drank Chocolate Puerh by Numi Organic Tea
243 tasting notes

Back to the heat wave on the East Coast – a quick cup of this will help me wake up and get ready for today…

Infused hot, three minutes, splash of half and half, no sugar, two ice cubes. Unfortunately, it is just TOO hot to actually drink hot tea, so I am enjoying lukewarm tea. The half and half adds the smooth and creaminess to the tea that it is otherwise missing, lightens the spices and thickens the pu-erh-esq and chocolate flavors.

3 min, 0 sec

Try cold brewing it in a cup of milk for 1 hour.:)


Ooooohhh, I think I will…Thanks!


It’s so hot, isn’t it? Ugh, and where I am currently staying there is no AC. sweat


Ugh – that is terrible Lisbet, I am sorry, I’ve been brewing iced teas to try and stay cool…

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Try cold brewing it in a cup of milk for 1 hour.:)


Ooooohhh, I think I will…Thanks!


It’s so hot, isn’t it? Ugh, and where I am currently staying there is no AC. sweat


Ugh – that is terrible Lisbet, I am sorry, I’ve been brewing iced teas to try and stay cool…

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I am a sarcastic perfectionist, a computer nerd, a game geek, an avid reader, a gadget guru, a wine (and tea) enthusiast, and (in my spare time) a chemist.

As I mentioned, I am a chemist, research and development to be exact, so when evaluating tea, it is much like evaluating my products: I will find the flaws and do my very best to fix them because it is what I love to do. Along those lines, nothing is perfect, but can have perfect qualities, I will highlight those also.

I made a preliminary guide to my rating scale:
0-19 – Did not like anything about the tea, feel it cannot be saved without being reformulated.
20-40 – Did not like the tea, it can be saved with extreme amounts of tweaking (i.e., sugar, milk, honey and or blending with another tea)
41-60 – Neutral about the tea, it can be helped or hurt by additives or blends, varied temperatures and steep times
61-70 – Decent tea, needs a little bit of help to get it in the place I like it, but definitely not out of reach
71-80 – Quality tea, liked it, will try again
81-90 – Really enjoyed the tea, high quality, will continue to drink the tea, not looking for something better
91-100 – Loved the tea, will continue to brew and drink and spread the word about the tea to everyone



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