Bayswater Tea Co.

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drank Chocolate Orange by Bayswater Tea Co.
15575 tasting notes

Yeah i like this one…as long as you don’t over steep it. Unlike other rooibos teas that i usually brew for a billion minutes, better off treating this one as not really a rooibos. It does better for me at about 3-4 minutes.

3 min, 45 sec

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drank Chocolate Orange by Bayswater Tea Co.
15575 tasting notes

another backlog from last night – had another bit of this one, though it wasnt as tasty as the first time. That might be because i left it a little long. Luckily i have a bit more to land on a final decision on this one :)

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drank Chocolate Orange by Bayswater Tea Co.
15575 tasting notes

mmm yes please and thank you! Last cup of the evening because i got distracted trying to plan vacations. This not only smells delicious but it tastes so very good as well. It’s orange and creamy but it’s also chocolate. I’m not a rooibos hater either so this is darn tasty. Thanks to Cavocorax for this one. I’m a fan!

Terri HarpLady

I’m jealous that you & cavo got to hang out! :)


someday you and i can hang out and then they will all be jealous of us ;)

Terri HarpLady

That’s right! AND we’ll flaunt it! :)


Sorry you’re not in range to visit, Terri!

And Sil, I’m happy you like this. Keep in mind that I’d probably be up for an order from Bayswater some time in the future!

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Thank you CrowKettle for the bag of this! It’s going next to my Butiki teas!
I don’t really taste much of the base but I love the smell of this, and the hazelnut is really good.

I’m happy to have more!


It is sooo good. I have a little left…kinda scared to finish it off, cuz then it will be gone, but it is really yummy.


want them to have an ecommerce site like they were supposed to. I despise their site..


Yeah. Yeahhhhhh. I keep meaning to email them. I’d rather a real website than sending emails back and forth to arrange an order…. Of course I might do it.


Ok, I finally sent an email. :P


Their site is pretty sucky, agreed.


they were supposed to revamp the site back in like.. october. that’s what the woman said. but change.


Well, if they reply to my email, I’ll let you guys know!

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Yep. This has to be my favourite of the Baywater teas!

I hate logging on my phone, but we should get our Internet set up tonight!


your tea misses you…


I miss my tea!
What time are you normally home by?


uh depends on what’s going on with work but if we plan it, i can be home for a specific time. also if um i can find an “easier” day this week i could always work from home…though i make no promises on how messy my house will/won’t be haha


Hahah. Fair enough. I’m just playing it by ear with Joe so I can snag a ride. :P If I get a chance, I"ll msg you.


And, pshaw. I’m not worried about messy houses! :P Not when I have tea to distract me.


sounds good! also…i don’t care about messy houses either provided guests are forewarned. Lately i haven’t had much time to help ian out and i don’t expect him to do that, plus feed and water me, plus school and work heh :)

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Wrote this when Steepster was throwing a tantrum before my trip to Vancouver.

This tea smells like mulberry gummy candy, if they were to exist. I don’t detect any apricot, but I can already see why the West Coast crew chose this during the recent meet up because it smells very promising.

By the way, thanks to Heather for passing down a sample of this!

Brewed, the base gets a lot stronger than I was expecting, and even though I watched the steeping parameters, it’s a little on the astringent side. The creamy mulberry note really backed off, unfortunately. I was hoping for a berries and cream tea. I didn’t add any milk or cream. Perhaps I should have but too late for that since I just finished it. Not sure if I would buy more, but I’d be curious if further experimentation could result in the perfect steeping parameters, plus milk or cream, to thus yield the perfect berries ‘n’ cream tea.

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Sad sipdown….but oh was this ever good today. I might need to bargain with OMGsrsly on getting more of this….

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Yes, please.

This one is really good.

In the words of Oliver Twist, “Please sir…I want some more”.

If you like hazelnut, do not pass go and skip this one. It is super desserty, and delicious. I can say that I honestly don’t care much about the base…it is all the hazelnut and creaminess that I care about. That said, I think the base is a wee bit finicky, but pretty good in general.

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Got this one last week at our Tea Meet Up in Vancouver as a sendoff to Cavocorax before she moves to Toronto. This was the first tea I said, “I’ll take 50g, please” to. It’s pretty tasty as a sweet dessert comfort tea. Now that I’ve had this on its own, I’m gonna make a Divine Brûlée tea cocktail for a hazelnut tinged creme brûlée.

I like this, and I’m glad I got 50 g of it, but I don’t know if I love it enough to have it on hand all the time.

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It’s almost 10pm and I’m still drinking black tea and running back and forth to the washroom. But I couldn’t resist a cup of this. I have so much tea everywhere now that I need to keep up!

Creamy nougat tea. Good stuff!


I’m running low with mine, as I have given a lot of samples away, and had a few mugs of this. It’s good. I like it.


I think she said this is her best seller and I can see why.


Yes, she said that to us too.


I think there is also a green version of this too.

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I picked up more of this when I was in Vancouver last week. I can’t get over how much it’s grown on me. Yeah, it’s sweet, but not in an artificial, weird way.

I don’t necessarily get hazelnut, but it’s definitely nuts combined with nougat which more accurately tastes like Lucky Charms marshmallows, as previously mentioned.

With half-and-half this is all I want. Maybe it’s a hormonal thing but geez, 1/4 of the package already gone.


I visit Vancouver fairly often but I don’t think I’ve heard of the Bayswater Tea Co – what part of the city are they in?


Kitsilano, on W Broadway. Very easy to get to by bus. It’s a gem!


I’ll have to check it out next time I’m there – thanks! :)


I’m trying to decide what to drink next. Maybe I’ll have this one. :) Sure is tasty.

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OMG, the undergrads moved in to residence today. Only 7pm and one is already crying in this building. Community meeting in 45 minutes. Please save me!

I sipped this down, and you know what? This Lucky Charms tea kind of grew on me. I think I would buy some more after all, to mix with other, slightly boring teas (I like OMGsrsly’s suggestion to mix this with Florence) and to even enjoy alone once in a while. Not that I need more flavoured blacks but whatevz.


I’m so glad I never lived in residence. I mean, it could happen in the future (which could be awkward as I’m old enough to be their mom), but no. I wish you the best in dealing with them! Drown your sorrows in tea?


It’s luckily been pretty good! Apparently the grad students aren’t expected to mingle, and there ended up being no meeting with us. Whew. Luckily our apartments are a little isolated from the dorm rooms too, so I may not have to drown my sorrows in tea after all. :)

And I hope you won’t have to deal with it in the future!

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Divine Temptation is an explosion of what they call nougat, but when I tasted one dry, it’s more like Lucky Charms marshmallows to me. I don’t smell any of the hazelnut in the dry leaf.

I added some half-and-half cream before taking a sip of it without any additives, since the liquor looked quite murky so I had a feeling it would be too sweet on its own.

The light cream, I imagine, has smoothed out the crazy sweetness. This essentially tastes like a creamy Lucky Charms tea with a hint of roastiness from the hazelnuts in the background. Looks like the cream woke up the hazelnut a bit.

If you like really sweet, marshmallowy/nougaty drinks, this could be a winner for you. Thank you for the sample, Heather!


It works well with Florence by H&S, too. :)


I could TOTALLY see that working. :D

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drank Crème Brulee by Bayswater Tea Co.
1792 tasting notes

I kind of feel like coffee this morning so I reached for this. I think everyone who’s tried this agrees that it tastes like coffee from the roasted hazelnuts. Such an amazing trick.

With half and half. Tastes like a fancy latte that you’d pay $5+ for at some trendy cafe.

Hopefully it’ll trick my brain into getting me going? I’ve been home for nearly a week now and I’ve barely made any progress with school stuff. Can’t sleep, feel worn down throughout the day, feel emotionally deflated and demotivated. It’s strange.


I can relate so well to that sense of emotional deflatedness and complete lack of motivation. It’s at times like these when it’s even more important to step up the self care, but finding the motivation to do that…well it can be a very circular experience. I hope you feel better soon, or are able to leave the house at least. Breathing new air and hearing the sounds of the world can be really grounding sometimes.


Hope this helps you feel better!!


It’s definitely a circular experience. Thanks to both of you for the encouragement and support!

