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drank Earl Grey by Clipper
4 tasting notes

Date: 07.06.2016. – 22.06.2016.
Place of obtain: Bio&Bio; Ilica 70; Zagreb, Croatia
Price: 29,90kn – 1,50kn/teabag (4,40$ – 0,22$)
Teabags: 20 * 2g = 40g
Bergamont: 5%

Very good tea, fair price!

150 °F / 65 °C 8 min or more 2 g 17 OZ / 500 ML

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Hands down best white tea, I’ve ever found. I bought a box on vacation at a target and have not been able to find it anywhere else, haven’t broken down to buy it online yet

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drank Lime & Ginger by Clipper
1501 tasting notes

This tea helped create the perfect circumstances to purge.

I wasn’t expecting it, at all. My first tea of the day, my first anything of the day, I thought ginger lime would really hit the spot. I’ve been drinking hot water and lemon every morning (powerful, simple stuff!), so it just made sense to me that this might be a good way to complement it.

Well, let’s just say it’s allowed me to really sit and see where I’m needing to love myself, slow down, and just be.

Within a few minutes of drinking this tea, I was sweating, shaking, tension behind my eyes, nausea, you name it.

So, this is powerful stuff. Or, it just launched me into a mindset that I needed to purge – both of which I’m grateful for.

Taste-wise, this is strongly lime-y, almost overwhelmingly so with some sips. Very little ginger. A lot of vegetal green, but not consistently with every sip.

Will I drink it again? Definitely. Would I recommend it? Only to those who REALLY love lime and green tea.

Flavors: Green, Lime, Tart, Vegetal

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Smooth and unassertive for a chamomile tea…less herbal.

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drank After Dinner Mints by Clipper
35 tasting notes

UPDATE: I am obsessed with this tea. After the first box I learned to ignore the fennel and actually it’s a nice and fresh mint balance now. I noticed after my last review there’s gingerroot listed on the ingredients too. It’s really nice after dinner, especially if you overate.
Sorry for doubting you, Clipper. I now have to go to Target on my way home from work because I just finished my second box.

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drank After Dinner Mints by Clipper
35 tasting notes

I have a little nostalgic love for Clipper since I first got it in the UK while I was visiting my now-husband for the first or second time. I had just started drinking green tea and Clipper made the first bagged green that wasn’t astringent. It was bright and green and I drank tons of it. So when a whole line of Clipper showed up at my Target I basically raked my arm across the shelf and brought all the boxes home.

It’s called After Dinner Mints! I like mint tea, I like After Eights, I like York Peppermint Patties, I like Junior Mints. This is peppermint, spearmint, and interestingly, fennel.

This of course makes sense because fennel is good for digestion so that makes this review sort of split.

As a mint tea, its not my favorite. Fennel adds this herb-y sad savory flavor to my beautiful sweet minty candy tea. It’s like licorice or something. Sad face. Vegetables.

But as an after dinner tea as it’s marketed, great! Spearmint, peppermint, and fennel are a great way to settle your stomach after dinner. It’s an excellent choice. Also fennel is supposed to be good for PMS symptoms so another great reason to get it.

Overall good but not for the reasons I bought it for. Pleased with it though! Clipper always does me right.

Flavors: Fennel, Peppermint, Spearmint

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I like fennel but not always a fan of mint tea. Not sure how I would feel about this one but if it works as an after dinner tummy soother it might be a win.


If we could separate the two from a single cup of tea we could both be happy!

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drank Organic White Tea by Clipper
2238 tasting notes

This was the first white tea I ever tried. It was before I joined Steepster, before I really started drinking tea “properly” or “seriously” or whatever I should call my relationship with tea these days. I was studying for my MLitt in Scotland, and staying in a B&B for 2-3 nights a week. They weren’t particularly generous with the tea in the rooms, and the local (tiny) supermarket didn’t have a particularly huge selection, but they had a couple of things other than the normal bagged black, and they’re the ones I went for. The obsession was starting, even then. I remember picking this up mostly on a whim, maybe because Roland drinks it in Stephen King’s Wizard and Glass, and so the phrase “white tea” was in my brain anyway.

It came back to the hotel with me. I steeped it in boiling water for 4 minutes, and added milk. Poor tortured tea. Needleess to say, I didn’t really like it. In my defence, the box didn’t provide any helpful guidance, and actually suggested boiling water to begin with. The milk, I admit, was my mistake.

I think about it now and want to hit my previous self over the head, but we all started somewhere with tea. Some of our starts were possibly rockier than others. I’d like to go back and revisit this tea one day, just to see if I can make a better job of it. I’m sure I can, but this one deserves at least 75 for the pain I put it through.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Rui A.

