Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee

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had a giant cup first thing when i got to the office, along with my chocolate tea biscuits,


It’s a good day for biscuits! Chocolate + Perfect Carlos – of course! Perfection is perfect. (Also perfect is the Terry Gross Joaquin Phoenix interview – no spoilers for the movie, just a warm fuzzy feeling of personal acceptance and self deprecation.)

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Waiting for the bus in the rain, in the rain, Wait-waiting for the bus in the rain. Waiting for the bus in the rain, in the rain, Wait-waiting for the bus in the rain….

i’m listening to my first Nightvale episode ever. well, actually now i’ve moved onto my 2nd episode. but you know.

i guess i started out a bit more confused with the whole podcast than i thought i would be? not that i was really trying to make sense of it, not at all, but more like i’m not sure i speak their creative language yet.
guise don’t jump on me okay i’m just along for the ride :)
the ride on the bus.
that i’m waiting for.

i picked this tea because it was the first thing he said that was a tea i have here.
a vanilla forward scented blend, with vanilla creme and a kind of warm oily note from the sesame.
this MIGHT be one of the FIRST blends i’ve had that i REALLY get each of the teas in the taste. all the teas are present and accounted for.

i’m gonna try to listen to 1 or 2 episodes a day while i do numbery stuff at work.
welcome to nightvale shmiracles!


Sami Kelsh


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It’s a grumpy cat kinda day!

Here are romantic dubstep mixes:

I am over it, ppl. I miss hanging out with teenagers. I want to do yoga on the beach.


Oh geez. Those mixes made me think of this.
How, why, I have NO idea. And now I have the album playing in the background.


I’ve never seen that video! So early 80s and trippy. I watched soooo much MTV in 1984, too. Thanks for the link!


I grew up with that album. My parents have a very interesting taste in music. :)

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Ah, brew for 2:30 minutes, not 3+. It’s just smoky this time, not as bitter. Hahaha kind of like Derek, Season 3 part B.

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Had this yesterday while cooking Polish food and watching TeWo with my sis… while wearing my Stiles hoodie. Sometimes fandom just services itself. 3rd cup of the day after Sebastian Michaelis & Forest Draught.

Smoky and bitter! HAHAHAHAHA oh Derek. I’m GREATLY AMUSED by these Stilinski & Hale blends. I thought this one was a bit harsh, but it def grew on me after a few sips.

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i do not…. understand.

i got not licorice.
i got no orange.
i got caramel? caramel…. is that you? where have you been? have you been hiding out with adagio playing favourites with MissB? if so, i will admit my feelings are moderately hurt… but really i’m just glad you came back for a quick stop by!

i didn’t smell caramel either…. i have to conclude it really was taste. i had a sense of nuts (nonspecific) and caramel.

maybe MissB put some sort of voodoo over it? lol. sadly i was so distracted by amazement that my entire review consists of ‘I COULD TASTE IT!!!! WOW!’. not much else. (sorry….. but it was very good!)

it also had a warmth that was not generated from heat or spice. riddles upon riddles!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML



agreed. and also strange. lol.


Yes and no. Flavour and scent can be an interesting alchemy and at times are perceived uniquely by each individual. It would be interesting to know what unique combo results in caramel.


yes and true. if i had read the description i may have had misgivings: caramel, licorice and orange does not sound right to me… but somehow it wound up being a genuine, well balanced caramel to my palate? though i tend to be a bit odd, lol.


Maybe the liquorice added just enough sweetness and thickness to the tea to make the caramel jump out? Not sure about the orange unless it tempers some of the notes that licorice can sometimes have?


On my Reichenbach Recovery package I have notes that say it’s hazelnut, caramel and earl grey bravo making it up, not liquorice or orange though she might have changed the blend since then.


i was just reading what was in the description on steepster…. yes, i would guess the blend has changed. it was a very surprising experience!


ah! but I loved the earl and hazelnut!

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okay so if you don’t wanna ever have to consider or think about fictional characters having gay love moments then scroll away now!!!
because i read a story once in which Greg knew Sherlock when he was young and in college and kinda a mess with drugs. and Greg saved him from lots of law problems. Sherlock’s brilliance being obvious and even more blinding when compounded with youth. and Sherlock being anti-social and friendless even more alienating when compounded with youth. and in this story young Sherlock seduced the pained and haunted detective. making them kinda forever grateful and changed and connected through a familiar understanding of i knew you then when things were so ugly and we were islands.
we were islands.
and that is my Lestrade.

the new series has him with a strained warmth that more vintage versions of Sherlock Holmes don’t quite embody.
and i love modern Lestrade so so much.
also this tea does smell kinda like the idea of his well used car/leather shoes/stubbled face/old coffee cups.

it’s the rare and strained warmth of a sensitive BAMF.


