Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee

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I don’t own this, but I’m putting out a begging note of PLEASE IF YOU HAVE IT AND WANT TO GIVE IT AWAY, PLEASE, PITY A BROKE COLLEGE STUDENT WHO LOVES BBC SHERLOCK AND WOULD ADORE TRYING SUCH A FUN SOUNDING TEA. I know, I’m cheating, putting this as a tasting note…but I REALLY want to try it!!

In other news, WHO HAS FINISHED SERIES 3 OF SHERLOCK? I want to talk to people about it!

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I had the rest of the small sample that I took off of the TTB from NayLynn today. I keep coming back to this tea. I am tempted to order a 3oz pouch. Maybe if someone reads this and they are interested in trading out half of a pouch it would put me over the top. This is a nice vanilla, coconut and fruity blend. Definitely a tea I need to be in a bit of a mood for but one I keep finding very enjoyable.

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TTB&C #7

This was the tea from the 11th Day of Christmas this year. I really enjoyed this tea and I was glad to be able to enjoy one more cup. This is a nice vanilla assam, with hints of fruit. This is one of adagio’s blends I have been tempted to order. This one continues to be a hit for me.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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This was the tea for the 11th day of Christmas in the 12 days of Christmas swap. Thank you Isaila!!

I have had 2 cups of this so far. The first cup seemed much sweeter than the second. It could just be my mood or the way I steeped. I taste the malty-ness of the assam, and I get the vanilla, but I am having a hard time detecting the apple and the coconut, maybe this just adds to the sweetness of the tea? I see the apple pieces in the blend, but get no hint of the apple flavor. I am finding I really enjoy vanilla assam teas. This was a very enjoyable cup of morning tea. Thank you!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Dry leaf smells smoky and chocolatey. Strawberry scent comes out when steeped. It’s nicely balanced in flavour, but the smokiness can eventually overpower everything else when oversteeped. Overall, an enjoyable tea that is very reminiscent of Sherlock and Irene.

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I love sailor moon, and Jupiter is my favorite Sailor. Her tea matches her perfectly. Its really sweet and honestly tastes a lot like chocolate chip pancakes and syrup. The vanilla rooibos chai brings a light spiciness to the blend. The vanilla rooibos blends seamlessly into the tiger eye. It’s just delicious, okay?

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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A light earl grey mixed with bitter irish breakfast and a pinch of cinnamon. Its an odd tea, but its good. Not an everyday tea for me, but definitely drinkable. I don’t think I’ll buy more, but I definitely will drink what I’ve got.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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Oh wow. Bought this for the fandom reference, obviously. I am not a fan of lapsang souchong, to be honest. It’s a bit strong for me. So when I opened this and it was a spiced lapsang souchong, I knew I was not going to love this blend, as much as I adore Mr. Holmes. I wasn’t sure how I was going to even USE this tea for a while. Then, on a whim, I mixed it with a package of hot cocoa mix. And it was delicious. Not drinkable alone for me, because its flavor profile is just not my cuppa. However, with the hot cocoa mix, I love it.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This tea is very coffee like, in a great way. The chocolate chai gives it a light spiced taste, and a cocoa powdery like mouthfeel. The irish breakfast brings a little bitterness, and the hazelnut is warm and nutty. All in all, one of my favorites

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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I have trouble detecting any apple, but the coconut is definitely there. It’s a coconuty black tea, as the description suggests. The name is a bonus for those of us who are Whovians.

BECAUSE I like Doctor Who, I wanted to like this tea more. But alas, it wasn’t meant to be. It’s just a little too weak and gets bitter a bit easily. I’m still happy to try it for fangirlish reasons, though.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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I haven’t been drinking anything out of the box lately so I’ve not been too active with posting on here :( I’m still here, just lurking due to no new teas.

So this is just a quick hey. I am testing out this iPhone app so I thought I would just review this. It’s my morning tea because it is “thicker” than my fruity black tea I drink at night. I have found that it is better to drink with 1 tsp per 8 oz instead of my usual 1.5 for black teas. A little goes a long way with this one!

212 °F / 100 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Mmmmmm, snow day! Time to break out a tea while I start the homework that was supposed to be due today! Shhhhh. It was only watching movies and taking notes for extra credit, so nothing too major. This is sort of a backlog, I have drunk this one before. This is actually the first tea I bought online!

I steeped this one at 212 for about 3 minutes. I did 3 teaspoons per 16 oz, I was in the mood for more of a thicker cup.

First sip:
This is so smooth! It is so nice to drink. It just glides down my throat. I let it cool for a bit, so it is a little hotter than lukewarm and it is so easy to drink! I am really glad I picked this for my first cup today. Also, it is really easy to drink for an earl grey. It is not too overpowering with the bergamot.

Finishing off the cup:
I was very happy with this tea. It was such a pleasant cup to drink. I am usually not a fan of the sweeter teas, but this one wasn’t like drinking a cup of sugar. This was refreshing without being overwhelming.

Overall, I really liked this and I am very happy with this being the first tea I bought online. It is very drinkable and I see myself coming back to this tea in the near future. Maybe not today, but sometime soon. Only one thing though, I don’t watch Dr. Who… so…

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

there’s an easy way to fix that… start watching! heh

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Moving this to the right place; I failed to find this last night after repeated attempts. Thanks to Roswell Strange for sharing the proper place!

Oh Steepster, are you having hiccups again? Boo. Thus my reasoning behind why I’m struggling to say who exactly sent this tea via the 12 Days of Christmas swap – however someone did. Even drew The Doctor with a bowtie on the baggie! So awesome.

The person who shared this also shared that this tea gets bitter quick, and boy were they right. I steeped at a lower temperature and for less time, and yet I still get astringency right off the bat. As per usual, some sweetener helps to tone it down a bit, however my mouth is still dry and puckering. I get a touch of caramel in there, definitely the cream from the coconut, and little else other than – dry base. :(

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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Another sample from MissB. :) Another fandom tea, and I’m not part of the fandom. Welcome to Night Vale, I believe…

This smells really chocolatey. I put some coconut milk into this one, just because.

It’s not bad. It’s quite faint chocolate, but I think there would be more flavour if a little sweetener was added to the tea. I think I preferred the blueberry Tardis tea, though. The chocolate just isn’t quite the right chocolate flavour for me.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I’ve yet to try this, it was the ingredient list that got me!


I’m super picky about my chocolate teas. :) This one is good, just not quiiiite right.

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I like this, but I don’t love it. Why am I drinking this so late? Bah. Bah!



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Interesting tea. I grabbed it because I’m becoming a huge fan of Cara McGee, and the ingredient list seemed compelling to me. Vanilla chocolate ginger chai with a gunpowder base? Okay, I’ll bite.

Really unique blend, and I understand now why the description reads “never dull”. Every sip is a bit different. Sometimes I get smoky chocolate, other times (like my last sip) I’m getting vanilla chai with granular ginger. The base is always present, it’s just the accents that differ.

Do I like it? It’s intriguing. It’s far from love, however I do appreciate the blend and complexity.

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec

=0\ hmmm.


I think I put some in your box that should have been there today. If I forgot it, I’ll add some to the new bag already started for you. :P


new? what new? stop it!!!!!!


It’s just a given. Someone sends me some oolong or strawberry, and I plunk it off to the side for you.

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Oh TARDIS Blend, you’re amazing as per usual. I had to grab more of you when I lucked out and got a Sherlock set at Adagio’s sale, and so now I can stop hoarding you.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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