1598 Tasting Notes
Another sample from Shadowfall!
Smells like caramel! Also, surprise, it tastes like caramel too! Rich notes of it in a mellow amber base. I’m not getting any chocolatey notes though but I bet this would be nice with bits of brown sugar.
ETA: This tastes a lot better with a dash of milk. The base is mellowed out further and the caramel steps aside and lets some of the chocolate notes in.
So maybe this isn’t QUITE as awesome as I thought it was yesterday, but I dig the fruity raspberries and creaminess and I’m still getting a bit of sponginess too. For some reason this tastes a bit more tart this time around, yet it’s still sweet. I wonder if I should have mixed the bag up a bit more? Maybe I drank up a lot of the coconut in the top half and am missing it now?
But you heard me – I’m halfway through this bag already! :O
Goodbye O’Sullivan’s!
I think I spent $1-2 for this sample so I regret nothing. It’s ok, but it’s not my cuppa. I thoroughly enjoyed it this morning with a hefty amount of milk and sugar, but at the same time if I wanted milk/sugar I could have just started the day with coffee.
I said it tea peeps! Coffee! :O
(It’s funny that I spent so much time trying to tell the difference between Keemum vs Ceylon vs Darjeeling etc but I couldn’t even tell you what kind of coffee I like.)
My package just said “Nina’s” on it, but judging by its smell, I think it’s Nina’s Paris.
It’s a very subtle blend where I mostly taste citrus fruit, sweetness and then a bit of tartness. Interesting, but so far je t’aime is my favorite of their teas.
It’s funny how we can all try the same teas and have such a wide range of reviews.
For me, this was one else of those teas that make you drop whatever you’re doing and start packing samples of the tea you are currently enjoying because EVERYONE has to try it. Everyone. It’s just so spongy, and fruity and light. I want to eat it up.
Sadly I finished all 12oz before reviewing it,so I can’t remember anything else right now. I resteeped it too but it’s just a sad shell of its awesomeness… The good news is I bought an 80g bag of this so I will have plenty of chances later on
I hope Ozli and CrowKettle enjoy it too and that my tastebuds weren’t just being crazy.
Oh my gosh! You’re sending me a little of this? I really, really wanted to try this tea and words cannot convey… XD
:) I hope you like it as much as I do, and I hope those little craft bags protect the samples…
Sil- that waiting must make you crazy. Is Guelph a long drive? I’d probably just ask to have it shipped over but then that defeats the purpose of group ordering… (but you don’t have to leave the house? )
Looks like I’m the first to review this tea. So, no pressure? :O
I wasn’t sure what temperature to steep this one because it has black and green teas, but I think the rule is that you steep at the lower temperature…
It smells mostly like cinnamon, but when you sip it the almond slides right it. And, oddly enough, I think I can actually taste the green tea in the blend too, which is amazing because I have a hard time noticing the bases under a lot of flavour. To me that is a sign that this blend has been balanced quite perfectly.
This doesn’t taste like it’s too strong either so it would be perfect for the afternoon or evening.
I’m not hugely into almond flavours, but this is very nice. I’d buy a sampler size of this!
Hmmmm. This is vanilla chai with cream? I’m not getting that at all. There are some chai spices, but it’s pretty muted. Maybe I needed to steep this for longer in order to get the full flavour.
I know Mycroft is mysterious, but this blend requires too much puzzling for me. Let’s see how I do with my second steep.
I probably shouldn’t have steeped this the same time as Mycroft as they have similar ingredients. I was worried I’d mix them up but the almonds in this gave it away.
I can taste the almond/marzipan goodness over a basic black base. Some people don’t like Adagio’s black bases, but I find that if I steep it for 2.5 minutes at slightly less than boiling, they taste quite nice.
I can take or leave this tea. Sadly, the same can be said for the namesake character too. He had some good moments in Doctor Who, but not enough to get me to try Torchwood.
Thanks for the sample Shadowfall
Lol. No problem. Sounds like you like it, at least better than I did. I couldn’t get past the almond. Ugh. XD
Awww, poor Jack. I love his character. I just don’t agree that this tea is his, so to speak. I really need to put together the blend I made up for him. XD Torchwood is pretty good. One of these days I’ll get around to finishing the first season. Lol!
I’ve watched a few episodes of Torchwood, but it takes a lot to get me to sit down in front of a tv for any length of time. One of these days I’ll do an all weekend marathon & watch all episodes back to back. That’s usually my method.
Well maybe someday I’ll check out Torchwood but I don’t get much tv time alone so maybe I’ll try it after I get through Downton Abbey!
I know people really adore Jack, and I liked the Face of Bo thing, but I just didin’t get the appeal I guess. But then a few episodes as a side-character might not be the best introduction.
Yeah, I loved the whole face of bo thing too! I loved captain Jack on the Dr, but I’m not always a fan of ‘spin offs’, and also, I was just getting into Dresden Files (which admittedly started out a little lame, like so many scifi channel series do, but having read the books, I had to watch it, & I thought it was just getting good). We watched the entire first season on Netflix, then they cancelled it. Initially I thought they had replaced it with Torchwood, so I wouldn’t watch it in protest. Later I realized they had actually replaced it with Warehouse 13, which I had also watched. Oh well…so much for holding a grudge, :\
oh man. i watched ONE episode of dresden files and swoer never again since it was so unlike the books and i hated the guy playing harry. they ruined it for me because i ADORE the books.
The books are great! The guy playing Harry actually grew on me by the end of that first season, but the guy I REALLY loved was Bob! LOL!
This is my first sample from Nina’s tea – I chose it randomly from the envelope it came in.
Before I looked at the ingredients in this I thought it was a chocolate tea – wishful thinking perhaps? This tea has a smooth base, and the caramel and vanilla add a bit of character to the profile. It’s simple. It’s sweet without being artificial. Like the girl-next-door of teas?
I’m pretty happy with it!