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drank Crème Brulee by Bayswater Tea Co.
1792 tasting notes

I really shouldn’t have since it’s midnight, but I’m getting sick of writing this paper and felt that I needed a little boost even though I should go to bed and try to get up earlier tomorrow. I made this with some milk and a hefty helping of Bailey’s Irish Cream. It’s necessary. Oh, believe me, it is.

I think I prefer Bailey’s with homemade cocoa (Fry’s cocoa with milk and sugar) but it pairs nicely with the hazelnutty/coffee notes in this tea. I also way overleafed. I was staring down into my measuring cup like a zombie, mindlessly pouring the leaf directly from the pouch, and twice the recommended amount ended up in there. So it’s a strong cup too.

Hot diggity, the holidays can’t come soon enough.


I didn’t realize what time it was. And I just had another mug of black tea. Oops?


I honestly think it doesn’t affect my body anymore haha. Anxiety = problems falling asleep regardless of caffeine consumption anyway. Do you think you’ll have a difficult time falling asleep now?


Maybe. At least my mind isn’t racing and my pulse is nice and steady. :) That bodes well for sleeping. I can always take some melatonin, too. I haven’t been using it much recently so my sensitivity to it has increased again.


Nice, that never really worked for me. Same as 5-HTP, unfortunately. But I’m glad to hear that your midnight indulgence shouldn’t affect you!


I take magnesium, 5-HTP (when I can afford it!), Sam-E (when I can afford it), omega 3’s, B12, etc, etc. The magnesium definitely helps in the evening, but I’m not sure about the rest. :)


Hmm, thanks for the tip regarding magnesium. I’ll have to look into getting some. :)


Umm, one warning. Be careful with it as it can upset your tummy something fierce. Google it. :)


The only thing that has ever helped me with sleep is GABA. In a nutshell, a neurotransmitter that helps reduce anxiety, and as it was explained to me prior to my taking it, “Shuts down the chatter in the brain”. Zero side effects that I know of.


Oh wait.. and teas with passionflower in them have worked for me as well.


Hmm. I’ll have to check out passionflower. I can’t do gaba. :)


Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about GABA. Thanks for the reminder! I refuse to resort to sleeping pills. :)

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drank Crème Brulee by Bayswater Tea Co.
1792 tasting notes

Morning cup with some half-and-half. It’s like drinking a caramel vanilla coffee-based latte.

By the way, when I was at the store, I asked the sales associate about why this tastes like coffee even though it’s not written in the description, and she guaranteed that there is absolutely no coffee flavouring in it, that it’s just the roasted hazelnuts giving off that flavour. So there you have it!


That’s incredible.


Huh. That’s crazy.
I hope she updates her website sooooon. I’d like the option of placing an order eventually! Seems like Kittenna really liked the Divine Temptation so I have someone to split it with.


Cavo – she was targeting October 3 when I asked.


Oh! So soon! :)

Sil there YOU have it..and now I have it! mwahahahaha

(best part is..down the road, we’ll have no idea why i was acting like a crazy person in your tasting notes…)

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drank Crème Brulee by Bayswater Tea Co.
1792 tasting notes

Thanks for the sample, Heather! This is a dead ringer for a coffee cream truffle, both the scent of the dry leaf and the taste. It reminds me of Tea Desire’s Latte Macchiato, only that one has a rooibos base. I see on their site they now have a flavoured black called Café Latte. Wonder how it compares to this.

I added some half-and-half to my cup, because I’m bad and all, and it’s like sipping on a coffee cream truffle. Wow! Without any additives, I find that the cocoa flavour is a little bit edgier.

Not detecting any of the hazelnut but I don’t mind that at all. This is really good the way it is!


I’m wondering if their online ingredients are correct for this one, actually. It’s just SO coffee flavoured.


I see that they have a flavour called Chocolate Macchiato. Do you recall seeing or smelling that one in the store? I wonder how they would compare.


None of us really liked the smell of that one for some reason. When I go back (see: not if. When.), I’ll sniff again and see why I didn’t like it. I think maybe it had coffee beans in it too?


Ah, go figure. I know I’ll definitely be making a trip to their shop next time I’m in Vancouver. I’m amazed it took you this long to check it out in the first place haha. Good find!


