Celestial Seasonings

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Finished up this tisane I received from a friend.

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Enjoying a simple cup to warm the soul this evening. Warm the body works too. It just started snowing and with the high wind gusts went from 45F last night to 13F with windchill tonight. Not looking forward to those negative windchills!

Happy Holidays everyone!

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I am definitely looking for this next grocery run…these are the last two bags that Rachel sent me, and I’m finding that I like it a lot. Plus, decaf. Decaf is good to have on hand!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I had hoped to sipdown quite a few more of my samples before my Black Friday tea splurges started arriving…no such luck, my Tavalon order was sitting on my front porch when I got home! To celebrate, I brewed up a couple bags of this that Rachel sent my way. I couldn’t decide between a 5 or 10 minute steep, so I went 5.

It’s not the strongest chai out there, nor the sweetest. It’s not quite up to the level of Adagio’s Thai Chai (which I really, really love), but would be a good substitute if you had a Thai Chai craving but didn’t want the caffeine. The spices are there, the black tea is there (and I can’t taste that it’s decaf), the coconut is there but could be stronger, and the rooibos is definitely there as well. And I’m certainly slurping it down!!

Thanks, Rachel, for sending this my way!!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I’ve made this tea before and haven’t really been able to get into it. But I keep trying. Why? Because while it is steeping it just smells SO good! Like delicious sugar cookies with a hint of citrus. Also, I think that a lot of times that this tea ended up “weird” was due me doing other stuff and just forgetting that I made tea. The first time I think that I made the tea too weak. Then the next time I let it steep for too long. Another time I forgot about it for a few hours and let it get all cold. Total tea fail.

However… Last night I steeped this in a 16oz ceramic mug using two tea bags and boiling water for about 5-6 minutes. And you know what? It was delicious! The husband walked by and was like, “wow, what tea is that?! Smells like cookies!” I actually think that I need to try and grab another
box (or two) while I can still find it!

But still, while reading the tea ingredients on the box, one question remains: what exactly is “natural sugar cookie flavor”? Is there a sugar cookie tree out there somewhere that I don’t know about?!


Maybe if you plant a few cookie sprinkles? :)


I just bought this tea! Sounds like a treat.

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Received this as a gift from my mother, along with another bagged tea from the Holiday range.

The scent is definitely artificial – this is more apparent in the dry leaf than the actual brew – but not altogether unpleasant. I can recognize it as gingerbread, at any rate, but it doesn’t bring back any warm, fuzzy memories of freshly-baked cookies.

I overbrewed this once; it became almost nauseatinly strong, and the fakeness took over any flavor I might have found. Brewed properly (seven to ten minutes; as long as you don’t leave it alone for twenty, like I did, the tea seems fairly forgiving), the tea tastes mostly of ginger. Warm, not unpleasant. Tastes more like gingerbread when sweetened, but I’ve been drinking it without sugar.

All in all, this isn’t an awful tea. I wouldn’t suggest buying it – I certainly won’t be repurchasing – but I don’t regret having it, and I will finish my box. Average, I guess, and on par with what I would expect from novelty tea.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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(First review. Please bear with me.)

Received this tea as present from my mom. I tend to brew it using two teabags in about two liters of boiling water, for around seven minutes. This process was reached by no scientific process, but suits my taste well enough.

The tea smells a teensy bit artificial (the dry leaf moreso), but very similar to the German Roasted Almonds that used to be sold in the mall by my home; vanilla and cinammon over a toasty nut base. The black tea isn’t terribly apparent in the scent, but is the main flavor I taste when drinking. When sweetened, the vanilla becomes more apparent, but unsweetened, I taste mainly black tea and cinammon. Maybe almonds, but maybe I imagine that. The taste is pleasant; the scent is delicious.

I like brewing this one first thing in the morning, because it makes my room smell fantastic. It’s a nice, easy way to wake up. I prefer it unsweetened and without milk.

