Camellia Sinensis
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Another commute tea from today since I think it’s been a hot minute or two since I last had this one – I also don’t know why but it feels like a very “wintery” profile to me so I think I crave this tea more in the winter. Something about the anise in it, I’m sure. I think I associate that will mulled cider type drinks, which I have a lot this time of year. Today’s cup is very anise forward as well so that’s a huge win for me today since that’s what I wanted deep in my bones.
And all that jazz, you know?
Just a feel good cup of tea.
I made this one at work to enjoy on my break, shared it with a few coworkers though none of them liked it. They just found it too anise heavy, and struggled to get the pear notes. I mean, I kind of agree with them – this can sometimes read as very weighted towards the anise in the blend, but the pear is there! It likes to roll in and out of the sip, and is very dewy and floral when you pick up on it.
If you don’t mind anise, it’s good shit.
Song Pairing:
Had a smooth, calming cup of this last night…
A little weighted towards the sweet star anise/black licorice side of things; enough so that my mom was complaining about the “black licorice I was eating being really strong smelling” from a room over. I thought it was funny that she thought I was eating black licorice, but I mean I guess it’s not that far outside the realm of possibility: I do really like black licorice a lot…
Dewy pear undertones, with a bit of a fresh floral and somewhat creamy aspect to them as well. Probably exaggerated a bit by the white tea base, to be fair. I did think the base was pretty darn masked though.
I wonder if I’ve ever had this one as a latte? I can’t recall ever doing it that way but I suppose it’s possible I have and it just wasn’t memorable. I just couldn’t help but think last night that this one would be a very nice latte.
Song Pairing:
Something sweet, smooth, and soft – perfect for this tea.
It’s back!
So, I nabbed more of this in my more recent Camellia Sinensis order because I was looking at adding more white teas to my current stash and in general I just always love the ones offered by Camellia Sinensis. Only problem right now is that their selection is so limited/small that I’ve tried them all now! It’s been a white since I had this one though, and it’s quite different from everything else I currently have going on that it’s the one I knew I wanted to nab more of.
This first cup was good – very, very licorice/anise heavy. Was that flavour always so damn strong? I can’t recall…
Not that I mind a strong, rich anise note though: I actually love the flavour of anise/black licorice/licorice in general – it’s licorice root that’s the one I dislike. The pear was subtle, mostly an undertone to the anise that was only really present in the finish of the sip. All in all, it was very smooth though, and it definitely pushed all the right nostalgia buttons.
Sipdown (137)!
I wanted a more interesting way to finish this blend off and I got it! I made it up as a tea soda and drank it today in place of my standard cold brew (truth is time just got away from me and I didn’t strain my cold brew in time – and now it’s too late for something caffeinated).
I actually think this tea soda may have been the best version of this one that I’ve tried; at first it was mostly just sweet licoricey anise which, while it does work very well as a soda flavour, was ultimately a little flat and one dimensional. But after the soda started to go just a little bit flat I began noticing very fresh ripe pear notes at the tail end of the sip and lingering into the aftertaste and a bit of a floral top note that could compete with the strong anise.
Overall, a very, very memorable and pleasant way to finish this one off! In the future I may reorder it though currently I certainly have enough licoricey teas on hand to keep me more than satisfied.
Cold Brew.
…Another boring one.
I seriously need to figure out a better way to finish off the rest of the leaf for this one because if I end up sipping it down as a cold brew I just know I’m going to be finishing it off on a flat note and that’s not what I want.
Suggestions for ways to switch things up welcome.
Cold Brew!
I’ve decided not to keep hoarding this blend anymore; for whatever reason it doesn’t quite seem like the right time of year for this blend – and I do have quite a bit of other white tea currently as well.
This cold brew actually came out a touch bitter/drying which is odd as that’s not a problem I tend to have with the majority of cold brews – I suppose most of the measured out leaf was broken up or little fannings from the bottom of the tin but I didn’t think that would affect the brew as much as it did. In addition to adding some dryness, I thought the hay notes were a bit stronger than normal as well.
As always, very strong anise notes. This is not a blend for people who dislike licorice/anise – the flavour isn’t really pointed out in the description but it’s there! I still wish the pear wasn’t as drowned out as it is – but it’s present too. Very sweet and supple; like a Bartlett pear more than anything else.
