Fru P Kaffe & The
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had this again as one of the recent reviews from angrboda was on this one. I have to agree with her on this one. While it smells aaammaaaazing! the taste is almost muted and not nearly as deliciously caramelly as it seems like it should be. it reminds me a little of some of the della terra caramel teas but with a smoother black base that has a slightly less artificial taste. still haven’t found the sweet spot with this one. but man, does it smell wonderful!
sipdown! (215) which means mission accomplished for this weekend! And that, ladies and gentlemen makes me happy even though finishing up this tea makes me less happy. I really have enjoyed this tea from angrboda The vanilla blends really nicely with the black base. Really digging it!
warning – incoming catch up on tasting notes from yesterday and today given that the power is finally back in my place….
thank you angrboda for sending this my way. This is a really delicious vanilla tea. I have to agree with her assessment on this being one of the better ones out there. After having tried a number myself, this is probably the closest to what i’d call true to vanilla (with a black base). I loved this one yesterday, especially when paired with the smokey black i was drinking :) thank you angrboda! I will be enjoying all of this!
As you may have seen on the discussion boards, I recently missed out on a chance to taste this new-fangled sparkling tea product. Not wine, not cider, not tea, but sort of all things at once, or something. Fru P replied to my comment on the Book of Faces that if they had any left she would save some for me, but of course this was not possible.
I did take the opportunity to stock up on that awesome vanilla that they have (Sil, if you are still interested in trying it, please message me. I have loads now.) and I also bought some of her caramel flavoured black. This is another highly coveted flavour for me in tea. I love it when it occurs naturally and I love it when it’s added artificially. Unlike vanilla, though, I’ve met several caramel flavoured teas that fit my requirements exactly.
Anyway, I had to try this one as well, of course. I don’t even know how I missed it the first time I was in there. It’s not like me to not even look for it.
I had a whiff of the leaves before steeping and both that aroma and the aroma of the cup now steaming under my nose are extremely promising. It’s all sweet and butter-y caramel. There is even a smidge of something nutty to it. A sweet kind of nut, like an almond. All heavy and creamy.
The flavour, at the first sip, struck me as a bit thin and a bit… twig-y, sort of. I don’t know, I just got this image of twigs in my head. It’s not immediately delivering on the promise of the aroma.
Some would say, ‘try adding a little sugar’ or ‘try adding a little milk’, to which say a vehement no. If a tea has to have additives in order to taste right, it’s just not a good tea. Additives, for me, kills the tea. Additives are murder. In other words, I rarely actually like a tea very much after adding stuff to it, especially sugar. I can deal with milk but prefer not to have it. Sugar or other sweeteners, however… I do not understand how some of you can even get it down. So, no. I’m not tampering with the tea and nothing you say can ever convince me otherwise.
Instead I’m going to let it cool down a bit, and there it is. There is a caramel flavour there now, but it’s still not as rich as in the aroma and it’s sort of hovering under a water-y surface.
It helps a bit as it cools and develops a quite nice nutty aftertaste, but it still never gets really caramel-y. I suspect this requires some fiddling with the steeping process. So far, though, I’m not really convinced.
On completely unrelated note, this car ( is driving around in the town where I live. No, Steepsterites. Your eyes are not decieving you.
First time I saw it, I was waiting for a bus and it drove past. Afterwards I actually wasn’t sure if I really did see it. :)
Did Boris and Natasha finally kill moose and squirrel for Mr Big? If that went over your head, sorry, I’m old.
Hello Steepsterites! No, I haven’t forgotten you. I have in fact been around and reading most days. Just been a bit busy. Husband started his new job shortly before I posted the last post, and at the moment his commute is absolutely horrid. There is a car purchase in his near future which will cut his commute time in half or there abouts. So as it is, he’s home pretty late every day and I don’t really see very much of him.
Now, however, I’ve got a long holiday of about 2½ weeks in front of me, and there should be more time to keep up with you lot as well.
Project Ceylon!
Yes, I’ve made it through the samples from Nothing But Tea. What I have left now is this one, which I got in that delicacies shop that shares my name, and by coincidence discovered that it wasn’t actually a generic blend as the name would have me believe. I’ve also got my two Chaplon Ceylons, Galle and Uva Highlands, which I want to revisit for Project Ceylon as well. That’s going to be difficult, especially when it comes to Galle, because I’ve had about half the tin so far and I’ve started to know it pretty well. That makes it harder to analyse, I think, because I know what I’m expecting to be there and it affects my experience of the cup I’m actually having. Bit like how I avoid reading other people’s notes on a tea while I’m writing my own post.