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 45 sec

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This tea is delicious! I’ve just begun drinking it, so I’m not sure if the valerian is working yet, but I’m hoping that it will help me get a restful sleep. The flavour is delicious – delicate with a spicy undertone.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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I really like this tea. It reminds me of apple cider, without being too overpowering. The apple is more of a background flavour – this makes a really great breakfast tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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As I kid, when I was sick, I would sit in the bath and sip on a cup of Lemon Zinger. Not much has changed.

Anyway, it’s definitely good in conjunction with Throat Coat over the course of a sick-day; I find that it clears my head and soothes my stomach and throat- especially with a bit of honey. It’s impossible to steep this one for too long, best at a hot boil.

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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I admit, I purchased this tea today because of the picture of a bison on the box (I hate when I fall for marketing ploys like that!). I was curious to try this brand, so I decided to try a more basic flavor to start.
After the first sip, I immediately fell in love with this tea. It starts with a mellow black tea flavor, but soon follows with a distinct smokey flavor that lingers long after.
For a bagged tea, this one is not half bad. Prepared with milk and a pinch of sugar.
It looks like the bison pulled through for me!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Michelle Butler Hallett

I tried this one about a year ago, and I found it did give a decent kick. For a bagged, and especially for a Celestial Seasonings, I agree, this one’s decent.

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Backlogging from Christmas Day.

I’ve been drinking this tea all day as the sweet mint flavor is calming my stomach and clearing my sinuses. This is helping me get through my cold quite nicely. I’m nearly through with the box as I’ve been drinking this by the pot full and like it double strength (two bags per 6oz). Hoping I can find another box at Walmart before they are all gone!


It’s on my to do list for tomorrow is to grab as many Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride by CS. Here’s hoping they have them for both of us!

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Such a relaxing, calming cuppa. I really enjoy this tea. I look forward through drinking my way through the rest of the box. Yum!

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Ahhh…this is a nice, sweet, light mint green tea. And it’s Decaf!!!! This will be nice for my evening cups. I like the smooth vanilla addition to the mint, it really makes it taste like candy cane rather than strait mint flavor. The green tea shines through in taste as well. I will have to get another box to have after the holidays…I really like this tea.

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 30 sec

YAY! One of my faves! Tis The Season! Might have to dig this out later tonight!


I love this one too… yum!


I might just have to see if I can find this one soon, guilt free candy canes sound right up my alley!

Meghann M

@amandajo-I found it at my local Target. I think Walmart has had it too if I remember correctly.

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Backlogging – my aunt had a box of this in her cupboard, and no idea how to steep it, so she pulled it out when I was visiting. I used 2 bags for ~8oz water, heated on the stovetop so I could see when bubbles were just starting to form.

The color is a bright yellow/amber, rather like I get from mint tea. The taste does have the sweet/umami/smooth characteristics I expect from white tea, but there weren’t any other flavors to distinguish it. It’s not bad, but it’s certainly not great. I would accept it if offered, but not recommend or offer it myself.

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Very yummy — perfect to have before bed. I had a cup last night, and man it knocked me out. Of course, the ibuprofen I took with it may have helped too. ;) Haha!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I like Ginseng teas. This one is helping keep my energy up today so I can stay awake during class.

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Yummy and soothing. Perfect tea to drink right before bed.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Loooooove this tea. It smells (and tastes) WONDERFUL.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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This is my favorite tea of all time. It was very sweet from the vanilla but with a spicy bite at the end from the ginger. I think the Chai may have been a blend of black and green teas. I really loved it and wish it hadn’t been discontinued. Sigh.

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No, I don’t usually drink green tea but someone brought some into work & it’s vanilla! And ginger. And chai. So what the heck, right? It definitely doesn’t look like a green tea. It brews up a dark brown color. It smells sort of sugar cookie-ish. Sort of has the flavor of one, too. It’s not horrible but probably something I wouldn’t buy.

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This is my first review.

Firts, I want to apologise for my bad english and the poor review. I promise I’ll do better at second time.

I was at supermaket looking for some chocolate, when I passed by the tea hall. I am a green tea addicted, but I decided to taste this Cinnamon Apple Spice Tea. Honestly, I really like this especially the smell, really strong.

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