Joseph Wesley Black Tea
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Another sad sipdown. Maybe one day Joseph Wesley will return. This is one I would definitely repurchase. It’s got a bittersweet chocolate vibe, very deep and dark. Plus, it’s kept is flavor much longer than others I purchased from JW around the same time. Highly recommend.
Flavors: Dark Bittersweet, Dark Chocolate, Malt
Finishing the last of this today. It is a truly fantastic tea. It is roasty and rich, has a slightly smokey flavor, and reminds me a bit of coffee in a really good way. No bitterness, just smooth. I am contemplating ordering more of this right now. It is just so damn good.
Flavors: Coffee, Roasted, Smoke
Finally getting around to gong fu-ing this. It is so superior this way. Usually is, right? Also, definitely don’t skimp on the leaves and it will reward you. Richly. Huge uptick on the rating now.
Flavors: Cocoa, Mineral, Toasted
This is a solid heavy oxidized oolong. A wonderful soothing mineral flavor with a soothing mouth and throat feel. A warm delightful roasted scent is evident on the leaves. Many steeps can be had from this. It is currently part of the limited edition portion at Joseph Wesley. It is a lovely tea and I am happy to have purchased it. I brewed it Western style and am excited to try this Gongfu in my gaiwan.
Flavors: Floral, Mineral, Roasted
I think I am going to need to try brewing this one again. I followed the brewing instructions that came with the tea and it left me feeling like this tea wasn’t as flavorful or bold as other teas of similar quality. It is a good tea. It is just, as brewed, not quite on the level of others that I have had. I’ll update as needed.
Edit: I brewed in a gaiwan gong fu style this time around with slightly cooler temps. Seemed better flavors came out this time around.
Flavors: Malt
Yeah, I’m going to try this one gongfu in the future. I mean, I can certainly taste the potential here. Just, in the way that I made it this time, it kind of underwhelmed. I think this just speaks to my evolution with tea. In the past, I don’t think I would have been experienced enough to point out or even realize some of these things.
Funny you should comment on this today because I tried it again but this time in my gaiwan tonight. I brewed it at about 185. I liked it better this time around.
I am down to my last 2 cups of this tea. Oh my goodness I am going to miss it. This landed in my cupboard as part of a stash sale. I guess it was a win-win situation. They slimmed down their cupboard of a tea they didn’t enjoy and I gained one I loved. After this tea I think I am down to samples of Keenum teas. It will be okay for a little while, but I see either a JW or Teavire order in my future to rectify the lack of Keenums in my cupboard.
This tea this morning is delicious. It is really beady and chocolaty. Num Num Num NUm
This has been my tea of the week. I wake up thinking about it and am excited to get to work to make a cup. It has been the perfect addition to my morning. It even received tin status this week.
I just ordered a sample of this one! My box from Joseph Wesley arrived yesterday so this may have to be the first one I try. If you wake up thinking about it then it must be good. :)
you know they have promo 2015HOLIDAYS 20% off. im going to get tea for two set
two chawan and can of tea(your choice) $36 free ship. i think its a great deal!
Ahh, tin status, haha! I was thinking about upgrading a couple teas to a tin this week…love the term. :P
@Shae, I hope you like it! It is a pretty good keemun. @boychik- I was eyeing these, but I have told myself no more tea until Feb! @Mike- I finally broke down and ordered a crap ton of H&S 4oz black tins. I love having my favorites in tins. Much easier access, then my sealed bags in a box somewhere.
So I think this is the tea I am currently drinking. It maybe a similar version as I remember the note from JW saying something about being out of the Keemun, but here is a sample of something. It is good stuff! Yum yum yum yum. This is just what I needed this morning to get me going. Baked bread, with a deep hint of cacao. The teas I have tried from JW have been missing what I will call the “base” for me. They are light and airy. This one has that extra umph that is rocking my world this morning. I hope that this is the same tea that is in tin #5, because a tin worth is on its way from Beorhthraefn.
This was the afternoon tea for me today, and to be honest I do not know what to make of it. The best words I can use to describe it today are soft. It was like it left me hanging a bit. The flavor was there. The upper range of light and fruity, but I guess I was expecting more base to really give it more of a hearty edge. I haven’t had many, if any, Dian Hong, so i think it was purely poor expectations for me. I will keep experimenting with my sample. For me I got a light sweet bread flavor out of this tea that was really smooth.
This is not what I was expecting, but that is not a bad thing. This is very very smooth. I get almost a smokey flavor, a woody note and almost cherry like flavor to this. This is way more savory than I was expecting. It is one of those snuggle in a blanket on a cold day kinda teas. I am picking up no astringency. I could definitely sip this all afternoon.