I suppose with Galle and Uva Highlands, those are so relatively new in my cupboard that I could just find the first post I’ve done of each and have that count towards the reference map, but somehow that feels like cheating.
Now, back on topic. This one comes from Pettiagala and since it was a coincidence that I spotted that name on her bag in the shop, I’ve had to find my own information on it by way of Google and Teh Interwebz. As far as I could determine, it’s a high grown tea, grown at about 1500 meters above the surface of the sea.
The aroma of the dry leaf has a bit of wood and a bit of malt, and with a touch of something floral on top of it all. I can’t find any of the leather-y notes that appear to have been more or less universal in the Ceylon teas I’ve tried so far. This doesn’t worry me too much, though, because the scent of the dry leaf have been completely difference from how it presents itself when brewed before.
So after steeping, I’m on the lookout for that leather-y note, but once again I can’t find it. It’s still a bit floral and a bit malty, and it has also gain a hint of grain and a good deal of sweetness. That sweetness strikes me as somewhere in between honey and caramel. Neither one nor the other, but with elements of both.
Judging from that aroma, I’m counting on the flavour to really pay up, but unfortunately the leather-y note is still missing. A bit malty, a bit floral and a bit grainy, just like the aroma. But the leather-y note just isn’t there and there doesn’t appear to be any other notes in there that takes up that particular place in the flavour profile, which just makes the whole thing taste a bit thin.
Shame that.
This one comes off as pedestrian at best. It’s a good enough tea, and the taste is pleasant. It’s by no means a bad tea. It’s worse than that. It’s just kinda boring…
Reference map:
I understand how your husband should feel, my company moved and now my commute is more than 3h/day (1hour and a half morning and near 2 hours the evening…)
Yeah, his is about 5 hours a day at the moment. He’s going with my dad to look at a car on Friday though, so hopefully they’ll decide that it’s a good car and buy it. Then he’ll only have an hour each way. The problem is that you can’t get from where we live to the job on public transport without going on a big detour. With a car he can get there directly.
I see- this is the same for me.The point is I don’t drive…as I was living inside Paris for years and working inside Paris, I never pass the driving licence…now I feel I should :)
Hope the car was nice enough to get bought and your husband recovers correct commute timings.
First cup of tea in MY HOUSE! We moved into OUR HOUSE! yesterday and I had a cup of this with my mother while the menfolk did all the schlepping. Our task was mostly to unpack what could be unpacked (really just the kitchen and the bathroom), heat lunch in the oven (a rooty lasagna), keep the cats calm and generally stay out from underfoot. OUR HOUSE! is all-over chaos with chaos on at the moment. Boxes and stuff everywhere, but we have the internet and our computers up and running, so chaos is not likely to be going down very quickly. Emptied the rest out of our old place today and cleaned it, so we’re both quite tired. Am now having some ice cream, before we’ll be going to bed for our second night in OUR HOUSE!
At least tomorrow we can go to work and relax. ;)
Cherry flavoured black teas seem to be few and far between around these parts and I’ve always thought that was a shame because I really wanted one. So when I was in Fru P’s the other day and I saw this one, I spontaneously jumped on it and got 50 grams. I’ve been crazy much looking forward to trying it, but was trying to control myself a bit. Otherwise I’d have had it at five minutes to bed time last night. :D
The aroma of the dry leaf is definitely cherry. Very recognisable as such, but there’s something else in there too which I can only say reminds me of marzipan. I don’t think that’s actually really it, but that’s the closest I can get. It smells like cherry sweeties and the sort of warm cherry sauce that we eat with the Christmas rice pudding around these parts.
After steeping it smells a little less like sweeties, and there’s a certain harsh-ish note to it which makes me think it’s been very strongly flavoured. Like the vanilla one was. I wonder if these are actually completely freshly blended for her shop and that’s why the flavouring seems so strong. That perhaps they haven’t had time to settle and air out the excess yet. I don’t know. I suppose we shall just see over time. I’ll definitely be revisiting the vanilla one, so I’m sure I’ll notice if that one suddenly takes a nose-dive on perfection.
Cherries, when I eat them, always seem to surprise me by how dark and grey-ish they actually taste. It’s like I keep imagening something more tart-ish and cranberry-y for some reason, and then I got surprised when they actually just taste like cherries. I love cherries, but I don’t get them often. We can only get them in summer around here and even then I don’t always buy them at the shop. They go mouldy SO QUICKLY, cherries do, so I’m always rather picky about whether or not to get them.