Duuude. Lestrade though. He was the first of the fandom blends that I bought and I kinda died when I finished the last of him last year!


I’d have to agree with you. BBC Sherlock’s Lestrade is my favorite incarnation of the character.


Oooooh, that’s an interesting match! I’m so used to thinking of Lestrade with that OTHER Holmes, (and boy, have I grown to like him too…)


Also, you should start ALL your tsating notes witih warnings like that so I know which ones I need to hurry and scroll down to the best parts for!

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tea number 666 !!!!!
six six six!!
cuz he’s evil! Moriarty is EEEEvillll!

(okay goodnight.)


haha… I’m hoping Moriarty is secretly the brother that Mycroft mentions as “the other one” on the newest ep.

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i’m not really a green tea girl. i drink them and i’m always looking for one that helps it all click for me, but i don’t seem to have found it yet.
the apricot is nice, the vanilla gives it a smoothness, but for me it’s ultimately just too light. i drank most of it but i didn’t finish the cup before it got cold. then i put a plate over the mug to protect it from cat mouths and just added some hot water in the morning before i gulped it down.
it’s an appropriate tea for Thranduil, but not for me. (maybe my sister will like it :))

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Here to fore be known as “Grumpy Wizard”.

step 1.) avoid cleaning your room for 2 months
step 2.) tell yourself all day that you’re going to clean your room as soon as you get home form work
step 3.) brew a big cup of gandalf and organize your fic until 2am instead
(a large part of that time was taken up searching for one specific story that i just read maybe a week ago but i’m convinced now that i must have made it entirely up because it is NOWHERE to be found! wtf!)

pretty nice tea for the evening cuz it’s mellow.
but this wizard’s magic was totally no help with the chores.
thanks thanks thanks jump62359 for the opportunity to try the original Gandalf.

my cat tried to drink out of the cup, but don’t worry i punched her. (*no i didn’t. chillout peeple i wouldn’t really punch a cat)


UGH I hate when that happens! The wandering/missing/did it ever really exist??? fic.


Was it a dream? I don’t even know what that fic was but the fact that you spent so much time searching for it has convinced me that it must be on the top of the rec list and why haven’t I read it yet? /flails/


I have spent weeks before looking for that one story with that one line I like so much but can’t remember perfectly. Weeks. So I understand.


funny enough i found a tumblr the other day that was ONLY ppl describing random fic plots and the moderators would help them find the fic!
i thought it was hilarious.

anonymous said:
it’s a clint/phil story where they work together and then they sit on the couch at Shield and then Hawkeye shoots arrows pew pew and then they get drunk/trapped/lost/camping/etc and kiss goodnight… can you help me find it thanks!?

here it is, dragon!clint / merman!phil meet at a pub linklinklink enjoy!

(i’m joking. it was actually a helpful blog. and accurate! they are achieving the impossible! dreams can come true.)


oh, but it was only clint & phil plots. and the fic i lost had neither dude in it.


That’s an amazing public service.
Also, I think I need to start tagging my fic with !‘s (Demon!Dean, Child!Sherlock etc). I will never be done tagging. I should probably stop so I can just read more fic but my brain won’t allow it.


They have a journal on Livejournal that was just for fic finding. Usually one sentence was enough for someone to recognize it – kind of hilarious.

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i saw the gifs of the DWARVICISE yesterday on tumblr for the first time.
so here you go!
thank you jump62359 for the dwarven party!


That is awesome!!! So awesome, it almost needs more exclamation marks. :)


I’ve never seen this video before and OH GOSH ORI YOU CUTIE PATOOT.

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wow does THIS blend suit the character perfectly!

earthy gunpowder mixed with creme and aniseed.
like an old leather jacket.
it has an edge. and a mystery is just built into the uniqueness of the blend that will probably get me drinking it more often than i would have ever expected.