Also in early spring try to get some fresh Longjing and Mao Feng green teas or White Peony white tea directly from China. My wife makes me get those every year. They are so yummy and aromatic.


Rui, Where do you get your peony from?


White Peony is amazing.

Rui A.

We got it from a friend when we were last in Hong Kong. It was excellent.

Rui A.

Teavivre also has a couple of good ones.

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I’m not sure if I got a bad batch, but this was not nearly as minty as I was hoping. I bought this because the box made it seem as if it would be the strongest mint flavor. It boasts of being “double mint,” so I was very disappointed when I tried it and it was even less minty than the typical mint tea. “Magic Mint” by Celestial Seasonings is still the mintiest tea I own. I was hoping this one would be even mintier, and really wanted the spearmint to come out in it as well. I would recommend this tea to anyone who likes a regular mint flavor, but if you’re looking for “altoid-level” mint, skip it.

Flavors: Fennel, Peppermint

185 °F / 85 °C 7 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Organic Redbush by Clipper
836 tasting notes

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Very strong and refreshing lemon aroma, subtle green tea notes in the background.
Assertive, strong, slightly tart green tea notes dominate the taste. Lemon notes are in the backgroud, stronger than subtle aloe vera.
All in all the tea is very good and well composed. Lemon and aloe vera do not dominate, the main focus is definitely on the green tea.

Flavors: Citrusy, Grass, Lemon, Tart

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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I was a little apprehensive waiting for this one to steep, since it smelled rather unexpectedly of chamomile. Fortunately, the flavor is true to the name—it’s (slightly weak) apple juice with a hint of elderflower. It’s nice, even despite the licorice. The flavors are on the delicate side, but that’s alright. I bet it would be good iced, too.

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This is a pretty nice tisane. Unsurprisingly, it mostly tastes like hibiscus—which is fine; I like hibiscus. There’s a hint of strawberry candy, and the sourness from the hibiscus is somewhat evocative of rhubarb. I was hoping for something a little more distinctive, but this is really just your standard fruity hibiscus blend (albeit a pleasant one).

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One of the worst things I’ve ever tasted.

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drank Love Me Truly by Clipper
11 tasting notes

I have been looking for Clipper teas for a long time now. This one instantly caught my eye when I saw it at the supermarket. It was a little pricey but I am sure quality has its price- No cheap product has ever been amazing.
So, I bought it and took it home with me.
It had been a long day of work and this tea is specially for those days. I love almost all chai varieties and this was no exception. It smelled incredible and do not get me started on the taste! I cannot say it was a whole new experience, but it was certainly something. Not as intense as other chai teas I have tasted. Instead of the spices staying in your mouth, this one had a rather sweet aftertaste, very uncommon, in my opinion. However, it was soothing enough to send me to a good night sleep.

I am definetely a chai lover.

Flavors: Cardamom, Ginger

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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drank Organic Detox Infusion by Clipper
1501 tasting notes

As I’m walking back from meeting up with OMGsrsly tonight for a quickie tea swap in the middle of Granville Street, what I can only call an “energy bolt of thought” hit me. “Go get Detox tonight,” it said. I knew it meant this tea.

I promptly finished what I was doing, headed over to the store, and grabbed this. I’ve brewed it, and… well…. I knew hibiscus was #1 in there, so it shouldn’t surprise me it’s blood red, right? Well, it does. It’s a bit stunning and unsettling.

Still, I’m drinking it. It’s not as odd as I’d think it should/would be (normally I stay away from hibiscus). Pleasant if oddly sweet (aloe vera, maybe?) Dunno. If it helps me get out of my body whatever I ingested today though that I can feel like a lump moving through me? I’m thrilled.

Flavors: Herbs, Raspberry, Sweet

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Lemon & Ginger by Clipper
2291 tasting notes

Via MissB and probably Sil. Thank you!

There is licorice in this. Sigh. A lot of these herbal teas have licorice. Thankfully it is just a strong dislike and not something I shouldn’t be drinking.

Smells strongly of lemon and ginger. Both lemon peel and juice, which is nice. And more strongly of lemon than ginger. I added some honey to offset any potential sickly flavours from the licorice.

Hmm. It’s not bad but whoa the licorice sweetness is out of this world. I’d prefer if it were just the lemony and gingery flavours.

Oh well. Thanks so much for letting me try this one! I always hope that they’ll work, and sometimes they do.


yeah. poop on licorice.