Like cherries, this cup surprised me. Cherry just isn’t really much of a forefront flavour, so at first I just get a sip of base tea, and then that is immediately followed by the flavouring. I think the base here is either Ceylon or a mild-ish Chinese. It has a certain amount of grain to it and a bit of malty notes as well.
There isn’t really any time to properly try to analyse the flavour though, because the cherry comes in and floods the whole thing. The aftertaste is pure cherry.
I’m not picking up any of that sweetie or marcipan-y notes in the flavour itself, but there is a hint of marcipan on the aftertaste. It suits the cherry quite nicely, really.
Cherry sauce and marcipan. I’m getting in a Christmas mood…!
Yeah, most cherry teas taste like cough syrup, but this sounds like it might have promise.
I have a sweet cherry tree in my yard, & although I always have to battle the birds to get my share, especially the blue jay family that nests in my pin oaks every year, it’s worth it.
Terri, I think the cherry/cough medicine must be an americanism. If I had flavoured cough medicine as a child it was always licorice or anise or some sort. So I couldn’t say if this tasted like cough medicine or not. Maybe it does, but I’ve never made that connection in my life.
Sil, I’m ambivalent on the green ones. I’ve had some that were great and some that were dull, so I don’t know how I feel about them. I think most of the ones I’ve tried were more cherry flower scented than cherry flavoured, though, which may make a difference.
Ysaurella, the closest I’ve come otherwise is as part of a four red fruits blend, which isn’t really the same at all.
I take it back, maybe it’s an everywhere-else-than-here-ism, then. :) Fact remains, I’ve never to my knowledge had fruit flavoured medicine. Or actually, that’s not true. My father once bought some raspberry flavoured things once, of the sort that you had to dissolve in water and then drink. Can’t remember what sort of medicine it was. Didn’t taste like raspberry at all, though.
I am in the USA. Medicine tends to be grape or bubblegum flavored, though baby aspirin is orange flavor. I think this really horrible but effective cough syrup was anise flavored. I haven’t had it since I was a kid, but since Angrboda said that, I realize that must be what that was – a licorice taste. It was so strong it felt like it burned its way down your throat and all the way to your stomach!
ashmanra, I think I know the sort of medicine you mean. It’s called ‘Norwegian Chest Drops’ in Denmark and only available on prescription. I made a O.O face when I read the label on it and discovered that among other things it contains both opium (a small amount of course) and 34% alcohol. The weird thing was that my doctor told me I was not allowed to use more than 15 ml per day for a maximum of 10 days, and the pharmacy gave me a 250 ml bottle… I kept the bottle for absolute cough emergencies (vile stuff!) and it was still only half full when I took it back to the pharmacy after it passed it’s sell-by date a few years later.
Some of you may remember that this is my favourite vanilla black of all time. I’ll tell you a bit about my relationship with Fru P at this point and then I’ll leave it up to you lot to decide what that says about me.
When she just opened the shop, it was shortly after Husband and I got married, so I pretty much just bounded in there in an almost Tigger-esque way, “Are you Mrs P? I’m also Mrs P!” (Fru being Danish for Mrs) I got myself a little bit in trouble with her tea selection, but of course I needed to try the vanilla and it was awesome.
I still keep coming back to stock up on that one. It’s just right for me.
A few months ago when I was in getting a big supply of it to drink at work, I was being helped by one of her assistants, and I asked for “that good vanilla black.”
So the assistant went and got the tin, and Mrs P came rushing in from the side going, “wait, wait, that’s not the one she wants! I’ll get the one she wants,” and then she disappeared out back for a moment.
Turns out when they had last ordered it in, they had bought a vanilla flavoured Darjeeling instead of the regular vanilla black, and Mrs P knows I don’t much care for Darjeeling. Luckily she still had some of the old one out back.
Then, yesterday I was in there again, obviously looking for some of my favourite vanilla.
Now, what does it say about me that the exchange went much like this,
Me: slightly conspiratorial look “That vanilla, you know…”
Mrs P: smiles and goes out back "How much would you like?
She assured me that they weren’t going to replace it completely with the Darjeeling one, so now I’m sort of wondering if she’s hiding the other one out there for the benefit of only a few customers. Obviously, this means that the tea isn’t exactly super-fresh anymore, but you know, in a flavoured black tea that’s less of an issue that it would have been in, say, a green or even a regular black. I feel a bit sort of special and VIP-ish when I order ‘off the menu’ like that.
I love that shop, I really do. I took an intant liking to Mrs P first time I met her, and have never had reason to change my mind. Quite the contrary, actually. And I’m not even in there every other week either.
