Capital Tea Ltd.

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Backlog from yesterday morning.

I have only a few spoonfuls of this tea left after sipping and swapping with others, but I don’t mind. I genuinely like this tea, but now that I have more experience, gyokuros are a bit fussier to deal with, so they’ll probably remain only an occasional purchase.

This was good though – very green, slightly bitter taste.

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

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The more I drink this, the more I wonder whether the steeping parameters on the package are correct, or whether my initial taste of it was an outlier. The first sip I had of this a few months ago seems a lot sweeter in restrospect than current sips of this tea.

Perhaps I should also stop making it in pots, and just do single servings.

Anyways, I think this might do a bit better at a higher temperature – 75 or 80 C, perhaps.

This is still good, though. Just pondering.

160 °F / 71 °C 1 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

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Oversteeped and overleafed it today. This tea seems really delicate, so I should have been watching it more closely – damn you, YouTube, with your funny videos!

Although this is bitter, I’m still getting grassy, vegetal notes. I really should try more japanese teas, since right now most of the teas I’ve been getting appear to have Chinese or Indian bases.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 20 OZ / 591 ML

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Update: I’ve now infused this tea three times in 1 day. Thoughts on the multiple infusions are below.

1st infusion: my first tasting note was based on the first infusion. Light, fresh-tasting green with lots of floral notes.

2nd infusion: I steeped the second infusion for the same length of time as the first. It was a bit weaker, and while the floral notes were there in the scent, they weren’t as strong in the liquor. There was also a good amount of dust in the tea from the first steep, which lent the liquor a darker green colour.

3rd infusion: I steeped the third infusion for 5-8 minutes. The floral notes are back now due to the longer steep, but they’re still not as strong as the first steep. The liquor is a darker yellow-green than the first steep. There’s also a scent of seaweed (which I don’t find unpleasant).

This is still a light-tasting, enjoyable tea, but perhaps it’s best to stick to only 2 steepings.

Flavors: Seaweed


It would be interesting to hear your leaf-to-water ratio as, as well as the brewing temp.

Joel had /has some good senchas, certainly as good a value as anything you could find in a tea shop in TO.

Best wishes,

Christina / BooksandTea

Hi sherubtse,

Unfortunately, my methods in regards to ratio, brewing time, and temperature are all fairly unscientific. I used about 700 mLs (24 oz) of water to just under 1 spoonful of leaf (using a David’s Tea Perfect Spoon, which according to this thread is much larger than a regular spoon). I don’t have a thermometer to test the water; I just boil it and let it sit in the kettlevfor 10-15 minutes afterwards.

Thanks for vouching for this particular vendor, though. I’m only now starting to take off the Teavana/David’s Tea training wheels and move into the larger world of tea.

Christina / BooksandTea

Sorry, I meant to link to the following thread regarding the David’s Tea Perfect Spoon:


Yes, if you are moving beyond Davids et al, then Capital Tea would be a good first stop. Joel has a good selection of teas across almost all major categories. (He doesn’t sell matcha or puer.)

In addition, he will sell all of his teas in sample packages of 25g., though you have to arrange this via phone and e-mail.

Best wishes,


I should add that I have been considering placing an order with Joel as well. He is offering a 15% discount this month via a coupon attached to the catalogues given out at the Tea Festival. It is good for online orders, and probably e-mail / phone orders as well.

Best wishes,

Christina / BooksandTea

Yes, I’m considering buying some more of this type of tea using the discount code. Any other recommendations as to particular blends?


It depends: which types(s) of tea do you like? Or, you could choose a broad cross-section of teas from several categories and then go from there.

Best wishes,

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I purchased this at the Toronto Tea Festival on Feb 2, 2014. I was unable to taste a brewed sample, but the dry leaves smelled wonderful.

Packaging: Unlike most loose-leaf teas I’ve seen, this tea came in a vacuum-sealed foil pack, so the leaves were initially packed in quite tight. You cut open the top with some scissors, and after it’s open, it’s got one of those pliable metal bars so you can reseal it. The front of the package has some Japanese characters on it, so I believe this vendor just buys directly from a particular tea farm/importer and then applies their own label once it’s been received. I’m not saying this to be negative – the tea is of VERY high quality. I paid $12 for a 50g package, but it typically sells for $15.

