Adagio Teas

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drank Ginseng Green by Adagio Teas
865 tasting notes

I combined 2 parts (2.25 g) ginseng green tea w/ 1 part (1.13 grams) dried home grown organic lemon verbena and steeped it for 3 min at 180 degrees in 6oz purified water and drank it w/ my lunch.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Ginseng Green by Adagio Teas
865 tasting notes

Made this for my mom this morning who works full plus part time and goes to school full time. 2.25g per 6oz purified water heated to 175 degrees F.

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First of all, these are the infusion parameters I used this time:
4 balls, 2 cups boiling (212 degrees F) water, 5 minutes, first steep.

It was quite good. Not amazing, but good.

Quite smooth for a black tea. Everything seemed to blend well together (or I couldn’t distinguish any particular flavor, anyways). Not much in the way of bitterness either.

I didn’t really allow my cup to cool much while drinking, so I can’t say how it did as it cooled. Last time I had this with 3 balls/2 cups, I didn’t like it as it cooled down then (it was ok warm).

Will continue tweaking with parameters values as I use up my sample, but this time around it turned out quite good.

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drank Black Dragon Pearls by Adagio Teas
23 tasting notes

Finally drank this last night – got in my Steepster Select Adiago Fall tea set a few weeks ago! I have never seen a pearl tea before so I was really excited to try this out! I enjoyed the tea. It was light and subtle. But, I think something up went wrong in prep, either not enough pearls or water wasn’t hot enough. Still enjoyable and will certainly try again.


try 10 pearls per 16oz at 212 degrees F for 5 min.


@cofftea: Wow, really? I think I used 3 pearls for about 12oz at around boiling for 5 mins. Maybe I’ll try more tea next time. But I have been trying to use less because I feel I usually pile on too much.


Thanks for the advice, Cofftea. I will add more pearls next time and let you know how it turns out! Jason, made the same mistake, only used 4 for about 12 oz! Could be why it was so light!

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drank Silver Needle by Adagio Teas
20 tasting notes

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drank Apricot Green by Adagio Teas
8 tasting notes

Good, at least for a flavored tea. And it’s very inexpensive, so it’s a great everyday green.

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Really good. Sweet and lightly grassy.

180 °F / 82 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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Very subtle flavors. Good tea.

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drank Libra by Adagio Teas
911 tasting notes

Valentines alone is too tart or something for me – I’m not a big fan. But I always like it with cream to mellow it out, so I like this. However, I brewed this a bit too strong so it is not as calming as I had hoped, since I’m freaking out about my kitty possibly having a UTI and also a little caffeine-jittery… I’ll know at 3:30 about kitty-girl and hopefully I won’t feel so over-caffeinated by then.

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drank Valentines by Adagio Teas
72 tasting notes

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drank Valentines by Adagio Teas
72 tasting notes

Oversteeped it. :( A little too bitter, so the strawberry/chocolate flavors aren’t as prominent.

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drank Valentines by Adagio Teas
72 tasting notes

I am secure enough in my manhood to say that I love this tea. It seriously tastes like a chocolate-covered strawberry, but the balance of the flavor is just right so that it doesn’t overpower the tea. A good one when you need a treat, either at the start of a work week or the end of a tough day.

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drank White Monkey by Adagio Teas
13 tasting notes

Very light green tea with a sweet flavor that reminds me of honey. Not at all grassy like some green teas can be but not as flavorful as I would’ve liked.

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drank Pi Lo Chun by Adagio Teas
1629 tasting notes

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180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Pi Lo Chun by Adagio Teas
1629 tasting notes

Steeped for 2.5 minutes and drank it this afternoon. A nice, smooth, mild green tea.

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drank Pi Lo Chun by Adagio Teas
1629 tasting notes

Blended this iced with Rishi Blueberry Rooibos, Adagio Pi Lo Chun, Mighty Leaf Organic Spring Jasmine, Numi Rooibos. I don’t know if I’m a fan of this tea alone, so I used it in the blend to just use it up somehow.

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drank Pumpkin Spice by Adagio Teas
124 tasting notes

My opinion of this improves each time I try it. I think changing my expectations makes all the difference. The word “spice” should be completely removed from the name. This tea is all about the subtle flavor and sweetness of pumpkin. When I load up on the sugar and milk this is a fantastic rival for hot chocolate or lattes. It might actually be good with something added from the home spice rack next time.

6 min, 0 sec

Maybe I got a faulty tin, or maybe your palate’s just more sensitive than mine. I had a horrible time with this one and I used up the entire tin trying to get it to taste better. I’m glad to hear that someone’s enjoying it, though.