I’ve got the next two days off, so definitely looking forward to writing some tasting notes and trying some of the numerous blends/samples I received this week! There’s lots of goodies to go though (some I’ve already had and will be posting notes for)…
This was a cold Brew! Since it’s one I’ve cold brewed previously I didn’t record any notes for this particular blend since it was pretty spot on to other times I’ve cold brewed it. Definitely check out my other notes on this one if you’re interested in the details, though. Basically it’s sweet licorice/anise with undercurrents of pear.
Today’s word of the day is… Prescience.
Prescience is the “knowledge or awareness of things before the exist or happen”. I wonder if that’s like a fancy way of saying psychic? That’s definitely the context I’m imagining it being used in.
I’ve usually seen that word in adjective form, like “As it turned out, her comment was quite prescient, because things went down just as she had predicted”. It basically means psychic, but to me it has less of a magical connotation, like maybe someone made a strangely accurate prediction but you don’t really believe they have superpowers or something. :)
So I have a whole bunch of this one, and for the most part I’ve just enjoyed it the same way since getting it so I figured it would be worthwhile to do something different with it, although I didn’t really do anything drastically different – but still. So here we go: Peking Opera Cold Brew?
This is pretty anise heavy as a hot cup so I don’t know why any part of me thought that a cold version would be any different. I guess I expected the soak to bring out the pear? And it did, but of course it brought out the anise too. Duh. So yeah, this was really anise saturated with pear undertones. Still maintained a “freshness” to it, but the balance between those two main flavours was really thrown off. Not bad, though. Part of me somewhat feels that Butiki’s Pear Jasmin Candies will taste relatively like this, and if that’s the case then if I enjoy them I wont feel nearly as crushed by the fact they wont be available again.
So what next for this one? Well, I recently bought a bunch of Golden Pear liqueur so I think maybe I’ll mix some of that into a hot cup of this one. That might “right” the balance of flavours a little more and what’s better than tea and alcohol? The two best drinks rolled into one…
Wow, this was really, really creamy and anise heavy tonight. It almost totally buried all the pear and base flavour although ultimately both were still partly present. I enjoyed the cup but was overall hoping for something that was a little more balanced out.
And now my whole living room smells very strongly of anise.
I think I’ve asked before, but is anyone else watching The 100? A tumblr user made a VERY cool gif based on a suggestion I made, and now I have all the feels. I just want there to be like four more seasons released all at once tomorrow so I have something to mass stream; I hate watching TV shows as they actually air. My heart can’t take it.
Cool thing about this fandom, though, is that pretty well EVERYONE agrees on the ships in it. Like, it’s pretty much a universal constant that the fans agree Bellamy and Clarke are perfect for each other; they compliment one another and bring about the best in each other but are two solid, unique characters who can function on their own too. I mean, there are other totally cute pairing in the series (Octavia and Lincoln, Finn and Raven, etc). but there are really no ship wars.
It’s beautiful!
My roommate, boyfriend, and I all watch The 100, separately. Haven’t watched the new season yet though. I’m not overly into the show for whatever reason – it’s taking a lot for things to grab me lately.
I really like it because it reminds me a little bit of LOST – it has the same survivalist feeling and intensity/drama but with a cool space element. You can even compare both the Grounders and the Mountain Men to The Others, in lost. And the character growth/development is very well done in my opinion. I hope you get into it – it’d be nice to have someone to gush with about it!
I never actually watched Lost – my boyfriend recently started it (I believe he’s somewhere in season 2 now), and I can understand the comparison. Perhaps I should watch that one too (though I just started Buffy, hahahaha. Wanted some easy-watching slightly spooky stuff.)
Oh man; you have to watch both! Those are both my ALL TIME favourite TV shows ever, though BTVS slightly more. Just slightly though. LOST definitely has a much wider range of characters, and is harder to follow along with (it’s the kind of show where if you miss an episode you’re FUCKED) but the payoff is so worth it, and there’s so much feels! Season Three is my favourite season, for that one. Who are your BFs favourite characters? I always and to the end adored Charlie and Sawyer, but Claire, Hurley, Jin, and Kate were favourites too. And then later on Desmond and Ben. BTVS is great too; and the Scooby Gang gives me uber feels to, but in a different way. I was a fan of the later seasons of BTVS (four onwards) but I’m a HARDCORE Spuffy shipper and those are the seasons that feature him more heavily. I actually got to meet James Marsters (Spike) at Comic Con, and he’s amazing in person!