Leaf: The leaves look thin and deep green, almost like grass clippings. Dry, the smell is highly vegetal – it smells strongly of fresh-cut hay. Sweet and almost floral, even. Wet, the smell stays exactly the same (floral and hay-like), although the leaves don’t expand/unfurl much.

Liquor: This tea needs only 1-2 minutes to steep. Once steeped, the liquor is a pale green-yellow, like tender plant shoots. The taste of the liquor stays very true to the scent of the leaves – fresh, green, and floral, with only a hint of the astringent taste I find in other green teas.

Overall, this is a lovely and light green tea.

Flavors: Grass

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 24 OZ / 700 ML

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I got this delicious sample from Dexter3657. This is quite good, and I may consider a purchase of this if they have it at the tea festival. It brews up to a gorgeous garnet colour on the first steep. Less deep on the second steep. Whatever astringency is in the tea, I didn’t notice it, but I slurped this one back pretty fast. Also, I’m not always very good at picking up on various notes in a tea if I don’t pay attention.

I liked this one, and see this easily fitting in my morning tea routine.

Thank you Dexter!


:)) This isn’t my favorite from Capital Tea, but I’m glad that you like it. I really like almost everything I got from Capital Enjoy the tea festival – hope you pick up some great teas.


Whatever I pick up you know I’m gonna share, despite your ever expanding cupboard :)

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I’m on my second cup of this, and I like the second steep much better than the first. But then again, I slurped the first one back when it was still a little too hot. This second steep was silky smooth and sweet. This is really good.

I’m pretty impressed with Capital Tea’s and am looking forward to seeing them at the tea festival. I’ll have to try more of their tea’s before I go.

My thanks to Dexter3657 for introducing me to their teas :)


:)) I don’t think Capital Tea Ltd. gets as much attention as they deserve here. Glad you are enjoying their teas…


last year i didn’t get any at the tea festival and sort of regretted it. I’ll be looking forward to picking some up this year…THREE MORE DAYS! cough


Dexter…I agree, their tea’s are really good. Thanks for sharing!

Sil… I am afraid of the haul I’ll be coming home with. :)

Terri HarpLady

I wish I was going to the tea festival…sigh…


Terri…seriously. i looked in to going to the NY one in march as well…it’s a little expensive for rooms

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Yesterday was a special day, I received my swap box from the wonderful Dexter3657 . In fact, we received each other’s box on same day! Last night, as i felt physically and emotionally drained, I needed comfort in a cup to bring to bed with me…Chai being an old friend, I thought it was the obvious choice out of the MANY teas I got in my swap box.

I say old friend cause about 4 years ago, I started getting more into loose leaf tea beside the traditional earl grey and jasmine tea I had been drinking all my life.

I discovered Davidstea and chai became a revelation to me, something exotic I had no clue even existed. I went on a chai spree and bought all the chais DT had to offer. That’s all I drank for 6 months!

Then I discovered Steepster, and realized there was other tea retailers in the world, started experimenting with straight tea, and finding my perfect black and oolong tea became my quest. I have pretty much succeeded at that, but haven’t had a decent cup of chai in the last 3 years!

When Dexter and I initiated our swap, I lurked at her chai stash and thought it would be a great opportunity to renew my vows with it!

She very generously sent many to choose from, I picked this one cause the note said it was her favourite out of that bunch. I was so excited to try something of better quality than what I had in the past.

I was very happy with my choice, cause I need to take things slow and this is not an overwhelming chai blend. It’s surprisingly smooth, yet that little kick is there. I could not find the list of ingredients on their website and i’m a little rusted, but I think I could detect mainly clove, cinnamon, cardamom, and I get a little tingle on the tongue so that’s probably ginger. This is an excellent chai to begin with, nothing scary about it.

But what i enjoyed the most, was the comfort it provided that I needed so badly!

I welcome you back into my life Chai, it’s been a long time :-)

Thank you so much Dexter3657 for this special blend, can’t wait to try the others you have sent!


I’m familiar with draining days. I’m glad this could lift your spirits a bit.


Yay for comfort!


Sorry you also have those days keychange, and yay for comfort indeed morgana!!


Aww, I feel the same way about chai. I seemed to gravitate towards them when I first got into loose leaf too.