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drank Pumpkin Spice by Adagio Teas
124 tasting notes

Much better this time around with soy milk and turbinado sugar. Had a sweet dessert tea taste.


You had better luck with this than I did. I wanted to like it so freakin’ badly, too. Love your avatar, by the way.


Aw thanks. The picture is by artist Kurt Halsey.

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drank Pumpkin Spice by Adagio Teas
124 tasting notes

Not strong on the pumpkin or spice. It was a decent black tea, but needs something more. I’ll try it with milk next time.


It’s bagged, but Stash’s pumpkin tea tastes pretty strongly of pumpkin spice. I could mail you a bag or two if you want.


Mmm good suggestions. maozed, I will eagerly accept any tea you send my way.

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drank Citron Green by Adagio Teas
260 tasting notes

This is probably the first of Adagio’s teas that I can see myself re-ordering. After reading what other people have written, I was hesitant to try it because it sounded like it was going to be cloying and blech.

When I popped the lid off the smell punched me in the face. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to make me jerk my head back. Not to be deterred, I measured some out and poured the water over it. It’s at times like these that I am so, so glad that exists because it greatly reduces the chances of me oversteeping anything anymore.

One, I think that the color of this tea is gorgeous. It’s like a very, very pale shade of chartreuse. This may have been improved by the fact that I just got a new mug from Crate & Barrel and I LOVE IT []. It really does work, too! Keeps the tea hot a good deal longer than my other ones do and I can pick it up without fear of burning myself. AND it’s so very pretty. Feed the birds, Bodum.

The tea itself was surprisingly lovely. I put in about a teaspoon for 8 oz. of water and steeped it for 2 minutes 45. This could probably go to 3 minutes, but I was very afraid of oversteeping it. The flavor was light, and the citrus taste subtle. I get a lemon scent from it, but the taste is more reminiscent of lime.

A lot of people have compared this to froot loops, but I never really ate a lot of froot loops so I can’t confirm or deny on that account. All in all, I found it extremely refreshing. I should also mention that I’m a huge fan of citrus, so if you don’t like it…PBBBBBTHHHT. I’m kidding, but you should obviously avoid this one.


I always thought it tasted like Fruity Pebbles myself which, since I can eat a box of that in a day if I don’t control myself, you’d think I’d be all in favor off. But nope, apparently I can only do that taste with unnaturally colored breakfast foods. Though I do believe I’m in the minority on that one.

I have a couple of the 8oz Bodums. LOVE THEM. I did have to get used to drinking black tea in them, though. The outside would stay so cool that I’d think the tea had cooled and yeah, not so much. But that’s more my own personal stupidity instead of any fault of the glasses so I luf them.


I also love my Bodum. Best part for me is being able to stare deep into my tea and enjoy the color. The yellow teas cause the rim to shimmer like gold. It is calming.


@augzimm Unnatural coloring is a criteria that I use for a number of excuses…of which I will not get into. All kidding aside, if the taste on this tea were any stronger I would probably not enjoy it; it’s the fact that it’s only a light overtone that makes it good for me. I also can’t see me drinking this often, but sometimes I crave a light, bright flavor from my tea and this is definitely going to be my right hand man.

@bothofy’all I haven’t been impressed with Bodum’s products in the past, but their drinkware is the shizz. I prefer drinking out of clear mugs mugs or mugs with a bright white interior so that I can enjoy the color of my tea. Bodum allows me to do that, PLUS it looks cool, PLUS it insulates! I want to buy sets and use them for EVERYTHING. [Though I do see myself needing to be careful about not burning my tongue, @aug3zimm. I already do that enough as is.]


I LOVE ADAGIO! is ok, but this is MUCH more exact. And multifunctional- it not only is a timer, but it’s a thermometer.


I was looking at that the other day, and if I’m being honest will likely end up snatching one up. The thing I love about is the convenience of it, though. I can use it anywhere since I’m almost always near a computer.

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drank Gunpowder by Adagio Teas
865 tasting notes

I have the mint leaves from my morning matcha I wanted to use up so I added 3g of gunpowder to them and drank it w/ my tortilla crusted fish lean cuisine which is actually really good for microwaved fish. Yum!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

2nd infusion, 4 min. W/ dinner- ham, pepper jack, roasted red pepper, green olive pannini w/ miracle whip and italian dressing and seasoned french fries w/ a buffalo ranch dipping sauce.


3rd infusion, 5 min after chocolate fat free frozen yogurt.

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