It’s on the other side of the city! Takes about an hour and a half to get there from here…


I figured that was the reason why! Vancouver sounds like a place that you would need to plan a whole day of events in one area of the city in order to make the trip worthwhile.

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Because Cavocorax said she wanted more flavour when she had the tea, I steeped it for more like 20 minutes. Maybe longer.

The honeybush is quite strong, I think. I haven’t really had enough to determine what part of that is sandalwood and what part isn’t. The orange is very much in the background, but it came out a bit more with the addition of a tiny bit of honey.

I don’t know that I love this one, but it is pleasant enough. I think I’ll try it iced and cold steeped before I make a final decision.

It does smell good. The best worst idea would be to put it in a mesh bag and toss it in the bath…

Edit: I’m dumping this. I probably oversteeped it, and there’s a terrible sour aftertaste. :/

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

Ok, so somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes then?


Yes. :) I will try 15, and ice some of it too. Tomorrow, though.


Honeybush + 20 min steep sounds dangerous.


It was, Incendiare. It really was. As it cooled more it got really not tasty.

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I’m almost done this one. It’s tasty, but no divine cream.

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Why does this make me think of coffee? I keep emptying my cup before I fully review it. Good thing I stopped for the last few sips!

So I am getting a nice black base, hazelnut and vanilla, and a bit of creaminess which I assume is from the coco bean? It’s very smooth and luxurious, and only a little astringent. I really enjoy this.

I’ve really enjoyed a lot of these flavoured Bayswater teas. Sil and Kittenna – you guys better like them too because I might want to order more and want to split the shipping cost! I split your samples up, double-baggie’d them, and then wrapped them in tin foil for MAXIMUM freshness. :P Now that I’ve done this, I can fit my parts into my travel box and drink them all before I see you guys.


Haha goose.


This one makes me think of coffee too! Heather said it might be the burnt sugar smell. I really want to mix this one with some of the nougat tea tonight.


Yeah, I get a very strong coffee vibe from it. I do think it is the burnt sugar giving a roasted/toasted smell reminiscent of coffee.

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This is kinda meh. It’s really sweet, without a lot of background to back up the sweetness. I had high hopes for this one, and sadly it’s just not working for me.

That’s OK though. The Divine Temptation/Creme Brulee blend is amazingpants enough.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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This tea has mulberries in it, which are incredibly sweet. No surprise the tea smells incredibly sweet! I’m not sure if the scent is more apricot or mulberry… I’m leaning towards mulberry, as it strongly reminds me of Gold Rush by DavidsTea. Only this one is a black tea with no coconut (as far as I can tell).

Ooh, that’s pretty good. Reminds me of Murchie’s Apricot as I sip on it. I didn’t add anything as there were a couple mulberries in my steeper and I knew they’d sweeten the tea considerably.

This one isn’t bad at all. It’s not a superfantasticoamazingomgwow quality tea, but it’s a nice flavoured black to sip on in the morning. :)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I haven’t tried this one yet.


Do! I quite like it. Not sure if I’d get more, as I do have other apricot teas in the cupboard. I think it would come down to variations in cost, though.

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So I’ve been putting off this last Bayswater tea for a few months now. The sandalwood is an interesting ingredient, but not one that yells, “Pick me! Pick me!” as I peruse my herbal tea tin. I felt sorry for it today, and gave it some love.

This is a decent tea. A bit of orange. A bit of wood. Sandwood of course too. It’s mild, but at 1:30 AM, I think mild is ok.

Yep. This is ok.
(Steeped for 10 min as directed. Also, I made another herbal the same time as this as I didn’t want to wait 10+ min for tea!)

Boiling 8 min or more

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I steeped this at the lower end of the recommended 10-15 minutes and I won’t be so meek next time. This is enjoyable as it is, but either because of the tea itself, or just because I’m too exhausted, I find it too mild for me at present.

I get a lot of honeybush, a bit of sandalwood, and some orange undercurrents. I like it, but I just want more WHAMMO.


I haven’t been brave enough to try this. :)

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

This sounds odd, but also pretty good. Tho I read undercurrents to be “and currants”.

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