Yeah Fjellrev, it was like wham bam thank you ma’am , a slap on the face, like wake up, there’s something other than earl grey in this vast tea world of ours!
(BTW, how long will it take for me to think about something other than the Swedish Chef every time I see your new name??? Or maybe I should ask Sil that question…)


Haha perhaps you two will never escape the association. To make it extra agonizing, I should plant some børks here and there in tasting notes.


Hahaha! Yes please do!!!


:)) Glad you liked it. Off to a good start with the box.
My love of tea actually started when “asshole” introduced me to Indian food – with Indian comes chai, and the love of chai made me wander into Davids, Teaopia etc – the rest as they say is history.


I found chai long before loose leaf… Love it! Spicy, sweet and creamy… Yum! I always add sugar and when feeling indulgent.. make it a latte please!


Yes, Suziqzer, I’ll admit that although I’m a “no milk, no sugar” tea drinking, I do soy milk and a little coconut sugar in chai :-)

Abby Noelle

This made me smile! I want to start doing tea boxes as soon as I get more in my collection!


Abby, yes it’s a lot of fun, and you found the perfect crowd for it :-)


Dexter, opening the box was already a good start :-)
(Can’t believe you wrote his name, hahaha!)

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Still MOAR from Dexter3657! Whee.

Confession: despite their popularity, if I’m remembering right I’ve never had my socks knocked off by typical Yunnan Black. Over a year ago when I got back into tea and started off with David’s loose leaf blacks I got some of their Yunnan and really didn’t like it (like just about all of those David’s straight teas I tried, it tasted like watery nothing). And when I fell in love with Verdant’s blacks I remember the one that stood out as NOT winning me over immediately was the Yunnan Black. I never think they taste “bad” really; usually I simply don’t taste much, period. They’re SO smooth and (again, to me usually) sweet but in a boring, straightforward way (I get the feeling I tend toward craving a little “rasp” to my tea as a throwback to my early tea drinking days when it was all legacy-style stuff, mostly Indian; Chinese expertise at making ever smoother and sweeter teas is sometimes lost on me as a result).

So that makes me all the more pleased to find I like this one a lot! It still has that characteristic off-the-charts smoothness and is quite sweet, but this time the sweetness comes across as soothing, satisfying, with a depth to it I really enjoy. It’s not actually caramel-like in that there isn’t a toasted or burnt sugar element, but it’s rich and a little creamy in a vaguely related way. It’s best while still pretty hot; as it cools, that watered down quality to the sweetness begins to creep in somehow. While hot, it has a rounded, rich and satisfying quality that reminds me a bit of what makes Dragon Pearls so appealing (though I should note, it never approaches the actual thickness of Dragon Pearls).

My first official Yunnan Black I like a lot (well, unless I’m forgetting one that isn’t labeled/marketed outright as such)! Woo hoo. Capital Tea, you’re winning me over big time.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I tried this one a while back but never was able to log it, think Steepster might’ve been wonky. Yet another treat from Dexter3657 (seriously, that swap box was ginormous), thanks!

I think I messed it up, just went with my default black tea parameters, the ones I use if I don’t know what to do. Boil/208F, 3 or 4 minutes. It was fine, but I didn’t get the strong flavors people are talking about, alas, and there was, as Dex and others mention, a light-bodied astringency that grew with each sip. I agree with Dex that this teeters between one kind of Chinese-style black and lighter astringent stuff a little more like darjeeling…I do usually find teas that do that fascinating (it’s one of the things that sold my heart to Verdant’s Zhu Rong) but here it was like the flipside of that coin, where I get the aspects of each I don’t love without the components I do—the body read as wimpy, disappointing, and the flavor wasn’t Chinese-sweet enough to make up for the astringency, if that makes any sense. I am going to try a lower temp though, combined possibly with a longer steep time. Intriguing.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

I normally do this one 95C for about 4-5, but that’s just me. This was actually my favorite of all the blacks I ordered from Capital.
I think they are a good company, and as yyz stated on the tasting note they do sell 20g samples – that’s actually what I did- I ordered a ton of different blacks. I actually think there was more than 20g in the packages – they seemed really generous to me. Glad you are enjoying the ones I sent you. Even if my favorite of them isn’t yours. :))

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Love this tea so much. Along with those A&D Yunnan Gold Tips, maybe the best find of this winter for me (endless thanks to Dexter3657!). This time around I’m getting cinnamon and sandalwood along with that deep sweet chocolate-y element. YUM!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Sami Kelsh

Ooh, that does sound good. nods


Oh wow, sandalwood? that sounds unbelievable


I am so happy that you like this – it’s not my favorite from Capital Tea Ltd, but I really like the quality vs price of Capital. Happy to introduce you and happy that you picked up some more.

