Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee
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A delightful sample from Scheherazade — three Doctor Who teas but I couldn’t resist slipping Molly Hooper in with them. What a fandom squish that was!
My Molly sample got me through two delicious cups this evening, chamomile very present but sweetened just nicely by the cherry. Simple and warm and tasty, a lovely evening treat.
I’m drinking this to commemorate today’s episode of Night Vale. It was quite excellent! The last two were really exceptional!
And if you’ve heard it, you’ll know why I chose this one. (minorest of spoiler;s but I squee’d!)
This tea, unlike it’s namesake, is surprisingly good. The grapefruit is mild and slightly tart, while the ginger helps bring the sour notes to the forefront. But it’s not TERRIBLY sour. I quite like it. And that’s too bad because I HATE Steve Carlsburg.
mmmmmm tea for laaaate dinner lol. We had a late lunch at the mall so now we’re having late dinner. I figure about the time we roll out the pizza, i should be good for switching to the few herbals i wanted to have tonight. I didn’t manage to drinkg nearly as much tea this weekend as i wanted to, but that’s ok. One more day left in the month! woot woot!
I’m not sure what sherlock’s experiment should taste like, but this is a tasty blend of black tea and puerh. The cinnamon and spice doesn’t over power the tea and while i can’t taste the ginger (there’s never enough ginger in most teas to suit me…) I can tell that there’s a hint of orange in this. Overall a satisfying blend.
Another from shmiracles her swap is what has both saved me in my epic quest to get to 140 for april and caused much of the issue in not being there already haha. The nice thing is, once i get to 140, i’ll still have a few of her samples left over to make a quick bump down a little lower while i continue to work on some of my older teas. :)
This may have sprinkles in it..but man this is a whole lot of lapsang in a cup. I’m not getting much in the way of anything else…but i’m ok with that because it’s kinda what i wanted. haha a little splash of maple and i’m a happy camper :)
edit: 3900 tasting notes…I think i’ll get to 4k before i hit my steepsterverary again haha. May not hit my goal of 2k teas tried though…
Anything I can send along to help the 2k goal? Or is it time that you are short on? I can’t imagine you being short on tea… :)
haha 300 new teas in 3 months :) mostly i just need to keep swapping and trying new things for fun….i will try all the teas!
thank you*shmiracles!* This is a really pleasant cup this morning. I don’t get much almond flavouring in this one but the cherry is quite nice. It’s somewhere between cherry candies and real cherry flavouring, and the assam in this one is cutting through the sweetness, preventing it from turning in to a cloying mess of blech. Thanks again for all these fun adagio blends shmiracles :)
Another tea from shmiracles. I was hoping for a bit of zing from the ginger but i’m finding instead that this is mostly just lapsang. It could just be that there wasn’t a lot of ginger in the bag or something. On the plus side, this isn’t a bad lapsang and with alittle bit of maple it smoothed out into a rather tasty cup. thanks shmiracles!
mate…blech. This one’s not terribly bad…the chestnut flavouring helps a little but i am just not a fan of mate. i don’t hate it….it just does nothing for me and most teas with mate in it…all i taste it the mate, dominanting all the other flavours. ah well, thanks for sharing with me shmiracles!
Thank you Sil for sharing this interesting sounding blend. Unfortunately, “interesting” is not a word I would use to describe the flavor. Instead I would probably use a word like “mundane” because this is like a run-of-the-mill black tea with just a bit of chocolate flavoring (fake chocolate, not the good stuff). Nonetheless, I am really glad I got to try it as this is another blend I can mark off my list.
i kind of like the idea of bruce banner being green with a side of chamomile giggling This isn’t a bad blend, but mostly it’s full of chamomile. This is a very calming blend and a nice almost end cap to the day. Relaxing and drinking this with my other tea and watching a bit of tv before tucking in to bed. yay for the weekend… (oh and thank you shmiracles for this one!)
Does the earl grey come through in this at all? The combination of earl grey and chamomile intrigues me.
I am so happy that blergamot is a word now. My better half says that earl grey tastes like dishwater. Strangely, I haven’t wanted to drink plain earl grey in at least 10 years, but there are a few blends with it that I’m fond of. But blergamot just makes me giggle so much!
i thought that i’d like this one more. it has a number of ingredients that i like and seemed like it would be a fun tasting blend. sadly, it’s pretty much coming across as a minty green. I’m not getting any of the other flavours :( Shmiracles sent this my way and i’m glad for it…even if i know nothing about this fandom, they’re fun to try! :)
this is a tricky tea…which i’m ok with since it’s loki. shmiracles sent this my way and when i opened the bag i was like “well crap…that’s uh…some jasmine” However, once brewed, the jasmine IN the tea is almost non existant. read that as “sil didn’t have to dump it down the drain” my main problem with this though was that i kept smelling the jasmine, which was turning me off the cup even though every time i took a sip, i was like oh! no jasmine lol
I’m not sure i’m getting apricot from this one. it’s not as blechy a mate as mate usually is for me, but it’s not a great cup of tea. I feel like thor should be bold and strong….or something hahaha now i’ve lost my train of though. But thank you for sharing shmiracles!
mmmmm so funnily enough, i quite liked this one! There was something satisfyingly dark and deep and yummy about this one. I had a large cup of this while watching fringe with dinner and it was just. yes. apparently i’m having a good tea day today lol Thanks for sharing this one with me cavo!
I think I might need a caramel toasted mate to help get me going on mornings like today. So out of it. Caffeine good. This is a strong contender, because it’s the only one I’ve had and there is also the awesome name. Too bad Adagio is so hard to get in Canada!
Oh! And thank you Shmiracles! This is what happens when you write notes as your bus is arriving – you forget important bits.
I can’t wait to dig into my Shmiracles samples! I smelled them and am very excited, but wanted to sipdown 40+ samples that were in loose baggies and more exposed! (Protect the samples!!!) I love the bags she uses though. I need to get those!
this one is a little better. Likely because of the ginger in it…ginger makes every thing better for me haha. Another one from Cavocorax that i can get behind. Still not an overwhelmingly AMAZING tea, but it’s not a bad little cup if you’re after a fandom sort of blend. I wish the ginger was a lot stronger in this but it did show up a little.
From shmiracles!
Excitement is in the air because I’m seeing my friends from high school for the first time in MONTHS. AHH I AM SO EXCITED.
And with that, I accidentally brewed this for far too long and now it’s turned bitter :(
Doing whatever it takes to get a decent cuppa, but nothing’s working :/ Well, at least I have a couple cold brews in the fridge that I can drink during breakfast if I completely give up on Thor :)
ok so i know i just waxed poetic about how awesome mate is(NOT)…but this one is ok. It seems the chocolate cuts through that, i’m mate…i taste like burnt chalk taste and adds to this. But you know? if it was just black tea with this flavouring… i’d like it more. so POOP ON YOU MATE! true story. but the flavours of this one at least make it drinkable…mostly. thanks cavo! one more for “all the tea!”
BLAAAAAH! Cavocorax got me. YUCK mate! gross! BOOOOOOOO! Seriously, mate is like a second hatred of mine.. NOT as much as jasmine or blergamot… but it’s up there. it just always tastes like mate. always! this is like hey… wanna bit of cinnamon with your mate. blah. sorry cavo.. BLECH