Sooo goood! Qimen is gorgeous – delicate leaf with a honey, fruity, and dark chocolate flavor with a hint of smoke and floral. I did mine gongfu style for 8 infusions and even with a really long final infusion it didn’t get overly dry. Nice complex black that is easy to drink.
Full review on Oolong Owl
When I’m not drinking Pu-erh, I’ve been instinctively reaching for a few select black teas, one of which is this Qimen. It’s like pouring black-cherry and tobacco infused honey that has been stored in oaken casks down your throat. So smooth, immune to over steeping and light enough to drink any time of the day. 50 grams gone; I’ll have to double down.
The small, expertly-crafted leaf portends an excellent tea, and this Keemun does not disappoint. The dry leaf has a voluptuous chocolate smell which mixes with roasted chestnut when the leaf is infused. I like to drink this in a glass mug to see the rich, reddish liquor, redolent of cinnamon.
Chocolate, cinnamon and clean tobacco flavors are in perfect equilibrium and the tea sparkles on the mid-palate. As it cools, a cotton-candy sweetness emerges. The taste persists in the mouth and throat for a while after the session.
From dry leaf to aftertaste, this tea is a wonderful experience.
So fortunate to be able to try this. Leaf is gorgeous. Compared to the #5, I would say this is more delicate/less bold but just as flavourful and delicious. This one seems lighter on the spicy fruitiness but is even sweeter and more floral. The aroma really is incredibly beautiful! Another tea I could easily drink everyday. :)
haha! :)
I especially loved the aroma of this one, and I even made it my easy gaiwan – I almost forgot about it but I had bought that same one you have with the goldfish!
This is the one I have although it is sold out now in that link. I really like it.
Thanks for the link! I’m trying to decide betweena a tradional gaiwan & an easy one. Please consider reviewing your gaiwan here:
“So glad that you came back”
Did you mean me? (I never left.) If yes, thank you boychik! That’s so very kind of you!! I’ve had a series of challenges and just haven’t felt up to writing reviews. However, I typically visit every morning and read the black & pu-erh reviews as I enjoy my morning tea. I also make sure to keep up with the tea sales.
My lack of a gaiwan that comfortably fits my medium-sized hand has also kept me from reviewing teas that should be brewed gungfu style. Most recently, I’ve been considering traditional & easy gaiwans made by Ru Kiln. Two examples:
I understand they’re thicker and thus are recommended for brewing higher-temperature teas. I welcome any thoughts or recommendations.
@looseTman sorry, that reply was for caile. She was absent for some time.
Regarding Gaiwan I do like mine. My hands are small, like 12 yrs old girl and sensitive. I gab no problem with using my Gaiwan. It’s easy, good quality and not expensive. Ru kiln are better for puerh. 130ml is a good size. Not too big not too small. Just right. if you will not find this Gaiwan on rebeccali store send her a message. The lady replies right away. Maybe she will bring it back on site. I bought 3 or 4 times. Always great experience, shipped right away, got within 10 days. Never bought any tea from her so cannot vouch. I generally don’t buy any tea on eBay or Aliexpress.
Those ru kiln gaiwans more expensive than on Aliexpress. You don’t need 170ml Gaiwan. I think it’s big especially for sampling. White 2 tea has very attractive ru kiln Gaiwan 95ml for $20. I have it as well. It’s very nice.
Another option is glass gongfu teapots. They are around $12 on eBay. You cannot burn yourself with those ones. I recommend not bigger than 130-150ml. The smaller the better.
Those are good recommendations boychik.
That gaiwan I have measures about 120-130 ml to just below the inner brim but I don’t fill it up that high; usually around half or so.
looseTman, I’m the same as you with not being up to writing reviews lately but still enjoying reading them. And, I do love reading your reviews by the way, as they are perfectly detailed and always interesting. :)
I haven’t been reviewing much but I was excited to get to try a few of joseph Wesley teas, thanks to a generous tea friend. This was the first I chose, and wow, now I know what I have been missing all this time – this tea is fantastic!
It brewed a rich and fragrant cup that tasted of spiced fruits and caramel with some smokiness and very light floral – so sweet, so tasty! Resteeped for a few cups which were all delicious.
This is a tea I would easily drink everyday!
YUM! How does Keemun Congfu compare to TeaVivre’s Keemuns, especially their Premium Keemun Hao Ya? Thanks!
It has been awhile since I have had Teavivre’s so I can’t really compare. I have the premium keemun hao ya on order from their recent sale though. :)