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Oh my dog, this tea is special. Thank you Dexter3657 for sharing some with me—this is riiiiight up my alley!

The dry leaf smell is wonderful, an intense chocolate aroma. The tea brews up fairly dark and thick, and the taste is deep and unusual; I get loamy soil notes and almost mushroom. Something rich and wet earthy like that. There’s a slight bitterness but also a spicy sweetness to balance it. This kind of reminds me a bit of the complexity of an intense shu pu erh, but less complicated to worry about steeping correctly (easy as pie, Western style 3 min even and hot works very well, much like Laoshan Black) and no possibility of funky aroma, quite the contrary. I love it! Definite winner; I’m thinking it might be the best Assam I’ve ever had. It would make an awesome morning tea on special days you want to spoil your taste buds first thing out of bed. Its complexity and strength remind me a bit of Butiki’s The Black Lotus, crossed with yeah, a sweet, intense pu erh. Great googly moogly it’s good! I would place an order with Capital now just to get more of this for sure.

ETA: yyz who as always is way ahead of me here is spot on about resteeps being lighter and less chocolate-spicy but amping up a honey note. Yum!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I love this one too the first steep does have a deep flavour resteep it once or twice and honey notes come out.


WOW!!! Glad you liked it. To each their own, I didn’t write a tasting note on this one, obviously didn’t leave that type of impression on me. It makes me happy that you found one you really liked :))


It is so awesome! I’m sitting here kind of in shock at how good it is. Thank you SO much! I definitely never would’ve gotten around to trying it on my own. :D


IMHO Capital Teas has quality tea at reasonable prices. It’s just a matter of choosing the ones that suit your tastes. Once my stash is under control (next year ?) I would definitely order from them again. :))


Good to know Dexter3657!


I said Capital Tea it’s Capital Tea Ltd – there is another Capital Tea out there. That link is the one I’m referring to. :))


Do they not sell sample/smaller than 100g sizes? I can see now why you spread the wealth so generously (and am so grateful)! Hm. I’d love to try more of their stuff, esp. their assams and greens, but 100g is a lot of tea…maybe someday when I’m ready to place an order I’ll post on the boards and see if anyone wants to go in with me on anything. Orrrr just send out a lot in swap boxes.


oh, meant to say too and forgot: I can definitely see that, Dex, about the value for the quality. the stuff you sent me has all been very good quality and looking at the prices now i see they’re yes, super reasonable. great to know!


They sell 20g sizes as well for most things some were 10g. Click on the product name and it will bring you to a selection screen.


ah, i see it now, thank you! i did a very cursory skim of the pulldown menu expecting the smallest size to be the top option since the rest are larger as they go down the menu. yay! can’t do anything about it anytime soon given my out of control stash, but i am definitely getting more of this and trying some of their other assams and greens when i can tea shop again!


I should check this out. Not that I need more tea but I would never say no to good Assam


It’s so good! Given we tend to have shared tastes a lot of the time and you like The Black Lotus, I have a feeling you’d dig it, boychik!

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Another great gift from Dexter3657! Thank you.

This is good on a bitterly cold night like this, when I feel snug as a bug in a rug, relaxed, cozy and gratefully warm. It’s smooth and gentle in that Chinese black tea way, but full of warming flavors—the common clean sweet starchy, sweet potato quality (but tamped down some which I appreciate), but peppercorn too! I’m really digging the peppercorn. Golden Monkeys are generally a little too subtle and light-bodied for me—I find myself reaching for and buying Golden Needle instead—but this one’s a nice offering.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Marco Polo Blend by Capital Tea Ltd.
1040 tasting notes

Another tea from yyz thank you so much for sending this my way.

