I keep a stash of this handy in the fridge, cold-steeped for 24hrs. I then heat it up and brew other teas in the hot brewed mate. It gives a really good jolt without too much flavour, so is versatile for mixing with herbals that taste awesome but don’t give you the morning boost. I don’t like hot steeping it, I find it burns fairly easily, like a green tea. That being said, the blends that DT offers that have green mate in them don’t get the burnt taste to them if I use hot water. Weird. Anywho, cold steeping it, it’s impossible to oversteep. Half the time I leave the leaves in the pitcher for days and only filter it out when I pour it. Right now there’s no room for a pitcher in the fridge, so I have some dixie cups in the deep freeze full of it, and I use them to chill iced tea without watering it down too much and adding a boost.