LOL. I’ll probably focus on one, then the other. I’m in Season 2 of BTVS right now, and I saw that Angel is also on Netflix (though I don’t know its exact relationship to the former (timeline-wise, I assume it’s about Angel lol)… I’m sure it will become clear once I start it. I do know that there’s some sort of something between Buffy and Spike, but that has yet to become clear (I wasn’t completely oblivious to the premise of the show… just mostly. I believe it was deemed inappropriate for me to watch by the parents, and we only had one TV anyhow). It’s neat that you got to meet him in person :D
As for Lost, we haven’t discussed it much, but I’m sure he has favourites. He gets more into shows than I do, I’d say, and also has more time to watch things somehow.
Last tea of the night.
Made this one when I got home from work simply because I was craving a good, White tea. I’m so tired now though – I’m almost literally fighting to stay awake to write this note. So since I’ve done a more detailed description of this before I’ll just use jot notes and keep things short/simple:
- Strong Aroma of Anise/Licorice
- Very “dewy” in flavour (“fresh”)
- Bold anise/licorice notes softened by ripe pear juices
- Milder Cream/Hay notes
- I slightly oversteeped so there’s a very faint bitter edge
First to review this one as well.
It’s the last one from my most recent order, and I think out of the three blends I got this is probably the most interesting/unusual blend. Dry, it smells like very strong, sweet Star Anise/Licorice with this subtle fresh pear fragrance. The word “Dewy” also comes to mind when I smell it. You know, like wet flowers? Well, kinda anyway. It’s not abundantly floral but that’s the image I get.
Steeped up, this is definitely very full of character and flavour. The strong Star Anise/Licorice is well balanced by a supple pear flavour and accented by mild notes of sweet hay, honey, and some really light cinnamon. It’s also just the faintest bit floral. Really, there’s a lot going on here and it seems like just a really weird flavour combination in general, but especially so over top a white base.
But for a tea that is supposed to be pear “and spice” (I looked up Helichrysum and it’s the flower of the Curry Plant? It’s supposed to smell and taste somewhat like what you’d imagine an Indian Restaurant to smell/taste like) I really felt like there actually wasn’t a whole lot of spice going on. I mean, Star Anise yeah – lots. But that’s more sweet, you know?
That said; I quite like it! Though, I think it’s going to take several more cups of it to really, truly wrap my mind around everything going with this one. Hopefully I’ll be able to share it with a few people and we can compare flavour notes…
Flavors: Anise, Licorice, Pear
This is one of three iced tea blends Camellia Sinensis has recently released for summer. A blend of black tea, green tea, guava, rose, bergamot, vanilla and cornflower it is quite delicious on a hot hot summer’s day (which we are still getting in the bucket loads here in Southern California at the end of August). I cold brewed this overnight in the fridge as per the directions on the bag and was pleasantly surprised with the results. The scent is mildly fruity and the taste is delightfully tropical with a hint of guava. Yum!
I prepared this tea Gaiwan style and it was sweet with smoky notes. It is claimed to be cultivated without pesticides which is a good thing. It gets sweeter with multiple steeps and the smoky notes hand on throughout. A great green tea from Vietnam!
Flavors: Herbaceous, Smoke, Sweet, Vegetal
Sipdown (129)!
Hmm, something is wrong here. This tastes exactly like my last cold brew, but the smell. Oh, the smell is so bad. I don’t understand why, either! I did literally nothing different with leaf or water amount, and it got an almost identical brew time as the last batch. But for whatever reason this smells like pee this morning.
And I don’t know if I can do it guys; it tastes good – very lemony, a little bit of papaya underneath that, but this smell is really distracting and it’s making my tummy do somersaults. Uhhh…
Anyway, the last little bit is gonna be given to my friend Robyn; I just don’t love this one so I might as well share it with someone else who’ll learn from it and hopefully enjoy it more!
Wow, it feels nice not having a queue! Just gotta log stuff I had today, which wasn’t a lot…
I cold brewed this; the hot brew was really disappointing (but not really bad – just not what I had anticipated) and when I tried it I immediately knew this would be better suited for an iced or cold brewed tea, so that’s the next step I’m taking having this one.
Immediately I’m noticing an improvement, though I’m not sure whether that’s because I’m prepared for the very strong lemon flavour or if it’s because this one is actually better cold brewed. Maybe both. Actually, most definitely probably both.