That is so awesome how she’s letting you in on the little vanilla secret in the back room. I hope she’ll never run out of it for your sake!
I asked her if she was switching to the Darj in the future, but she assured me that it had been an ordering mistake. I think she’s just hidden it because we who can tell a difference and who care are probably still rather a minority, and having two different vanilla blacks on display at the same time might cause too much confusion. She doesn’t really have room for both of them anyway. She’s already got four or five of those big tins stacked on the floor because there isn’t shelf space enough. That little shop of hers is packed to the brim. :)
I need to renew the supply of this.
I’m having the very last from the tin in the shape of liquid comfort, as Husband committed the ultimate betrayal: He forced me to go to the dentist. Haven’t been in years and years and I was scared out of my wits while there. (Yoga breathing turned out to be unexpectedly helpful with that. Dentist gave me lots of praise for that. Handy tip, Steepsterites!) However, I only had one hole that needed fixing though (more praise from Dentist that this was all after some 10-ish years or so), and I opted to get that overwith straight away rather than go through all the nervous tension again in a couple of weeks. So, numb face. Rinsing was almost impossible when I couldn’t fully control half my upper lip. Miracle I didn’t spill down myself.
My face is almost woken up now, so I can have my reward. And the choice is obvious, really, isn’t it?
Remind me to stop in at Fru P tomorrow on the way home. (I would have done the other day when AC Perchs once again let me down, as I was badly in need of some comfort. Fru P is a really sweet lady. I remember liking her immediately when she first opened. She lets me buy 50g and I expect she would let me have a sample as well, as I seem to recall having heard her offer that to someone else. Shame I’ve been a bit meh on most of the other teas I’ve bought there, though. Oh well, lots still to try!
What, the dentistry? Can’t really recommend it. ;p
Seriously though, I don’t mind a swap once I’ve stocked up on it again, which hopefully is tomorrow but realistically… Tell you what, I’ll shoot you a pm once I’ve got some more, yes?
That would be so so wonderful of you. And I’d be happy to share the vast quantity of tea I’ve amassed as well :).
I never understood the fear of the dentist thing. I actually want to go, but I have no money! haha. I guess I’m just lucky that Ive never had a cavity, never worn braces, and never had a tooth pulled (yep, I still got all the extra wisdom lingering in the back). So, maybe that’s why I have no fear. ;)
It’s scary because it’s unpleasant and there’s always the worry that something painful needs to be done. On top of that when you are in the chair with your mouthful of instruments and fingers, you are completely at the dentist’s mercy. Many people find that combination very unpleasant. I’ve never had any teeth pulled either, and as it turns out only three of them has even shown up at all. I have had holes and braces though, although my brace was the sort that you could take out at night and while sleeping. (Lost it twice too). I think my fear stems from the school dentist when I was a child. I didn’t like him. He wasn’t mean at all, but he wasn’t particularly gentle either and didn’t really pay attention to whether or not the children were scared. This dentist that I saw today was very clear that I could stop her whenever I wished and I could have a break, and constantly keeping an eye on how I was handling it, especially during my one moment of borderline panic.
I hate the dentist because I worry about something painful (which is always not as bad as I think it will be) but also that he will tell me terrible news. Oh and I HATE the feeling of the hygenist scraping off the scale/knicking my gums etc.
Yoga breathing does help, I noticed that before, its awesome! oh and my dentist will knock me out with gas if I insist. and I take rescue remedy. Yes I am a stress case LOL
I have bad teeth. Always have had. I have spent tens of thousands to keep things at bay and looking decent. This year alone I dropped 10k on oral surgery and a bridge and gosh, I’m young, so there’s lots of room to spend more in the many years to come. So yah, hate it.
meh, it would be a nuisance if I had to go frequently, but I don’t have the fear (my husband has it though!). I was raised to be tough. Lol. I was carrying my own baby bag and falling down icy hills with it when I was 2 or 3 and discipline in my house was army style (pushups, etc. . .not kidding). Im a real trooper! There are scarier thing out there for me than a dentist. :p
Steepsterites, let me deviate momentarily from Project Ceylon for a moment. I have been waiting for this moment for quite a while. A new shop in the city where I live has opened. They sell tea, coffee, wine, and other various delicacies, and while I would normally be slightly put off by the coffee in particular, I have been waiting impatiently for them to get ready to open the shop, which they finally did this Wednesday. You see, the name of the shop is ‘Fru P’ which means ‘Mrs P’, and you know what? I’m Mrs P too! Clearly this is a sign. Clearly.
