My office is moving in TWO WEEKS! I’m trying to get things on my desk sorted out and thrown away where I can, because I will have about half the surface area and maybe a tenth of the storage space. While I was cleaning my desk off, I found a sample of this hidden behind a stack of papers that I was avoiding for months and months.
So I decided to throw it in my mug so I’d have something to enjoy while I’m sorting. (Because of the way my desk is set up, and where my mini tea tray sits, mugging just works better today. I also didn’t really have enough for a good gaiwan session, but this is enough for me to steep two or three times in my mug. That works for me.)
I’d forgotten how much I enjoy this tea. I have a cake of this at home, but I haven’t touched it in ages. I should pull it out.
This tea is rich and sweet. Earthy, but not too much. Easy drinking. Great flavor.