I wasn’t sure about this one at all as I’m not a big fan of tumeric or ginger, but it was $1 or something so I figured why not! It does have licorice which I like!
OMGsrsly reviewed this earlier and helped convince me to give it a shot. And you know what? It wasn’t too bad! I decided to ignore the recommended 7 minute steep time because that just sounds like ginger-overload, and I went for 3.5. This way I get a slightly sweet, slightly tangy cup and the ginger and licorice mix together nicely. The licorice gives me that nice cool mouthfeel, while the ginger/tumeric alternately kick things up a bit. Yet it works. It really does.
I’m not saying I’d go out and buy an oz of this, but my 20g pack won’t be too hard to sipdown and maybe I’ll get more? I want a nice licorice tea and this would be handy for sick days.