Adagio Teas

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drank Pu Erh Poe by Adagio Teas
42 tasting notes

Today is another Pu-erh day. And here is one that is delicious. Have a great weekend!

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drank Pu Erh Poe by Adagio Teas
42 tasting notes

A coworker had some of this and I just had to give it a try… it’s great! So far all the pu-erh’s I’ve tasted have been dark, rich and very smooth. I ordered some of this tea along with several other teas from Adagio, this past week and they are on the way…

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drank Ti Kuan Yin by Adagio Teas
18 tasting notes

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drank Ti Kuan Yin by Adagio Teas
18 tasting notes

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When I first got this, I was a really big fan. Over time, I’ve become less and less interested in it. It’s good for a no caffeine jasmine option, but I’ll be ready to switch back to regular jasmine tea once I’m back in regular tea drinking.

However, I do like it more than most rooibos!


Rooibos and jasmine just don’t seem destined to go together—-I like rooibos, but it’s more of a roasty, hearty taste that’s good with vanilla and chocolate and stout flavorings, not something delicate like jasmine.


What an interesting idea, to add jasmine to rooibos.

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This is the only large tin of tea I have from Adagio. Everything else I have is sample size. I ordered it when I was just starting out with this baby thing and looking for a way to maintain my tea habit without caffeine.

This one was a winner for me because it was so similar to green jasmine. The jasmine really stands out! So I steep it a lot like a green tea… lower water temperature, less time, and it really is quite jasminesque. I love it!

165 °F / 73 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Definitely sounds worth a try, I haven’t tried much flavoured rooibos but that sounds interesting


And I love how inexpensive the samples are at Adagio, too! It means I’ve tried lots of flavored ones… some have been much better than others. :)

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Just made a big pot of this, sweetened with agave nectar. A perfect way to spend this rainy Saturday.

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Tried to replicate the sitar experience from earlier this morning… just clicking noises for a few seconds. Next up: vanilla again to see if I can replicate. The water was probably a slightly different temperature (hotter) this time, so that might be a factor, too.

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wanted some green jasmine, but didn’t have any. instead had a light steep of this. yum!

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I’ve been experimenting with steeping times for this tea. A 2-3 minute steep is more like a green jasmine tea than a rooibos. A 5-10 minute steep is more of a rooibos with a hint of jasmine. Both good, but different.

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I’m not a huge fan of rooibos tea, but I do love a good green jasmine. This tea is a lot more like green jasmine than red, and I’m a big fan of that!

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drank Foxtrot by Adagio Teas
124 tasting notes

This tea has everything I love: Soothing chamomile, refreshing mint, and satisfying rooibos. The flavors kind of dance around like there is a party in my mouth, but no one flavor really over powers the others. It is well balanced and unlike anything I’ve tasted in a tea.

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drank Foxtrot by Adagio Teas
124 tasting notes

I’ve been eager to try this based purely on teaequalsbliss’s obsession with it. This is a VERY interesting tea.

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
828 tasting notes

I finished the evening tea with a pot of this, and a little rooibos thrown in for good measure. It’s a good, hot drink; not quite as satisfying as a black or green tea, but a good option for the evening hours.

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
828 tasting notes

…and because I didn’t get enough peppermint today, I made a pot and shared some with my husband.

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
828 tasting notes

Just what I’ve been wanting lately… and I’ve been drinking a lot of it!

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
828 tasting notes

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