I know, right? D:


i actually love, red etc… but the sweet from licorice root is terribad in teas


Red licorice isn’t real licorice Sil omg!!! :P It’s strawberry or cherry flavoured stuff. Hahaha. I adore black licorice but I can’t eat it. Haven’t found a good gluten free one yet.


shush. i heart black licorice…esp the double salted stuff.


Oh gosh, double zout is my favorite! OMG I’m almost positive Whole Foods has a gluten/grain -free black licorice. Glad you liked the tea though, kinda sorta, this was a night time mainstay while I was in the UK.


I could always go for some Harlekijn black licorice!


Mmm double salted licorice. :) I’ve seen one at whole foods, MissB, but it was a soft bar and the texture was really unappealing. Grainy from the rice flour they used. I’ll have to check for different kinds.


SAY WHAT?!?! They didn’t have this in store when I was there!!!


That darn licorice is finicky. It does feel good on a sore throat though.


i want gummies now


I have Seabuckthorn Bears in my bag. :D So hard to not eat them all.

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This is my favourite peppermint tea. I absolutely love it. I have yet to find a peppermint infusion that is anywhere near this. However, it is a bit tricky to brew. I didn’t quite like it in the beginning, but then I realized I had been brewing it wrong. I often leave the tea in the cup until I have drunk it all up, but this tecnique does not do with this infusion. In my opinion, you mustn’t leave the bag in for too long. You should also drink the tea as soon as it’s not burning your tongue. I actually don’t like the taste at all if it has cooled for too long. But when I manage to brew it “correctly”, it’s pure magic. I love it.

Flavors: Peppermint

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Apple & Ginger by Clipper
2238 tasting notes

From the EU TTB

I’ve more or less given up on bagged herbal teas like this, because typically they smell a lot nicer than they taste. This one smells divine, too – very appley, like a fresh baked apple pie. I wasn’t expecting much from the flavour, but it’s actually pretty good. I can taste apple, and it’s a nice, fresh, crisp, “green” tasting apple – not too sweet, and not too tart, with just the tiniest hint of sharpness. The ginger is definitely second fiddle, but it provides a pleasantly warming background and just a touch of sweetness, with a mild gingery tang. It’s a really good pairing, and it’s really putting me in mind of apple pie! It’s just perfect for sipping on an autumnal afternoon, and it’s nice to see something other than the usual pairing of lemon and ginger, too – it’s just a little unusual. A definite winner with me!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemon & Ginger by Clipper
1764 tasting notes

I am the sick! with a head cold. So this was perfect to soothe my hoarse throat. I know the flavours are muted but hey, it is delicious either way. Thank you MissB for sending this along. Yum!!
Definitely tastes like a lemon candy, or a lozenge. Refreshing and comforting to be sure.


Tea is an excellent way to handle illness!


hope you feel better soon!


Rosehips, tea is the solution for everything! :D
TeaBrat, thanks!! This is day three so I’m hoping it is my last

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drank Snore & Peace by Clipper
3 tasting notes

I am a sucker for relaxing, night-time teas. Tea has the wonderful ability to energize us, as well as calm as right back down! I had been on the lookout for a lavender-night-time tea for a while now and when I saw this on sale at Target I had to give it a try. This tea gives off a wonderful lavender aroma but is pleasanty balanced by the hint of chamomile. Very good balance of flavor – was worried it would be like an overpowering aromatherapy candle but it’s absolutely perfect. My new favorite tea to accompany a book before bed!

Flavors: Lavender

1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Earl Grey by Clipper
480 tasting notes

This was unexpectedly bitter. First time I made it I steeped it at four minutes, this time around, three minutes and it’s still rather strong. Don’t know if the bitterness comes from the bergamot flavouring oils or just the tea itself.

I picked it up because I like supporting local/Canadian companies, and as a bonus it was also being sold at a local independent home/kitchen accessories store.

I might just have to play around with steeping a bit more.

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drank Lemon & Ginger by Clipper
1307 tasting notes

Day 11 & 23 of the Clipper advent calendar. This one smells like a lemon ginger candy or cough drop, pleasantly so. It tastes of lemon and ginger, as the name implies. The ginger is soft rather than sharp, with an overall sweetness to the tea. It’s sweeter than most lemon ginger blends I’ve had; even compared to Happy Mondays, this one is more candy-like while that one is more spicy (possibly from the pepper). The lack of sharpness in the ginger makes me think that the ginger is not very strong so I might not reach for this as a migraine tea, but this is enjoyable in its own right. I can also imagine it taking honey well and being a good option for a sore throat.

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