I was quite happy to see this in my package. I ordered teas from Capital Tea Ltd. awhile ago but mainly ordered straight black (that I was quiet happy with). It’s nice to be able to try one of their flavored teas.
This is a really nice Marco Polo blend. It’s fruity, hint of vanilla, hint of caramel. Really nice. I will be looking to order from them again, and will take a look at a few flavors at that time. :))

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This brews up to a nice copper colour after 3.5 min (1 tsp/225 ml). The scent has a red fruit top note with a
Sweet potato and malt base tempered by sweet honey notes.

This is a nice example of a classic Ceylon, with hints of browned brown sugar,deeper notes of malt, and cocoa, fruity cherry like note exactly like described! Really nice and well balanced and very smooth. The second steep is fruity snd spicy smelling. It tastes sweeter with hints of nutmeg, cherry, cocoa underneath. I could definitely see myself purchasing this in the future.

Thanks for the sample Capital Tea Ltd!

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Capital Tea Ltd sent me a new batch of this and I though I’d try it today.

The tea is a beautiful bright toned copper red. The scent is of malt and spice with tones of yam, cocoa, butter, warm toned stone fruit and honey underneath.

The top notes are spice and citrusy malt. The spice is slightly floral and is savoury with cinnamon and hints of thyme, mixed with lemon tones in the malt. This is followed by smooth plum and yam mixed with honey and a bit of cherry and a stronger cinnamon note with butter, finally the tea portrays a mild bitterness from malt and cocoa. This is a rich, mildly bitter toned and spicy sweet, malty tea with nice fruit and spicy floral notes.

I steeped this tea for 3 minutes versus 3.5 minutes for last seasons tea, but the differences I noticed between these two batches is that this one may be more floral and seems to be less thick tasting with less of a molasses note.

Regardless this tea is quite strongly flavoured and would support milk well. It makes for a very nice start to the day.


That’s a mightily adorable teacup, and this tea sounds wonderful. Then again, most Assams do.

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The dried tea smells like malt, or a little bit like feed mix you get for horses, which brings back old memories. The tea has short slightly flattened leaves liberally scattered with saffron yellow golden tips.

The tea brews to a deep orange red after 3.5min.
With malt, citrus, hint of molasses, red fruits, and currant scents.

The first sip brings out bitter cocoa and malt notes mixed with molasses, overlain by a sweet top note that references both fresh and dried stone fruit (plum and cherry) and honey. There is a light floral note. This is a malty, fruity assam. The tea has a thick syrupy body with nice level of caffeine. It is very smooth, and a little tannic, but with no noticeable astringency. Aftertaste reminds me of molasses cookies eaten with a slightly sharp berry juice. A very nice start to the day.

Thanks Capital Tea Ltd for the generous sample!

1 heaping tsp /225 ml/3.5 min.

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It’s been quite a while since I’ve logged a tasting note. I thought that staying away would curb my tea buying, but that approach didn’t really work for me.

I got this tea from Dexter3657. I really enjoyed this cuppa. Yesterday when I drank I found the sweet potato in the early sipping, and plum and honey after.

Today I got sweet potato and honey. No plum. Don’t know what I did differently…Either way a tasty tea.

Thank you Dexter!


Hey welcome back!!!


Thanks!! Glad to be back!


i second that! welcome back :)


Thank you! I missed being here.

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I find that most of my Yunnan’s fall between the spectrum of leathery spicy and honey fruity all with cocoa underneath, but each are unique in some ways. The crudest, roughest one has almost licorice tones, one has orange notes, one has a lot of spice over chocolate notes, another is jelly and violets and then there is this one. This one is quite fruity and almost boozy in the first steeps, overlying the honey, cocoa, and leather and has a bit of snap pea to it.

It looks just like the picture with medium thickness blades and furry gold buds. About 75-80 % appears to be buds. The dry sent is almost hay like.

I steeped one heaping TSP in a 150 ml gaiwan. Using boiling water.

After 45 s the scent is of honey, hay, cocoa, smoke, and a faint leather spice. The tea is a medium ambre brown with a yellow green ring I get in many tippy teas around it.

The flavours of cocoa, hay, smoke and honey combined to create something slightly fruity. It brings back a memory of something I had at school when a classmate prepared a Vietnamese meal for us. There was a hint of grapes, cooked apple and a slight musty tone all soaked in a touch of rum.

