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drank Winter Grey by Chami
2586 tasting notes

Teabag from the last TTB. This seems like a pretty nice EG creme, even though it smelled a little acidic and weird. The flavor is creamy with a bit of bergamot and a mild, but tasty black base. It was a really gentle, nice cup!

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drank Winter Grey by Chami
6444 tasting notes

Latte Sipdown (229)

Used this as a base for a London Fog type latte and it was surprisingly nice for a random tea bag company.

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drank Green Tea by Chami
6444 tasting notes

Teapop Sipdown (212)

These Chami teas are cheap tea bags which doesn’t give me the impression that they’re super high quality. That and the fact that I don’t usually care for green tea, let alone plain green tea, I wasn’t sure how I’d be using this tea. Then I had fresh berries and blackberry Perrier and decided I could make a berry iced tea/teapop.

I muddled blueberries and strawberries, added ice, steeped this for 2 minutes at 175F and poured the steeped tea over the berries and ice, then topped it all with the blackberry Perrier. This is good thanks to the berries and Perrier. Super refreshing. It gets grassy at times, which is from the tea, and makes me feel I made the right choice burying the tea among other flavours.

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drank Cranberry Pomegranate by Chami
6444 tasting notes

Drank this while I read Lore Olympus Volume 2 because pomegranate seemed fitting for a Hades/Persephone retelling. I was nervous because the last Chami tea I had wasn’t great but this was pleasant enough. Generically fruity but didn’t taste like grass so there’s that.

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drank Apple Spice by Chami
6444 tasting notes

I picked this as my “spicy” tea for Mastress Alita’s scavenger hunt. Alas, it was not spicy. It wasn’t even really apple. It was a sort of grocery store/dollar store cheap tea in cute packaging. The flavour was a sort of apple but so subtle. Mostly it just didn’t taste like much.

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drank Jasmine Green by Chami
1 tasting notes

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drank Lemon & Honey Tea by Chami
2970 tasting notes

This left so little of an impression that it hardly seems fair to call it a sipdown, but it is!

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drank Lemon & Honey Tea by Chami
2970 tasting notes

Everyone around me seems to have the plague at the moment. Argh. Aaaargh!
I do not want to be sick, so am drinking tons of tea, to keep any inkling of a sore throat at bay.
So far it seems to be working, but lets not tempt fate, shall we? Another one down the hatch.

Evol Ving Ness

This one sounds like a good sick tea too, ie. a good one for those days that one cannot taste anything.

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drank Lemon & Honey Tea by Chami
2970 tasting notes

My neighbors gave me a little box of this for the holidays, which was super nice of them. I’d never heard of this tea company, and I’m always happy to steep things in water.
I see now why I’ve not heard of this company- this tea is not very good. Its not particularly lemony, or honey ish. Its just sort of a mildly musky cup of hot water.
Oh well. I’ll bring it to work to drink absentmindedly when I want a cup of tea during the day.

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drank Gun Powder by Chami
30 tasting notes

I honestly don’t remember what it tasted like to me, as I tried this some time last year. I just remember that I thought it was awful and that I swore I’d never drink another cup of it. It’s one of the only times I ever dumped a cup down the sink.

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drank Gun Powder by Chami
42 tasting notes

I was given this at an office gift exchange. The quality of the tea is lacking— severely.

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drank Gun Powder by Chami
215 tasting notes

Used 2 bags, since they are only 1.5 gm each. 3 min in 180F water gave me a mug of light golden tea. The aroma and flavor are bland, plain and common in this inexpensive tea from the supermarket shelf. Not bitter, but not good either.

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