Adagio Teas - Duplicate
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Usually black teas are pretty straight forward when it comes to preparation, this one, however; I find easy to over-steep. When over-steeped, it gets very bitter and actually makes me sick to my stomach. When brewed correctly though, it is somewhat enjoyable and has a rather soothing aroma.
Traveling Tea Box Tea!!!
Today was just not my day. I didn’t hear my alarm and woke up at the time I usually leave for work! I rushed and packed my lunch only to forget it at home. It was (still!!) pouring rain when I left for the train, and the walk left me splattered with mud. I was 35 minutes late for work!
I wanted a strong black tea with milk and sugar but my little container of milk is in my packed lunch at home. Sigh! I remembered that Golden Moon’s Vanilla Jasmine put me in a fantastic mood, but of course the tin is at home! Double sigh! As I was digging through my tea stash at work, I found this one! It’s in a “gourmet bag” – one of those nylon sachets – and has a TON of pearls in it! I thought I’d give it a try – no measuring, no fuss.
Color me very pleasantly surprised (I’m not a huge Adagio fan) – it’s delicious! Flowery but not overwhelming or sickening…almost fruity too? Heady and sensual. I really like the oolong tea base – is that the fruity part I wonder? It’s very peachy/apricot! No bitterness. Absolutely delightful.
A second steep at 6 minutes: Once again, lovely. Softer floral and fruit but very, very delicious. I think it still has more to offer and I am going to try another steep after lunch – I’ll edit this post :)
Thank you Traveling Tea Box!!! You have completely changed the nature of my day – MUCH for the better!
EDIT: 4 lovely steeps, but I’m getting ready to leave for the day and can’t try a fifth – I think this tea could handle it, though!
Love this one! I go for a higher temp (200ish) w/ a shorter steeping time (3 min). I’m still not sure why the flavor seems stronger that way…
Do you know if this sachet form is the same as loose Jasmine #12 – or some other Adagio tea? I like it enough to purchase but would rather get loose, but will get this if there is no one on one equivalent.
I have never tried a sachet from them and would never… especially something so beautiful to steep as this:) Log onto live chat or email them and ask.
I chatted :) (ooh never did that before!) and it is indeed Jasmine #12! I haven’t made an Adagio order since Jan 30 2009 (I looked it up on the site – he hee!) but I think this tea is totally worth an order!
I enjoy this blend. It ha a strong black base with a slight hint of rooibos. The flavors seem to meld together into a flavor of their own. I don’t know how to really describe this one. Too much going on in my brain after a stressful workday to really tear it apart. Just trying to enjoy the relaxation a cuppa tea brings. Maybe green tea would have been a better choice for me right now.
In it’s defense this tea has probably been in the pass for some time and by the time I got it, it probably lost a lot of flavor and maybe took on the flavors of the other teas in the box. As a result, it was not good. Basically flavored water with all ingredients unidentifiable when tasting. I am sorry, but I probably need to taste a fresh batch.
Sorry you had a bad experience but something indeed must have gone wrong as one adjective I would use describing this tea is “intense” (regardless of if you like the taste or not)
I too am surprised by the flavor or lack there off. I have had Aries and I LOVE it. I intend to review it as well but want to drink it again so my tasting notes would be fresh. However, I think what happened here is that it was left in the pass too long. I will prepare it again and if necessary I will update my rating here. I too am sorry I couldn’t write something better.
This one’s been sitting in my cupboard for awhile, maybe for good reason. The bright orange color seems to be its best point. It seems that 5 minutes was too long, or I used too much leaf or something, because this is almost undrinkabley bitter. I can get some of the fruity muscatel flavor still, but for the most part my tongue is overwhelmed with the astringency. Some milk mutes the bitterness and brings out more grapey flavors, but I’m definitely going to have to play with this a little to get it right.
Another sample polished off, this one from TeaEqualsBliss. I’m taking it with milk and a touch of honey and it really does have sort of a London Fog-ish quality to it. The vanilla and the cream sweeten it pleasently and balance out that strong-flavoured earl grey that Adagio blends.
This tastes a great deal better with a shorter steep – and I also used a bit less dry tea aswell. It’s certainly tasting creamier, sweeter, and smoother and I bet I could make an awesome London Fog out of this – I’d only need to add the steamed milk. I’ve decided to up the rating a little bit, too.