But yeah; this is still very lemony with other citrus notes to it. It treads a very thin line between tart and sweet, and it’s very natural tasting. Seriously, there’s nothing artificial about this. I almost wonder if it would be enhanced by some sugar or agave; I think that would maybe make it more lemonade like. In addition to the strong lemon/citrus flavour there’s a rawness to it, and only the word “leafy” is coming to mind but I know that’s not the word I want to use. More so, it’s like…
I don’t know. It’s like a dried green leaf, but chalkier and not a leaf. Or chalky. God dammit; I can’t think of the words I want here. Ugh. Fucking lexical gap.
Positive things: I actually noticed the papaya this time. It was really subtle and if I hadn’t been looking I probably would have missed it, but buried under the taste of natural/raw lemons and leaves and stuff was some very mellow papaya adding a touch of sweetness and actually making this seem a little more tropical, like the name suggests it should be.
And VariaTEA I know I sent you some of this so get on it so I can finally compare notes with someone! I need to see whether I’m craving with the raw lemon/leaf thing! Maybe you can capture the idea I have but am so desperately struggling to convey.
Stupid Steepster Server…
Anyway; first review for this blend. Again, no pressure right? Right.
I actually put off placing my Camellia Sinensis order for about two months because this blend was out of stock, and I really really wanted to try it. The day they restocked this, I made my order. It was a very satisfactory feeling. That said, I had a hot cup of this the day my order arrived, and I was definitely quite disappointed by it.
Dry, it smells very very damn lemony. Lemon fucking everything, really. And not in a tart way or a sweet way – but sorta in a “Vitamin C” citrus health pill/acidic chalky lemon crap type way. That’s really a terrible description, but I’m writing this note based on the notes I wrote myself like a week ago, and it’s 2AM and I’m really tired. The words are not coming easily to me.
Steeped, this is still pretty well pure lemon with no noticeable papaya. None. Literally none. Which is crushing, because that’s the aspect of this blend that attracted me to it in the first place. But hey, at least the lemon tastes pretty ok. Like I said, it’s not sweet and it’s not “puckering tart” or anything – it’s just really strong and fairly natural. It reminds me so much, in a hard to describe way, of citrus health drinks or that instant powdered lemonade stuff that comes in little premeasured packs for water bottles. But with the instant lemonade it’s not that taste it reminds me of, it’s the smell of the stuff.
So next up will be a cold brewed version of this. I honestly don’t have the ‘highest of hopes’ but I think, if nothing else, the strong lemon flavour of this blend will be better suited to a cold cup than a hot one. I just want some damn papaya! Just give me a LITTLE. Just a pinch.
Flavors: Lemon, Lemongrass
A mixture of cocoa and peanut flavours make this a sweet tasting woody tea. I am drinking my third steep and the flavour is still pleasant. If you like straight black tea then give this a try.
Flavors: Cocoa, Peanut, Wood
Been a hot minute since I last had this tea and I can tell that my tin has aged a bit, but it’s still very good. Coconut dominant but both a buttery rich coconut and that almost golden caramelized/toffee note of perfectly toasted coconut – paired with sweet tropical pineapple and brisk black tea. One of my favs, for sure!
Cold Brew!
Had this one on Friday, the day after having a cold brew of DT’s Aloha Colada. I wanted to have a fresh direct comparison in my head. You can cross reference that tasting note for more of a break down on differences:
TLDR – still not sure what my preference is.
I had a really nice session this morning with a more spicy straight black tea, and since then I have basically just been craving more fruity teas all day – I saw the tin of this in my black tea drawer, and it spoke to me.
I love this blend a lot – though this batch of it has been the most different from previous batches I’ve purchased. It seems to be a bit more coconut heavy, and a little more buttery and astringent, with less of that caramelized pineapple note I enjoy so much. However, it’s still really good and I don’t mind a mild astringency or a rich coconut profile at all!
Cold Brew!!
Just had to restock – even with us going into Autumn/Winter now.
Something about this bag tastes a little off to me based on my memory of this tea – and I’ve had it enough times that I’d think my memory of it is pretty sharp. It’s a little less sweet and buttery – doesn’t have that gross note of off coconut at all so that’s definitely not it, but it just felt rather “flat” and lacking the life that I crave from it. Maybe it’s the cold brew, but I swear the dry aroma seemed different too. I’ll have to try it hot to be sure, but I’ll be pretty sad if the recipe has changed or I just got an off production…