Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee
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I couldn’t decide what to drink this morning and polled my Twitter followers. Someone suggested an Irish Breakfast and this is the only one I had.
I’d forgotten how lovely this blend is! I took it straight without any sweetener or cream and it was very lovely. I of course drank it from my Weeping Angel mug. And then just to finish off the pain, I watched The Angels Take Manhattan. Ooooops.
Had a cup this morning at work. God why am I such a sucker for earl grey blends.
I love that you have those Doctor Who fandom blends!!! :O I was tempted, especially by the pretty tins, but couldn’t really justify it… :|
i have to admit, i have over 20 other teas but the Adagio Blends that i have do tend to stand out in my collection.
Earl Grey for Rory, Irish Breakfast for Amy, with a bit of blueberry for the now-quiet TARDIS. Added sugar and just a touch of cream and then watched The Angels Take Manhattan and cried into my mug.
Such a sad episode. Can’t bring myself to watch the first half of the season again because I know how it will end. Can’t wait to see the Christmas episode!! Have you seen the Adventure Calendar?
Ahhhh yes I know I love the advent calendars! I wasn’t a huge Amy fan until the last half of Season 6. Now I adore her. I’ve done a Time of Angels cosplay for Comic Con next year and it’s such a fun costume!
Fun! So jealous :) I’ve wanted to go to Comic Con, but there is absolutely no way I could ever afford it.
Yeah it’s super pricey; I’ve been saving up for a while now. Even if it pans out, there are a couple closer to me like Emerald City Comic Con. :D
oh goodness thank you for this link! i didn’t know about it and now i have it book marked.
i’ve been to dragon con in Atlanta GA twice, and a handful of smaller cons including katsucon. it’s never dull and even the small slightly depressing ones are worth the time like nothing else hah.
Do you cosplay too, Shmiracles? There’s one in Columbus, Ohio I thought about going to. Also, would love to go to a Doctor Who convention :)
There’s that big Doctor Who one called Chicago Tardis that might be convenient for you to get to? I’ve never been, but I always end up in Chicago during Thanksgving time and consider abandoning my boyfriend’s family for scifi fun!
i don’t cosplay really. i just do little things like wear a bowtie and suspenders with my button up shirt and jean skirt. (i call it my lazy eleven outfit.) or cuz i’m a runner i do races dressed as supergirl. which is also a lazy costume of a red miniskirt, a superman t-shirt, and a red riding hood cape. or when i wear my thermal green running hoodie on trail runs, i think of green arrow.
now watch this!
This is my favourite tea I’ve tried so far from Adagio! I tried it while at work and my coworker was so intrigued by the scent that I made her a cup of it as well. The earl grey moonlight has the extra cream and sweetness already in the leaves, and the lemon and coconut soften it so nicely. It’s warm and cozy and it smells divine in the bag.
I’m really glad I gave this one another try — I steeped it for longer and now I get more of the blackberry. Still no vanilla though. :/ Added a drop of stevia to sweeten and it’s a lot tastier than my first attempt.
I was a bit skeptical about trying this because I’ve never had white tea before. Plus the smell in the bag was a little off putting. However upon tasting it I had a way better opinion of this tea. In the cup the smells like cinnamon rolls and even tastes like them too! It doesn’t need much sugar just a small amount will do. It might also be good with a little honey.
This is another great blend that is on my favorites list. It smells so good in the bag and tastes better in my tea mug! I was a bit skeptically about it at first, since of the vanilla. I’m not too big on vanilla. However blended with Earl Grey Bravo, and Blackberry it’s surprisingly pleasant!
I’ve been waiting for this for awhile.
Opening the bag, the smell is really sweet and strong, like a cherry-flavored cough drop or hard candy. It smells great.
The tea is a light pink color, and it’s delicately sweet. The cherry plays nicely with the appley flavor of the chamomile.
I’m so in love with this tea. Nothing helps post-ER trip recovery like a cup of this blend. Rory is absolutely the best nurse possible. The tea is sweet and comforting, and smells absolutely delicious. In a way, it reminds me of sweet potatoes with marshmallows and brown sugar on Thanksgiving, but the sweet potato is definitely not too overpowering. This one’s a new favourite.
Love love LOVE this tea. I first discovered Adagio as they were having their Sherlock sale, and fell in love with the idea of fandom blends. I noticed in reviews that Mycroft tasted like cake, and really couldn’t resist the purchase.
At first I was a little disappointed, as the cakey flavor wasn’t coming through much at all, and the chocolate was impossible to taste at all. Then I added a little bit of sweetener, and that made it perfect! Sugar really brings out all the flavors perfectly.
I meant to only let the tea steep for five minutes, but I kept fumbling with my timer.
Anyway, the wet leaves today smelled toastier than yesterday, and the tea itself seems to taste a bit grassier. I think I let it steep too long because it’s much bitterer than yesterday. Still, it is quite creamy. I just need to experiment a bit more.
This tea is a robust cup of comfort. The smell of the dry leaves is surprisingly sweet, undoubtedly due to the honeybush hazelnut, but the wet leaves smell more like earthy black tea.
To brew a strong cuppa, I added one-and-a-half spoonfuls of tea to one cup of water that had only just stopped boiling and let it steep for five minutes. I, of course, drank this with skim milk, as I do with most of my black teas. The mouthfeel is smooth—other reviews on Adagio refer to this as “creamy,” a term with which I must agree—and the assam and Irish breakfast teas give it pleasant body.
I recommend this tea for a rather dreary afternoon, when all you really want is to climb back in bed. This tea gives you a kick in a lovely cuppa.
Wow, I think I forget I have this one a lot of the time. I don’t drink it very often due to the mate. This one tastes much better at lower temps, steeped for ~5 min. This tea tastes more chocolaty than Adagio’s chocolate chai, that’s for sure! Lots of nut notes and a small amount of cinnamon.
I would suggest people just buy the mocha nut mate because the cinnamon in this does not influence the flavor enough to really warrant the blend.
You’re quite sucker for punishment.
Also, thanks for starting my Adagio addiction… :p