Ooo. This one is going on my list. :D

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This is another blend from MissB! Thanks so much! I tried the other Tardis blend last week. This one is black tea rather than a mix of black and white. Both have berry. This one is supposed to be blackberry but it really just seems like hints of blueberry. I went with a really low steep time. I’ve had a similar blend from Adagio in the past – Jane Austen Mafia and the blackberry leaves ruin the tea if steeped too long. So a two minute steep it is. I don’t want to risk ruining this lovely sample! The flavor is very good, but I feel like it could be better. Mild bergamot, a little bit of berry, slight creaminess. Somehow it still seems a little bitter boiled at two minutes with one teaspoon. Honestly, surprisingly, if I had to pick between the two, I’d go with the other Tardis blend. Somehow the white tea of that one balances out the flavors and allows the berry to shine. The second steep wasn’t that great. Maybe it’s just not the blend for me. Maybe it’s for those who like lighter bergamot. Jane Austen Mafia is actually much tastier too.


I’m a huge fan of the other TARDIS tea myself, much more so than this one, which surprised me.

Josh Buteau

Wow! I really enjoyed this one, now I’m dying to try the other:) but you are right I’m definitely an Earl Grey lover first so I guess the bergamot flavor was a nice add to this:) you do have me intrigued about the other though:)


I love this AND the Jane Austen Mafia, although they area really so similar. You might be right though – JAM may actually be the nicer blend…

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OMG DUDES Cara’s hobbity-type-beings-but-not-hobbits-especially-not-hobbits-from-that-book teas are back and they are ALL wearing sunglasses!
they are incognito!! cuz they aren’t Hobbits or Dwarves shhh.
also they have black censoring tape to take care of some editing. and the names of the teas have changed into ridiculous & simple caricatures. and the whole thing is just a little bit angsty and a ton playful and super great.
amazeballs. awesomesauce. boomerangs.
i completely love it so much i wanna puke.

i drank this tea. it’s chamomile and a little hibiscus. so i just brewed it and drank it and that was that.
sorry Molly, idk why everyone insists on portraying you as so kinda flat & dull. (but then again this tea was created during season 1 i think so it makes more sense with that in mind at least.)


Oh, that’s awesome! I’ll have to talk some locals into a fandom order. :)



Sami Kelsh


I wonder how a series 3 Molly tea would differ from series 1 Molly. There would definitely need to be a shift in flavour profile.


Aaaaand I foresee another order in my almost immediate future!


Broken dreams and bitter disappointment, I think, Isaila. Could you imagine that dramatic action hero Sherlock actually meaning it? I can’t! But then, I’m a little cynical. :)


Yeah this blend was before all the kissing & slapping. :D

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i’m not the hugest Teen Wolf fan out there or anything. but there would have to be something wrong with me if i couldn’t see the appeal of a show that has a fan base like this one does.
and good casting is just good casting amiright?!!!
i totally watch episodes here and there.
usually because oddree will tell me something about the plot and then i’ll just have to go see this wonderful nonesense for myself.

so i ordered this tea cuz this is totally my sister’s ship.
but also, the blend sounded freakin delicious! definitely not really flavoured like my other teas.
and i declare this to be a very good choice i made. (yay self! yay tea!)

it’s totally a cherry tea. i mean the smell in the bag isn’t very appealing, but like many adagio teas, it’s much subtler after it’s brewed. blends nicely with the almond notes.

all the kids on this show get drama-show tortured and tormented. it’s hard enough being a teenager without all the magic ya know?? when i watched an episode this weekend, i think i must have said “poor so-and-so” at least 15 times. sheesh. sigh.


YAY! I totally appreciate the ship support – and these teas are pretty great, too. Also, the After After Show. And helping to pass the time while rolling out pierogi dough. Happy Moonday!


yay Stiles! i’ve only seen seasons 1 and 2 but i was super surprised how much i dug it.

Sami Kelsh

All I know about Teen Wolf I know from tumblr. Which means that if Wolf weren’t in the title, I’d think it was just a show about a weirdly intense dude and his snarky little boyfriend and some other people who sometimes show up I guess.

Oh tumblr. Don’t ever change.

Adagio cherry has kind of a cough-syrup note to its smell for me in its dry state, but it’s so nice when it’s actually brewed.


I watched season one and jumped ship. From episode recaps, etc, I’m kinda glad I did!


Sami, I’ve been laughing at your description since yesterday hahaha! I can’t defend the show, really, and I can’t take fanwank anymore, but when I OTP, I OTP, and I’ve been having a blast since last summer with this ship, I just choose my fics and tumblrs wisely. Even if I wasn’t watching the show, I’d try to catch the After After Show online.


i mean, i haven’t kept up but that WAS pretty much the show, really, at least 1 and 2. ha.

