Celestial Seasonings

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i’m not a big fan of herbal teas, or chamomile in general, so my appreciation for this tea is very strange and unexpected… my addiction to vanilla may be the culprit, but either way, perfect to curl up with in bed before nodding off…. just put the cup down first =)

(fyi spearmint also makes a cameo in this tea, so if you don’t like spearmint… run away!)

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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I’m a sucker for flavored black teas and this is no exception. This has a very sweet aroma, and does well with sweetened original almond milk, I would say to the point that it compliments the “nutty” flavor and adds a sweetness I suspect would be absent had it not been for the addition. The flavor is pretty nice, I would say that the vanilla comes off as a bit artificial but the cinnamon kind of brings it together and reminds me a bit of vanilla wafers or shortbread cookies. It’s not quite what I’d look for in an every day tea, almost appropriate that it’s seasonal for the Holidays (something I’d look forward to coming home from after being out in the cold), but will serve as a nice dessert tea. Will likely stock up on a few boxes to last me for such occasions. Not disappointed in the least.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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Mmm…certainly liking this little blue wonder this evening. :) I needed a decaffeinated soother tonight, and this is doing it for me!

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It’s hearty and earthen, like a campfire in the belly.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Chamomile has always been a favorite of mine and Celestial Seasonings has a good product for the price.

145 °F / 62 °C

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Meh. Some honey scent and taste. Zero Darjeeling taste.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Unbalanced. Too sweet. Not enough white tea in the blend to notice. Hollow.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec

I’ve never really had a Celestial Seasonings tea that I’ve particularly cared for.

Michelle Butler Hallett

I must have spent hundred of dollars over a fifteen-year period trying to find a CS tea I really liked. They all sound good on the box. Most of them smell okay, if not fab. But the taste never lives up to the smell. Two exceptions, both discontinued: Emperor’s Choice and Mandarin Spice. The MS needed an absurdly long steep to taste like anything — hello, tealight under the teapot — but once it got there, oh yum.


I do love the fact that the only two teas that were really any good end up being the ones that are discontinued!

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A mistake. Why, oh WHY would one batter Darjeeling with a flavour as heavy as mango? Ceylon and mango, maybe. Assam and mango, sure.

And a fakish mango flavour at that.

Makes me wonder, looking back, if the Darjeeling in the blend was a bad quality.

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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Oh, how I miss this one. Looked weak in the cup, but the snappy ginseng gave me a lift. Could get bitter is steeped too long.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

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This is the most amazing raspberry tea that I’ve ever try in life. I drink it hot just because it leave me to delight the gorgeous fruttylicious smell of raspberry combined with orange peels & hibiscus mix that I really love it!

I use to have perfumes, essential oils and lip-gloss with this fruity spell to stop been tempting of eating artificial flavorings and colorants candies when I got anxiety. Since I try this tea I have something that really is helpful for me to feel apart of sweetest temptations that harm my general health, my stomach and figure with a few pound under me.

I start to control and quiet bads sugars since I were conscience about the power of eating healthy food specially organic, a non-flavor enhancers, non-coloring agents & non-preservatives best knowns as food additives, for more reference visit: http://fooddemocracy.wordpress.com/2007/10/16/food-additives-demystified/

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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Blech. Belch blech blech. Not good – its all spice, and no tea. Less steeping only results in less flavor overall. I think it’d be worth trying it in place of (or addition to) mulling spices in a nice full bodied red wine (with orange peel? and a bit of fruit brandy before serving? I’ll work on this…), but otherwise blech.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I don’t normally care for CS’s teas (except Sleepytime, which I love), but I really enjoy this seasonal blend! It smelt of sugar cookies and vanilla, which was a perfect way to end a meal..or a day…or keep me from eating myself out of house and home during late night studying for med school. I didn’t try it sweetened, but another reviewer’s suggestion of a bit of brown sugar sounds just about perfect.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 45 sec

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Just bought this today, I occasionally suffer from sinus pressure & congestion. This tea is just what I needed! The timeless taste of sleepytime is now even better with Tulsi & nettle =]] Im able to sleep & breathe at the same time aha

3 min, 45 sec

It’s good to find a medicinal tea that actually works!

Michelle Butler Hallett

Cool. Good to know.

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Perfect blend of herbs produces a very tangy cup of almost lemonade like tea. Awesome! ♥

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Oh my gosh! This stuff is soooo tasty, perfect tropical blend of fruits in magnificently fresh white tea combine to make one awesome cup of iced tea ♥ =]

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This is my go-to upset stomach tea and wow do I have an upset stomach today. Unfortunately it wasn’t as effective as it usually is, but it did help a bit. I can’t say that I would ever drink this tea for the taste, and it didn’t help that I over-steeped it so it was extra strong today but I kind of had to force myself to drink it. Usually it’s much easier on the taste buds.

5 min, 0 sec
amylynn hunt

I used to drink Grandma’s Tummy Mint and then couldn’t find it any more. I have terrible digestive issues, spend a lot of time in a lot of pain. Tension Tamer saves me on many of those days. I brew it with a bag of just straight chamomile (or Sleepy Time or Sweet Dreams, whatever someone remembered to buy ;→) and it helps a lot. I don’t know why. It’s good for really stressy days too. Good stuff & tastes good too!

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Love raspberries & the tangyness of the fruit shines through in this tea. Very sour & very fruity!

3 min, 30 sec

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One of my all time favourites! Celestial Seasonings Peppermint tea is some of the best quality peppermint I’ve ever tasted & it does wonders for the stomach & always helps me to unwind at the end of a hectic day ♥♥

3 min, 45 sec

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Very good quality Roobibos & the vanilla isnt too strong, Lovee this tea. A bit of cream makes it even better =]

3 min, 30 sec

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Smells: spicy & very strongly of a medicine like aroma but not in a bad sense.
Tastes: lightly sweet, smooth & complete
Awesome tea to unwind with at the end of the day ♥

3 min, 15 sec

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Smells: very strong herbs a bit like medicine but in a good way =]
Tastes: sweet with a bit of spice notes
Lovely tea & I would reccomend it to anyones frazzled nerves! ♥

3 min, 15 sec

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And I’m finally done with this tea! Having a big pot (ugh) to finish it off. But I did have two steels of the tea of the day (amazing!!), so that does make up for it a bit. I’m just glad to see this one go!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This tea and I, we’re having some conflicts here. Those first couple of pots were ah-may-zing, but as I get closer toward the end of the box, I can’t reproduce the taste, even at the same parameters.

So I’ve done something that I have never, ever done before. Ever. In the whole of my tea-drinking existence: I steeped it for only a minute. A minute. It’s such a short, teeny amount of time. How can tea goodness be released in only a mere minute and not just taste like flavored water (now, I know it’s done, but I just haven’t been able to fathom it yet)? But this kept tasting cooked at 3 minutes, regardless of temperature, and this morning’s to-go pot of 2 minutes at 175 didn’t come out tasting all that grand either (the only reason that was finished was that I was caught in traffic and cold). So, I’m trying it at a minute.

The cooked taste is less, but still there. Better than what I had earlier, but still, it’s not what those first couple of pots were and I’ve no clue why.

1 min, 0 sec

I saw this at the grocery store the other day and was wondering about it… Chose to grab another box of Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride instead. Thanks for the review! I wonder how this would be as refrigerator tea or iced?


If you want to try it, I have 6-7 bags left that I could send you.


I just grabbed a box at the grocery store – it was on sale! Yay! Figured it would be cheaper to buy the box than for you to pay for shipping. Thanks for the offer though! :-)


Yay for sales! I hope you have better luck with it than I did.

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