Today I got the chance to go in there, where I met the other Mrs P (and Miss P as well). She had a few beginner’s troubles with her till and such, but hey, they’ve only been open for two days. I’m sure they’ll come after it. She seemed very nice and helpful and she smiled when I told her that I was Mrs P too. I also got a cherry flavoured black and another one for Project Ceylon. That one was an inspired bit of a find, actually, because being currently in the process of learning that area, I automatically looked for it on her shelves, even though I thought that she would be more likely to have a Ceylon blend rather than anything single estate, or even single growing region. I thought I’d get some anyway, and then I saw a sticker with a name on the tin and asked if that was where it had come from. She wasn’t sure, but she tried to pull the big mylar bag out of the tin enough that we could see its label, and agreed with me that it probably was. So that’s another one for the Sri Lanka reference map as soon as I look it up and work out where it actually is. (I can’t remember it off the top of my head, but I wrote it down)
Anyway, the first one I’m going to try out of the three I got is this vanilla. You know, Steepsterites, about my ongoing quest for my Perfect Vanilla black tea and how I have been despairing of it even existing at all. I did have it briefly. Chi of Tea had a Vanilla Nilgiri which lived up to all my ideals of the Perfect Vanilla, but they appear to have gone out of business, so when I thought I would stock up on a significant amount of it, my plans were sadly thwarted by there not being any.
So this one. The leaf smells very sweet and it’s got a good deal of that vanilla pod-y quality to it that reminds me very much of a specific sort of licorice sweet that you can get here (and which actually have nothing at all to do with vanilla). There is a certain sharpness to it, though, which makes it feel like it has been very strongly flavoured. This had me initially sceptical, but a strong flavouring isn’t necessarily a bad thing either. It all depends on how well the base tea can keep up in the flavour.
After steeping, the cup smells like a whole sweet shop. It’s vanilla-y, of course, and with notes of caramel, coconut and marcipan. Even a little bit of nougat as well. There is also still that licorice sweet note to it, which is a good sign indeed. Nothing of the sharpness that had me a little wary with the dry leaf, but I can’t pick up much of the base either.
OOOOooooh this is gooooooood!
This tea hits all the right buttons in the flavour. Everything seems to be just so and the only thing about it that currently bothers me is that I don’t know what the base is. Which is funny because with flavoured teas I don’t normally care about what the base is.
At first when I sip, I just get vanilla. A flavour that I seem to be able to taste not only with the tongue, but with my entire mouth in a way. It seems to sort of get in there and then just expand. It’s one of the vanilla-est vanilla teas I’ve ever met where the vanilla doesn’t feel artificial or more along the lines of vanilla sugar.
It even has that vanilla pod-y feel to it. The sort of darker vanilla-y flavour that reminds me of the leathery rubbery texture of the pod.
I’m still not getting much of the base here, but I don’t feel like it’s missing either. The details of the base just aren’t that important here as long as it seems able to hold up to the flavouring without feeling either over-powered or dominating. I think it’s doing so quite well.
This reminds me so strongly of the Chi of Tea vanilla Nilgiri that seems to be forever lost to us, that I’m nearly ready to say that, yes. I have found it at last.
The perfect vanilla has to taste Just So. (Check)
The perfect vanilla has to smell Just So. (Very Nearly Check)
The perfect vanilla has to be easily available without a ton of shipping and/or helpful Steepsterites playing middle-men involved. (Check)
I don’t even have to buy it ONLINE for crying out loud!
I have to taste this through thouroughly before I can say for sure if it really and truly is my Perfect Vanilla, but it’s a very strong candidate. I just need to see how consistently I can brew it with this outcome and whether I can reconcile myself with that bit of sharpness in the aroma. The former being more important than the latter, obviously.
I knew the name of that shop was a sign!
if you make a final decision of YAY on this one, I may have to try and convince you to do a swap with me haha
Still waiting for Mr KS to open. Oh, I can dream. Even if this turns out to not be the ‘one’ its awesome you have a nice shop nearby.
I have followed you for years, and know of your diligent search for THE vanilla tea of vanilla teas. So glad you have found him!
This post makes me smile. I think I will feel the same resounding hoop-ti-do when I find The Perfect Decaf Black. (cue Judy Garland)
Someday I’ll walk into a shop and find a Decaf Tea that finally suits me….
Sil, I’m sure that can be arranged. :)
KS, it is! But it’s also going to be dangerous, because I pass right by it on the way to the bus when going home. I was already close to getting myself in trouble. :)
Dinosara and ashmanra, I have! I’ll probably still keep trying as many vanilla teas as I come across though. I don’t see any reason to stop looking. :p
gmathis, keep searching! It is out there! :D