Other notes I tasted were of snap pea, honey sweetened cocoa in grape juice, and very faint leather notes. As it cools the cocoa, honey, slightly boozy fruit dominate. Very smooth tingling in front and top of mouth.The first steep was kind of syrupy. Further steeps were as follows:

60s less honey, more cocoa, and hints of tarter red fruit, touch of bean still quite sweet and honeyed. Not as syrupy as first cup.

75s honey cocoa,leathery earthy notes.

120s. Cocoa, honey, red fruit , leather spice

240s. Cocoa, leather,honey.

This tea still has some life in it. I especially liked the first steep and the hint of red fruit in some of the later ones. All together a nice tea that I wouldn’t mind enjoying from time to time.

Thanks, Capital Tea Ltd for this generous sample!

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This is quite a nice Ceylon. It seems to lie between those Ceylon’s that are sugary sweet, those that hold lots of citrus notes, and those with deep malt notes. It’s a pretty well balanced cup, with just the right touch of briskness.

The tea smells of malt, a touch of brown sugar, spice (cinnamon and a hint of nutmeg), citrus, and berries with some deeper slightly bitter notes. The flavour is deep and robust with all of the above notes. This Ceylon would take milk well. It is not an overly sweet tea, and has a lovely citrusy and spicy aftertaste. I’m quite enjoying this cup. 96°C 4 min.

Edit: The resteep is lovely and sweeter. I think that this tea would benefit from a shorter steep than I first gave it. Cocoa notes are present in this steep.

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drank Masala Chai by Capital Tea Ltd.
4336 tasting notes

Another one from Dexter3657 – thanks so much again! Another chai to try, I say in glee. :D I looked up more info on the site for this one, and there is a wonderful list of ingredients but to me this mostly looks like black tea leaves mixed with CTC black tea leaves. Even after a few minutes, this tea is surprisingly smooth for a CTC. There are hints of ginger and not much else. The picture looks exactly like the blend I have, actually, so I guess this is an accurate batch of this blend. But I love how smooth this is and it has a bready flavor.. not astringent at all! I really wish there were a billion more spices here, but as a black tea it’s good stuff anyway.

I’m not avoiding Steepster notes any more… apparently my Amoda box went missing in the mail. :/ I guess I will just ruin the surprise if it just happens to happen.


Hope your box arrives soon. :))
(Maybe I should have added more chai to the box….)


Well, I can never say no to chai! haha.


Oh no! :O I hope it shows up soon. Are they sending a replacement?


Yep, I e-mailed them about it but I feel terrible they have to send out another box!


That sucks, but that’s great they’re replacing it without question. (Which they should?)

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Thank you Dexter3657 for sending me a sample of this tea. This has a strong fruity profile. This is the second darjeeling I’ve tried – the first one from Davids Tea. I think darjeeling is not for me. Although it’s not my preference I won’t have any trouble finishing off my sample.

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Thanks Dexter! So strangely enough…even though the muscatel in this one is like HEY LOOK AT ME! I am enjoying this one. I don’t typically really enjoy darjeelings, but the next thing i knew, i was at the bottom of this mug going ..oopsy….i drank it all? There’s something in the smoothness of this one that just makes it easy to drink and rather enjoyable. Not something i’d pick myself, but i’m glad that they sent this along to dexter as a free sample so i got to try it!

Edit: 140! go me! woot woot!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

This is by far the best darjeeling I’ve had. I would never have ordered this. Love when free samples work out that way.
Congrats on 140. :))


Gj on 140! So, are you going to be at 250 AFTER Black Friday? :P


God no. Hoping to stay near 150. Though I’m half tempted to see how low I can go


Let’s see you catch up to me! >:O
(I bought tea from VariaTEA and Janelle so I’ll be heading up your way!)


(I just realized I have about 28 incoming and that’s not even with my Black Friday orders. :O So, never mind. You’ll be lower than me)

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mmm thanks for sharing this one with me dexter! This brings me officially to 149 – so i’m under my black friday goal and consider myself to be officially working towards tea purchases. 1 sipdown = 1 tea i can purchase lol.

This is a pretty decent assam. It’s got a bit of astringency to it, but not so much that it’s less enjoyable. There’s a teeeeny bit of sweetness hiding in the sip as well, it’s not a malty assam. :) i like this one!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Yay congrats! Good job!


thanks! Ended the night at 147…and there’s still tomorrow heh


er 148

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