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you know…tonight jack wasn’t as bleh as he was the first time. Maybe it’s because i steeped it for much less time than before, but this was a much tastier cup of tea this time around, even though, as usual it won’t be my favourite ever. I am a fan of jack. he makes me happy. tonight, this was a pretty good cup of tea, and a sipdown…sooo really? win. win.

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Hello Captain! You know? I’m ok with this one. I think i’ve figured out that the adagio ceylon is NOT my preferred black base, but it’s not terrible in this one. Yes there’s a rooibos presence, but it’s not dominating. I do get the almond flavour, though it’s pretty subtle. There’s a hint of the chocolate…i guess? i think? but it’s not very strong. Do i like this tea? it’s alright…but it’s NOT captain Jack to me…and it’s not quite what it claims to be.. :)

Roswell Strange

Not sure about the tea version, but I do you me some Captain Jack ;) He can say ‘hello’ to me anytime.

Roswell Strange

**do love me


yeah…it’s weird though when Barrowman has appearances on “Arrow” head always goes whaaaaaaaa

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farewell martha! You were great while you were around and now you’re gone. This is probably one of the few Adagio teas that i quite enjoyed, enough to hold out on finishing the tin even though it’s an “older” tea that was supposed to be trying to get our of my cupboard heh.

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3500 Tasting notes. I figured Martha was a good one for that milestone, since she certainly walked a long long way. This was one of the few that in the sampler that i thought i would enjoy, and i was right. It’s good to know that in looking at the ingredients for each of the blends, i was pretty accurate in terms of how i figured i would enjoy the teas. There are a few there that changed order a little, but not much.

This one is an average blend that is on the sweet side, but not overly so. Just a pretty decent cup of caramel sort of black tea. Not too shabby!


Congrats on 3500!! One day, one day I will catch up to you.


probably! at the rate you’re going haha

Terri HarpLady

3500!! Woo Hooo You!!!


Wow, 3500! :)


Wowie zowie! Amazing!

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what a clever blend.
both sweet and strong at the same time.

i drank this on friday evening, right before leaving work. so i’ll admit it was days ago and i was a bit distracted at the time.
so hopefully i’ll add more notes later when i drink it again soon.

as of yesterday my very good friend has finally started watching Sherlock. she’s only watched the first episode so far…

[text from bff:] did you slowly develop a crush on benedict cumberbatch as you got more into sherlock?

[my response:] you just described everyone who has watched bbc Sherlock. Ever.

[my PS:] what’s martin freeman? chopped liver?!?!?

then i proceeded to send her every picture of martin freeman that’s saved to my phone. (fyi. it’s a lot a pictures. and a lot of dapper suits.)

Sami Kelsh

YAY SALLY! I think I like Sally Donovan more than even the show likes Sally Donovan. I’d watch a show about Sally Donovan.


I think I like Watson & Sherlock equally! I especially loved Watson’s badassery in the last episode. “I know how to sprain your arm, I’m a doctor.”
I REALLY want an Adagio blend based from the last episode’s really weird ostrich/cupid/katana statue they kept showing!


I don’t really get Bandytoots. Watson is my jive for this BBC version. :)

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Moonday! I’m only barely hungover, but I have insurance class to sit through still. Stiles to the rescue for all the things! If Tumblr explodes sometime around 11pm US Eastern Standard Time, that means half of a slash pairing is probably dead :X I’ll be at home reading fic for the next several months, which is why it exists in the first place.


Oooohhhh, I should check twitter. I’m SO behind on tumblr it’s not even funny.

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Is it wrong to post a tea more than once? IDK. Today is awful, again, but Stiles tea helps. And feels from this week’s episode. And fic. I leave you with fic recs:

Officer!Stiles (from the other day):


Eee!! I read the Officer!Stiles one already. So thank you for more recs. Haha.


Hahahahahaha. I am not into Teen Wolf but I do love all the types of fics! I need to label everything Unicorn! Tentacle! etc.


Also I just sent a friend a random tweet with those links. :P Hope she enjoys them but seriously! TENTACLES! UNICORNS! YES!


(Also her response was, Oh I read a Unicorn story, no wait this is a DIFFERENT one).
Fandom…. ILU

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