So I oversteeped this one as well! For 10 minutes? IDEK! /0\ Stupid work getting in the way of tea. :( I thought work was there just to allow me to drink tea all day and not worry about the baby? Ha.
So even though I was awful to this tea, it was very classy and didn’t complain. It’s still very tasty and fruity and a touch creamy. And there’s lemon! Yes. I get it now. I can see what the fuss is all about. It doesn’t hurt that my water is usually a bit under 100.
OMG – am I going to have order tins of EVRYTHING from H&S? Or will I get sick of certain blends? Rating = bumped, and I haven’t even tried it iced yet.
And, as I like to stay about one tea off what I’m posting about, I’m currently reading this neat genderswapped Pride&Prejudice fic: