for 4 minutes
1/4 teaspoon of highly refined sugar

As a Spring Flush tea, this Jungpana represents a difficult tea to judge. In 2011, the First Flush Jungpana was among my favorites, highlighting all the tastes a fine Spring Darjeeling has to offer. In 2012, the Jungpana lost some of its flavor and was a very light tasting Darjeeling.

This 2013 Spring Flush Darjeeling is more similar to a Summer Flush than a Spring Flush. It has the bold, brisk, astringent taste of a Summer Tea. It retains some if it’s fruity flavor of years past but this is all together different when mixed in the the astringency and the bold taste.

As a Spring Flush Tea, it fails to please. It has none of the complex, light tasting, multitude, of floral and fruity notes. The stringency is strong, harsh, overbearing and does not accentuate the overall taste. Gone is the very slight, not at all sour stringency which brings together and heightens the taste of all the complex flavors.

Hopefully all the other teas of my purchase, will live up to the gold standard of a Mariage Freres Spring Flush tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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